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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Igor I like the way you did those clips! A really neat idea which I may just nick for the next time I need to do them. Thanks! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Igor Thanks! I'm happy that she's starting to come together now. Cheers and thanks Patrick
  3. Hi everyone and many thanks for all of your comments, Likes and feedback - Much appreciated! Well, I'm a happy chappy, because I've finally gotten around to painting the hull. However, I'm not sure that my photography skills can properly show just how smooth and glossy the hull above the waterline is looking. It's a pity, because to me, the finish on the hull is looking pretty spiffy. Still lots of work to go, such as tweaking the railings (at the moment they're just temporarily put in, hence why they're embarrassingly crooked. There's also the life rafts on the Sun Deck, the propellors, rudders, more painting and finishing the internal accommodation, that needs to be done. Oh, by the way, in a couple of photos you'll see my other 'pride and joy'. It's my Colnago C60 carbon fibre road bike. She's a beauty, too. I hope you enjoy the photos. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Carl A really nice start on shaping the hull. The stern looks like you're well on your way to doing the hull justice. My only thought was why you chose to use plywood for the hull, instead of a solid block of wood. The challenge being, as I see it, being able to seal the plywood properly so that the individual layers are not visible once painted. Having said that, that's only a very minor criticism as I'm sure you're going to do a fine job. All the best and I'm looking forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Denis Wow, you've made heaps of progress since your last update. The resin's going to add strength and rigidity, as well as giving you a solid foundation for the painting. I'm still struck by (I know I've said it before), just how different it is from your original hull. Your gut-feeling that the first hull didn't fulfill your original vision is vindicated by this new boat. It just shows that you made the right decision to go with this hull. I'm also loving the front cabin, with its angled sides and round cabin windows. Loads of character, for sure. Love it. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Nils Seeing all the deck houses stacked upon each other emphasises just what a production line you've got going there. I'm always amazed at how consistently darn good your work is. That's inspirational, for sure. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  7. Thanks Denis I really appreciate your comments, even if it came with a word of warning....but, trust me, I never want to drop her again! As for the Optivisor comment, well, I think Piet and Igor have just as much to be guilty for, as me. Piet, especially, what with his 14mm TopSail schooner! Now, that's teeny weeny tiny! Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  8. Hi Igor Aha! Sooooooo....it's true. Your giant matchsticks really do exist: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/13801-bluenose-ii-by-cwboland-–-bottle-–-small-scale-unknown/#entry426702 Nice work on the deck furniture, as always! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Igor Thanks for that. It's also great to see you back at the ship yard again. I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms....! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Igor I really like the work you've done on the cabins and skylights. Nice! The hull's looking very fine and beautifully crafted as well. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  11. Hi Carl Count me in! SIB's have always fascinated me and yours will be no exception. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to watching your Bluenose take shape. All the best Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Keith Thanks and it's great to hear from you! How're your two yachting beauties going? Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Piet Thanks. There's still lots of work to go yet, but your comments are greatly appreciated. As far as the railings are concerned, they still require fine-tuning, especially as they're all not sitting at exactly the same height. So...some fiddling still to go. I'm having lots of fun, though. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Frank Many thanks. The photos of the real ship and her sister ships have proven invaluable in getting the details right. In fact, I've drooled over the photos so much, that I think the images are now indelibly burned into the screen! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Tozbleker Beautiful work! There's no doubting the beauty of these types of Destroyers, especially with their sweeping sheer lines. The details that you're adding is amazing. Somehow, you make it look so easy! Lovely. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi all Over the past few days, I've worked on a few more niggly bits on Majellan. Firstly, I started on the walkway and railings that leads from the forecastle, up over the main foredeck's cabin roof and up onto the Bridge Deck. it looks weird to me, but hey, if the real ship has it, I had to try to replicate it. Granted, it still needs lots of tidying up, though. Secondly, I trimmed the windows by removing the build-up of excess paint, thereby making their outline's sharper. I reckon the overall look of the windows is much better now. Lastly, I also re-shaped the bulb below the bow; thereby making it more in keeping with the actual ship's bulbous bow. Speaking of the actual ship that Majellan's based upon, she can be seen on my IPad in the background of a couple of the photos. I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Frank Truly, truly, truly very nice work! However..........somehow I predict that you can't and won't stop at this cross section. The rest of the ship beckons! Before you know it, you'll finish this midship section, then you'll start on the bow section and finish off with the stern section. Then, you'll put all three on the same display board, but slightly separated from each other so that the internal workmanship can be enjoyed. Only dreaming, of course!!! Can you tell that I enjoy your log as much as other's do? All the best. Patrick
  18. Hi Piet That would be very nerve wracking for me, what with the risk of shattering and splinters flying everywhere. I can only say that I'm glad it wasn't me! Nice job,though!! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Kevin Tis nice to see an update. It's sad when life gets in the way of our hobbies, but hopefully you can work more on you ships and post more updates from now on. Cheers Patrick
  20. Thanks Nils I like the "lilliput analogy". It seems pretty apt, for teeny tiny Majellan! In fact, she could probably fit in one of the cabins on your KWDG! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
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