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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello, thanks for the nice comments. It always does well. I am still in producing the dead-eyes. Five of Eight of the different diameters for the dead-eyes are ready. Here are some pictures:
  2. Hello, meanwhile, I have compiled an overview of all dead eyes for the La Creole. A total of 182 pieces with diameters from 6 mm to 2.3 mm.
  3. @jose_b Hi, the last monograph by Mr. Delacroix to Le Rochefort would probably be a beautiful present for Christmas. A small ship, but with a lot of potential.
  4. Hello, That makes me happy that I have inspired you with my longboat for the La Creole. Your model from the Le François and the longboat are just great.
  5. Hello, for your interest a very warm thank you, and of course also for the LIKES. Drilling with the template has turned out to be inaccurate. Therefore, I now drill with a dividing head. Because I can make the holes exactly.
  6. Hello, for the nice feedback I thank a lot. Regarding the question of deadeyes, whether round or pear-shaped, I follow the recommendation of G. Delacroix. Before the production I made a drawing. The basis for this was the Atlas du genie maritime and Atlas de Poulierie in 1855. To make the deadeyes I need a few tools as seen in the following picture.
  7. Hi Albert, thanks for the nice words. The next detail I have made for the backstays. The lower blocks of Shifting backstays were fitted with a hook, which was engaged in a ring bolt on the Channel.This ring bolt has its own small chain plate. This part was there 3 times per ship side. Now to the production. I hope the pictures explain so far.
  8. @juhu Thanks for the positive note. I assume that the two swivel guns were used only in the case of close combat. Which means that these were actually fired only once, and probably with scrap. I do not know another explanation.
  9. Hello, about your nice hints and positive comments. I am extremely happy. Here we go on with the building report: Further details have been installed, such as pin rails.
  10. @albert Thanks for the nice feedback. After the completion of the supports of the channels I looked back as the model looked without equipment. Four years have now passed. If I compare the state of the model from the year 2012 with today's so, it is already sobering. On the one hand, I find that a lot of details have now accumulated on the ship model. On the other hand, other model builders build complete models with full rigging during this time. Nevertheless, I will continue soon ...
  11. Hello Albert, the framework is simply amazing. Your performance impressed me.
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