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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Dave - you cannot give up!!! You WILL succeed. Remember, we're counting on you to inspire and instruct us on how things can be done better and better!!!
  2. Hi Newbee. Well done and you must be very pleased with how your 50 gunner is coming together. Your last photo truly emphasises just how lovely your ship is so far. There's always something magical that happens when a bowsprit and masts are added (even in this mockup stage). All of a sudden, the hull is transformed into something purposeful and beautiful. Look forward to following your progress. All the best!
  3. Hi Piet. Masterful work as always! It doesn't take much imagination to visualise your model underway, sailing off into the sunset. I'm unsure if you've already explained earlier, but can you pls explain the purpose of the sawtoothed edges on the bow? Cheers and all the best.
  4. Ok Nils and Pete. Now, here's what you're going to do. NILS - You are hereby ordered to finish your Pegasus as well as your cutter. Once finished, you will then fit the RC gear and put the cutter in the water and post lots of photos of her underway for us to enjoy. PETE - you are hereby ordered to create a build-log for your cutter as well. Immediately, would be preferable. I especially want to know how you built that canoe stern, because it's a beauty! Okay, you know I'm jesting. Seriously Nils and Pete. Well done and I'm constantly amazed at the talent and skills on this Forum! Thanks and all the best.
  5. Hi Druxey and Michael. Thanks, once again. Michael, your comments and feedback are always appreciated. Seeing what you're doing with your Cutter is truly inspirational and, need I say, spurs me onto learn and try new things. Druxey-You raised a good point about Kermit. There is a master modeller by the name of Brian King out there (I've seen a few of his books, e.g. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Advanced-Ship-Modelling-Bryan-King/dp/1854861972 ), who builds incredibly detailed warship models. In one of his books, he says that it is not as important to replicate everything at tiny scales. In fact, it is more important to make it in such a way that, to the naked untrained eye, 'it resembles the real thing' closely enough to fool them into thinking that it was far more difficult and intricate than it really is. So, taking his comments and advice on board, Kermit sort of looks like a regal lion with a crown on his head!!!!!! Thanks for your comments. All the best!
  6. Hi Jan. Thanks. The "carvings' are actually an artist' modelling paste which is used by oil-painters to get 3D type effects on canvas, eg, waves, flower petals, etc. once applied and left to dry, it dries rock hard and can be painted and sanded. There's probably much better options out there, but, it works for me. The 'gold' is Humbrol gloss enamel paint. Glad you like it. All the best! Hi Mark. Thanks for the compliment, but it's just an average sized watch. All the best!
  7. Hi Glued and Screwed. Your photos of the bulkheads and deck of your Mayflower look really good. How big and what scale are you building to? Have you started on the hull, yet? Nice lifeboat and launch. Can you tell us a bit more about them as well? I'll definitely follow along. All the best.
  8. Hi everyone. As promised, here's some more photos of Lennox. Please don't laugh at my attempt at making the figurehead which was supposed to be a regal looking lion. Kinda turned out like Kermit the Frog!!! Oh well...at least it's original! I did say that I've still got a long way to go in catching up to some of you guys out there, especially in terms of carving and moulding, etc, etc, etc! Hope you enjoy the photos.
  9. Hi MikeY and WackoWolf. Very grateful that you stopped by with your Likes. Hope you'll continue to follow and enjoy. All the best!
  10. Hi Jim. She's looking realy good. Well done and I look forward to ongoing instalments. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Hi Druxey, Hexnut, Mark, Elmer and Nigel for visiting and for your likes and comments. Nigel, I have been following your work and your current build is fantastic. I love the idea of using ebony, which is seldom used in models. I also have Richard's book and was able to correspond with him a few times. His plans are really masterfully done and of course, the book has so much information in it; that surely makes building the model all the more pleasurable. Bob - thanks for stopping by. I'll measure the frame width and let you know. Jan - In the past, I used wire in my previous model of the Bounty and nylon twine in the Victory, but as rigging material, they both didn't look too good, nor did I find them easy to use. For Lennox, my wife found some bead thread in the local jewellery/sewing shop, which I used. It's much better. Nils- many thanks! I appreciate the compliment. I'm learning to do things better with each model. As I said, I regulalrly stuff the rigging up, mainly because I have no idea what I'm doing! It's a bit like organised confusion, to me, really!! All the best everyone and thanks for following. I'll post more photos later, as well as getting back to you, Bob, with the measurement of the frames.
  12. Hi Dave. I agree with everyone - she's really coming along beautifully! That last closeup photo of the beakhead with the gratings, emphasises the quaity of your workmanship. Just brilliant! All the best.
  13. Hi Mauro. She's a real beauty! Looks the part and really nice and clourful. Well done. Are you planning your next model? If so, are you able to say what it is yet?
  14. Hi all. Thanks to all for the Likes so far! Here are some more photos. These are mainly of the decks and bulkheads, etc. Future build logs will show the masts, bowsprit, figurehead, gold decorative work and the rigging (which I must admit, is the thing I enjoy the least and regularly stuff up the most!!). Anyhow, pls enjoy these photos first.
  15. Hi Jan. Thanks and phew! I felt a bit silly after making that error in the title. The original plans were 1/48. I then had to have them professionally reduced to 1/192, which was the size that I eventually built it to. Thanks and all the best. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the photos tomorrow.
  16. Hi Jan. You're right! I believe the correct scale I worked to was 1/192, not 1/96. I'll go and fix that. Thanks for picking that up. Greatly appreciated.
  17. Thanks Jan, NMBrooks and Murphys77! Glad you liked the photos. Stay tuned for somemore photos tommorrow. All the best!
  18. Hello everyone. Although my model of the 17th Century 70 gun Restoration Warship, Lennox, was completed in mid 2013, I've decided to do this build log for two reasons, one for instructive purposes (to show how NOT to do things) and secondly, as a means to offer the plans to anyone who's interested (first come, first serve). If you are interested in the plans, then pls let me know. About the model: The model is built in Admiralty style, with large parts of the hull cutaway and deck exposed so that the interior work can be viewed. The hull is approximately 29 cms long, or 36 cm including the bowsprit. For the sake of clarity, I'll include photos starting from the bare framed hull, through to the finished model over a series of build logs. Hope you enjoy. Comments and feedback welcomed as always. The first photos start with the framed hull and further progress on the internal structures will appear in the following build logs.
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