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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Mick. It's truly amazing to see what you've done; as it is with so many other modellers on this Forum. The crispness and attention to detail makes the model really stand out. In fact, so good is your model, that it wouldn't take much imagination to imagine that it's a real full size ship. That's a credit to you. Well done and all the best!
  2. Very nice, Dave and thanks for showing us your method for what is a really tricky, but necessary part of our hobby.
  3. Hi Hans. If the left guy is your son, then he must feel justifiably proud that you've immortalised him in your ship! I also am amazed at just how colourful these ships must have been. Looks absolutely fantastic! All the best.
  4. Hi Mauro. She's looking fantastic and the crew adds heaps of character. Well done!
  5. Hi Jeff, Nils, MTaylor, Hexnut, and Perls for stopping by. It's greatly appreciated. Jeff - that's the beauty of this Forum; we can all get inspired and spurred on by other people's work. I love doing what I do, because it takes me away to another world, especially after crappy days at work! I hazard a guess that that may be the same for yourself and many other's too. All the best!!
  6. Geat work Sharpie. You've certainly set a very high bar! Functional armament would raise it even higher.
  7. She looks absolutely brilliant, Dave! I'm not sure if you've already posted it, but, if not, are you able to show photos of your method of building the gratings? They certainly look the part. Well done.
  8. I definitely have to agree! What a beautiful ship you've got there, Well done.
  9. Pete!!!! You're killing me. The more I read about your sails and this rolling mechanism for unfurling the sails, the more I want to see your ship in the water! You gotta get it on YouTube because I'm really keen to see it in action. You've done great work so far and that bulb on the keel looks like it'll really do the trick. Nice and streamlined. All the best for the weekend!
  10. Nils, my mother always taught me - " if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all..." Luckily for you and me, I only have VERY NICE things to say about your Pegasus!!! She's an absolute beauty! I always look forward to your upcoming build logs, because I know that I'll be amazed. Keep it up! All the best.
  11. Hi all! Guess what? It's Friday...and you all know what that means. Yep. It's the weekend soon. Yay. Well, Ingomar's just emerged from an in-depth session of painting. Her hull's been sanded and painted; probably more than 10 times over the past couple of weeks. After that, I applied at least four coats of thinned down gloss varnish as a clear coat. But, before all that, in terms of preparatory work, I did my best to clear up all the rough edges and clean things up. That way the finish would scrub up really nice and crisply. Nils, if you're reading this, after some consideration, I'm still in two minds about painting the drop keel the brass colour. It sounds good, but I wonder if it would stand out too much? I may still do it later. Thanks for your advice, though. I've also made the twin drum windlass in the bow of the ship (it still needs a bit of finishing off. I don't have the ability to replicate all the actual gears of an authentic windlass, so I kinda cheated and made a modern-style windlass, such as what would appear on large modern yachts today; albeit a simplified version of one. The following photos illustrate the paint finish of the hull, as well as the windlass. Have a great weekend and all the best!
  12. Hi Jerry Many thanks for posting the photo as well. I don't about you, but I was always impatient to get my RC ships into the water too. I had jury rigged them and before I knew it, they were christened by salt water. I look forward to seeing your ship coming to life. All the best and happy sailing!
  13. H Yves, Sven and for everyone else for stopping by for the "likes". Greatly appreciated! I'm in the process of painting Ingomar's hull at the moment, so there's nothing really new to show. But soon I'll be able to start on more of the deck hardware, such as the windlass, binnacle, wheel, etc. In the meantime, all the best!!!
  14. Hi HenryJames Very nice work on your Endeavour! I reckon you're doing a great job, especially with the deck fittings, etc. The hull planking looks great as well. Incidentally, once I finish my scratch build of Herreshoff's schooner, Ingomar, (see scratch build log), I'm going to start on one of Endeavour's sisters, i.e. Rainbow. My scratch build will be a miniature scale, possibly 1/192 or smaller, but fully detailed inside. Needless to say, I'll be following your build log with great interest because as I'll learn heaps from your ship! Thanks and I will definitely enjoy following your build. All the best!
  15. Hi Jerry That stern shot, with the Letraset printing really looks the part! Very nice indeed. Would I be right in seeing a transparent rudder extension on the rudder, as well? Not long to go before she hits the water? Cheers and all the best!
  16. Hi Elia. That's high praise, indeed! However, I'm sure that there'll be absolutely nothing wrong with your dories at all. They will certainly look the part, with loads of character, atmosphere and amazing crispness and attention to detail! I look forward to following your progress. All the best and many thanks!
  17. Hi Elia Thanks for the explanation about the photos. In fact, they're looking so good on my MacBook Pro, that I actually wondered if they were computer generated imagery! Makes my phone camera look very amateurish indeed!!! All the best!
  18. Hi Elia Not only is your ship superb, but so to are your photography skills! Amazing!! All the best.
  19. I have to agree with your comment about the wonders of computers. Maybe one of the Moderators may be able to help?
  20. Hi Jeff. Off to a great start and glad that you're feeling well enough to get into the man cave again. The drill price is sure pricey! I've bought a whole set of mini drills for not much more than that. The idea of putting the ship on an angle in the sea would add a nice point of interest, as would heeling it over. She should look really good when finished. Good luck with the rest of the build!
  21. Hi Bensid54 To be honest, I didn't even realise that I did it either, until I previewed the post later on. My original intention was to copy only the link so that it was clear that I had viewed your actual video on YouTube and not one of the other trireme-type videos that came up. Unbeknownst to me, however, the system actually embedded the whole video instead of just the link. I tried to edit it a couple of times to make the link appear and not the video, but I gave up! I think, in the end, it was certainly helpful that I couldn't change it. I hope you didn't mind, though. All the best!
  22. Hi Sharpie. This looks like it's going to be a lot of fun building your ship and challenging, too, without a doubt. I especially like your 'side project'. Can you give some more info on it, too? Cheers and all the best!
  23. Hi Bensid54. That's a very informative video ( ). Thanks for posting and it'd be great to see more vids as you move on. All the best! Patrick
  24. Hi Maurino. Congratulations. What a great job you've done on your fishing schooner. I especially like the atmosphere that the sails have added to your ship. She looks real and it wouldn't take much imagination to sail away in her on a fishing trip. Well done. All the best!
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