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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. HI Piet Thanks heaps for your comments and I apologise for knocking Gwen's jaw out of alignment! You're probably right about this being the only model of its type. I must admit to being pretty chuffed about how she's turned out. And to think that I almost gave up early on...but, I'm glad that I persevered and kept going. As for the shower stalls, well, yes. They both have clear plastic shower screens, whose doors are left slightly ajar. I'm glad you like her! Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  2. Hi Albert Many thanks for your compliments. I'm glad you like her. All the best and have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Glenn Many thanks, but, trust me when I say that I've got miles to go before I can do what you do. I just love your work! Cheers and thanks Patrick
  4. Hi Piet I know that I've commented earlier...but, just one more thing. You know that giant grain of rice in the fourth photo? Did you get it off EBAY because I want one, too!!! Hehe, only stirring! Cheers Patrick
  5. Thanks Greg I guess that apart from the normal mistakes that we all make along the way, I'm referring more to mistakes made in the building sequence. For example, making sure all the decks line up properly, thereby ensuring that the staircases all fit as designed, etc. Another lesson learned is ensuring the decks are exactly the correct height, otherwise the whole superstructure can look too high (as was the case in the earlier construction phases). I spent a lot of time trying to fix that, let me tell ya! Almost made me cry a few times Oh well. We can't improve, if we don't make mistakes. Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Dave Nice work! Whilst the tops may have over 80 parts, each one of them is a labour of love. Good luck with the road trip and the competition. Cheers Patrick
  7. HI Brian And, you know what they say: A man's gotta have his tools. Now it's playtime . Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Bob Thanks. Less than 12 months? Funnily enough, I was actually thinking the same thing the other day. I guess that's the beauty of this hobby. We just get totally immersed in our creations, that time just flies by. Have a great week! Cheers Patrick
  9. Thanks Frank I gotta agree with your comment about the decks being separated and the amount of planning that had to go into doing them. I can't tell you how much head scratching I had to do at the beginning of Majellan's construction. Thankfully, it all worked out. The mistakes that I've learned will put me in good stead for the next model. I hope your weekend's going ok. Cheers and thanks Patrick
  10. HI folks! Thanks for all of your Likes and comments, all of which are greatly appreciated! Majellan's latest update includes further work on her bathrooms up forward of the ship. In case you can't make them out in the photos, the bathrooms have red walls with clear plastic shower screens. The shower screen doors have been left slightly ajar, because, you know, the crew's gotta shower, right? I hope you enjoy the photos! Cheers and all the best Patrick
  11. Hi Michsel Haven't seen you post recently, so I hope all's well. Looking forward to your next update in due course. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Piet What can I possibly say that hasn't already been said! This miniature world that you've created is just amazing. I don't think you can doing anything else to top this one. The bar is set very high! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Rob Firstly, you'd probably want to check out if Micromark and comparable companies have something similar. Then, if yours is sufficiently different and offering other advantages, then it may be worth a try. As any good entrepreneur would know: there's always a market out there for something and someone. You just need to tap into it! My thoughts only, of course. I wish you good luck if it takes off! Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks Rob! Dorade was always one of my 'must-build" models. The other one is her younger sister, Stormy Weather, also designed by Sparkman and Stevens. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to build her one day, too. Thanks for stopping by and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Greg Thanks for your compliments and I hope all's well with you! As for the 'mother and daughter' mural, nah! You wouldn't believe where I got the photo from, though. Being a fellow Aussie, you'd know all about the Coles Supermarket Specials magazine (for our international folks, Coles is Australia's largest supermarket chain) that lands in our mailboxes each week. I was thumbing through it and found the photo. It was on the label of one of their advertised products. 'Bargain', I said, as I promptly cut it out. BTW, the other murals came from the same magazine as well. Moral of the story? Always read the Coles Specials! You never know what you'll find! LOL. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Elijah Very impressive work on the staining. Nice and aged. Good luck with the plating, which I'm sure will look just as good. Cheers Patrick
  17. Thanks Piet!!!! Mmmmm...Preparation H, you say! Well, I never! Come to think of it...it may just work!!! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
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