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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Dave! Love the photos; especially the second photo with the lift ropes. For some reason, the stern windows look so real that I can imagine actually standing in your ship, looking out of the windows onto a foaming wake. It looks amazingly real and I guess that's the testament to a skilful modeller, when a photo can conjure up such thoughts. Well done!
  2. Hi Jack. Sounds interesting and look forward to following your progress.
  3. Yer... i was wondering exactly the same thing, too, when I saw the hull, Michael. The photos definitely seem to show something, but, maybe it's an optical illusion?
  4. Thanks Pete. Ok, makes sense. I'm on the other side of the fence. With my my RC yachts, I built everything, including the kitchen sink (literally, as all the internal accommodation was fully detailed inside). Externally, I also tried to replicate as much detail as possible, as well. I sailed them in the local river with 3 foot waves and 30 knot sea breezes. The amount of $$$ I spent on replacement sail winches, receivers, etc due to salt water ingress, is mind boggling. Needless to say, the local model shop owner loved me! Talk about extreme sailing. But, what you're talking about is taking extreme sailing with an extreme yacht to a whole new level. I would think it'd be best to go minimal, just to minimise breakage and damage; but that's my thoughts. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your ship heeling over, storming through the waves, under a strong breeze. Great build, so far!
  5. Hi Bensid54. Very nice so far! There's something about your hull that reminds me of a large centipede...menacing and meant for business! Can't wait to see you getting the internal mechanism in place and operational and then seeing it in the water.
  6. Hi Chasseur. Looking good so far. Looking forward to the build starting.
  7. Hi Pete. Sorry, but not sure I understand your comment "There has been a lot of great points made about the RC Boats , However something Harvey said about the scale being off got me to thinking, the key parts to those boats have to be eliminated in order for the radio gear to work . ie: the Communications tower, Steering stations and a lot of the other defining details..." Can you pls explain what you meant?
  8. Very impressive Piet. There's an air of realism about your model that is definitely eye catching! Well done.
  9. Hi Pete! Pretty darn impressive. Well done and looking great.
  10. Hi Nils. I hadn't realised that you're building this model as well as the Pegasus! Both models are seriously impressive and indicative of your talent and craftsmanship. Well done. You're amazingly talented! All the best.
  11. Hi Kees Thanks for confirming that for me. The guys look great. I especially like the photo of the skipper in the wheelhouse. Very nice!
  12. Hi Kees. Can you please explain how you are making the crew members? Are you carving them, or using sculpey, or some other method?
  13. Hi Dave I have to agree with everyone. That's brilliant work and dedication, there! Well done. All the best!
  14. Hi all. I've just got a few more things to do to the internal accommodation before I permanently glue the deck on. Well, Iast night I did one of those last jobs, which was to add a bit more life to the ship by adding a table cloth on the saloon table along with a slightly over scale fruit bowl on it! Oh well....it's hard trying to keep it real at such a tiny scale. I've also added bed sheets and pillow cases to the berths. In an effort to make it more realistic, I've also tried to vary the colour of the bedsheets and also to make the sheets look like crew members have just gotten out of the berths and left the sheets turned over. Ok, ok, ok, you may need to use a bit of imagination.... Next, I'll tackle the internal cabin doors. Hope you enjoy the photos. Comments and feedback welcome, as always. Enjoy your weeks, everyone.
  15. Hi Grant. The quality of your workmanship is outstanding and a joy to see. Well done! All the best!
  16. Is it just me, or am I the only one who thinks the boat's moving fast, even whilst standing still!
  17. Hi David. Thanks for your comments. I've always loved miniatures as well, because there's something captivating about seeing something so small, yet so precise (well, hopefully precise...depending upon one's abilities). However, I'm not familiar with the term "20C Navy". Could you pls explain? Thanks.
  18. Thanks for that! A good methodical brain is a sign of good project management and planning and organisational skills....so well done! I, on the other hand, often don't look before I leap and pay the consequences later on. Enjoy your weekend to.
  19. Hi Chasseur. Looking really good so far. I love the fact that you're taking a really methodical approach to your research, which will translate into a beautiful model. I look forward to following your progress. All the best!
  20. Hi Pete. Not long until launch day! Do you have a sense how much ballast which will be required? I'm guessing as little as possible to generate as much speed without too much heel?
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