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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hi Bava, yes, I know the picture. Nevertheless many thanks. For the sailing characteristics of La Creole I've read anything yet.
  2. Hello Siggi, all I can do is shake my head and be amazed.
  3. Thanks for the kind words and positive comments, and also for the LIKES. The next equipment parts of the French corvette is a cover for spare masts and spare spars. The weatherproof cover is a canvas, which was painted with tar. This canvas is mounted on fork-shaped iron and been completed front and back by a board. The following pictures speak for themselves and I hope you like them. Source: La Créole in Musée de la Marine Paris The image of Morel Fatio shows an example of an open storage of the reserve timber: Likewise, an image of the model of La Belle Poule: Source: Musée de la Marine Paris
  4. Hello Robert, always fascinating, what are you doing with the bone.
  5. Thank you Albert, Louie, Cog and EJ_L, your kind words are always good for a poor modeler´s soul. Thanks also for the likes. For a year I am working on the five boats for the French corvette. Now they are ready and here at the end some pictures of all five. I hope you like them.
  6. Hello, Mark and Charles, thanks for the acclaim and all for LIKES. I almost forgot small details. This gig had aft four sheaveholes. Presumably that were there to sailing and for the rudder of the gig. The sheaves have a diameter of 2 mm and a thickness of 0.45 mm and are made of brass. 77
  7. Hi Karl, this is an excellent performance!
  8. Hello Siggi, this is an excellent performance.
  9. Hello, thanks to everyone for the interest. Here are the latest fitting parts for the rudder, the thwarts and the eyebolt to see before they are burnished. The last picture shows the thwart with the already installed holder. The side panels in the bow area, which also form the conclusion of the grating are still missing.
  10. Well done! The "La Jacinthe" is a wonderful ship. Therefore, I am very interested in your building report.
  11. Hello, nearing completion the rudder still needs to be completed with fittings, as well as the mast holder. Please, see the picture:
  12. Hello, here are two pictures to the current state of construction:
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