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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Nils, it's great that your son is cherishing this model as it must have so many memories for both of you. You must've got pretty emotional...
  2. Hi Mike. Did I read it right...are you actually going to build a running/working engine as well? Amazing. Challenges like that are so far out of my skill level, not to mention comfort zone, that I can't even begin to comprehend the complexities involved in getting the motor to work. Thanks also for the photos of the actual Skipjack. I can see why you chose her as your subject to build. All the best!
  3. Unbelievable Kees. In fact, if your model was actually set on the sand or partially in the sea water, it would be hard to tell if it was the real ship, or a model. Truly amazing work!
  4. Hi Keith. Looks good, It may be fiddly work, but definitely worth it in the end. All the best!
  5. Hi Dave. Hope your poker night was profitable. I love the deck planking and gratings, as well as the tops. This is going to be one beautiful model when finished. All the best.
  6. Hi Mike. Seeing that last photo nof the real boat's bow, really gives an indication of just how delicious your boat is going to look! It's going to be great following your build log. All the best!
  7. Hi Jeff Woohoo! Full steam ahead now. All the best.
  8. Hi Bob, Nils and everyone for their likes and advice. I'm still jury-rigging rigging all over the place in order to see what works and what doesn't look right. Bob- I'm sorry, but at this small scale, I'm going to have go with a simplified rig, without the detail that you're able to achieve. Sort of like sacrificing accuracy for what looks right. Here're the latest photos. All the best!
  9. Hi Popeye. Thanks for the explanation. It's starting to make sense now. So, the Christmas boat will literally have a xmas theme, if not, then some xmas decorations per se on it? If so, that'd be a really fun build and it'd be great to see it all coming together. Good luck with the preparations for your winter, too!
  10. Hi there! I've just come across your log. Your cutter looks great so far. I'm particularly envious of the tools at your disposal, especially your thicknesser/planer. No doubt, that'll definitely be useful I'm looking forward to following along. All the best and happy modelling!
  11. Hi Jeff. That definitely looked like an hour well spent, especially if it saves you spending more time fixing mistakes later on down the track. I'm really looking forward to seeing your ship coming to life. All the best!
  12. Hi Mike. Nice progress so far. A long way to go, but it'll all be worth it.
  13. Thanks Nils. You're absolutely right! Patience, patience, patience... I know it's worth it. I just wish it was easier! Thanks and all the best.
  14. Fiddly...but fun, though. It's those detail bits that I love doing. All the best.
  15. Hi Michael, Sven, Mark, Hexnut, Piet and Jud Many thanks for your kind words and Likes! More pics to follow. In the meantime, have a great week! All the best.
  16. Hi Nils. I don't think there are enough words in the English language... How many different ways can you say "incredible"??? Each time I look at your work, my admiration for your skills and talent grows even more! Great work.
  17. Hi Keith. All of your deck furniture is looking really good, as is your hull. You must be getting a great deal of satisfaction as each piece starts to come to life. Well done and thanks for sharing your CS with us. I look forward to following along.
  18. Hi everyone A quick update on Ingomar. The rigging is well underway. This is always the bit I dread the most. The photos may show absolute chaos (which, I assure you, yes, it really is chaos!), but out of great mess, comes great success...well, that's the plan anyway. The rigging is in it's early stages. All of what you see is temporarily put in place so that I can get a feel for the placement of sheets, blocks, etc. I've also added the backstays (which aren't shown in these photos) as well as the netting under Ingomar's long bowsprit. More progress photos will follow later on. Hope you enjoy. Questions, comments and advice always welcomed!
  19. Hi everyone A quick update on Ingomar. The rigging is well underway. This is always the bit I dread the most. The photos may show absolute chaos (which, I assure you, yes, it really is chaos!), but out of great mess, comes great success...well, that's the hope anyway. Hope you enjoy. Questions, comments and advice always welcomed!
  20. Hi Daniel. Looks good. Great idea to use the paint brush bristles for the masts and spars, as well. Ingenious!
  21. She looks really at home in the last photo; especially because she looks so realistic against the grey of the water. You must be very pleased.
  22. It's true! I've had a heck of a day and need to unwind! Sorry....
  23. Hi Dave. Good point about keeping things that we don't need. Mmmm. Makes perfect sense....unless.... Hypothetically speaking of course, maybe you were to build a third Mayflower? Hint...
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