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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Lawrence You're absolutely right about Majellan looking better after the accident. How does that saying go - "every cloud has a silver lining"? You see, having to fix the damage has forced me to address quite a few problems that I'd been putting off for a rainy day, e.g. the painting and fixing up a few areas of the superstructure which required alterations and improvements. So, all in all, the accident wasn't so bad, after all. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  2. Thanks Denis. Not a 'bomb' in my mind, at all. I guess what appealed to me in the last photo is the fact that the entry to the underwater part of the bow looked really fine, i.e. reminiscent of the three hulled boat that you showed earlier. (I hope I'm making sense!). Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Nenad Wow. I know you said it was complex, but...I had no idea!!! I look forward to seeing the final product. I hope Hothead scores well with this one. Cheers Patrick
  4. I gotta hand it to ya, Denis, she's really coming along in leaps and bounds! I especially love the.last photo which emphasises the contour of the bow. Interesting shape. I'm looking forward to the resin and paint being applied. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  5. Thanks Mark! I'm also happy that I'm able to get back to the shipyard. Tis a nice feeling, for sure. Thanks also to everyone for their Likes. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks Frank! Yep, it's been a while in between updates, but life's just been getting in the way lately! Hopefully, that's going to change and I'll be back to normal soon. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your Likes and comments, especially in relation to the 'little accident" that befell Majellan. Well, after the accident, I've put her all back together. The following photos show Majellan so far. A little bit of glue, putty and much swearing and, she's well on her way to being fully healed. The superstructure has received a few more coats of paint. Once I've completed the painting of the superstructure, I can then get on with the lower deck's fit-out. Oh...and let's not forget that there's also the painting of the hull, the addition of the rudders, propellers, radars, aerials, and adding the ship's boat and jet skis to the garage, etc, etc, etc. In other words, lots more work to go!!! Fun, though. All the best, everyone! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Piet Just amazing! She's looking great, that's for sure. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Frank No opinion, or advice from me. Just sheer admiration! Love it. Cheers Patrick
  10. Piet!!!! That's fantastic! ....and it's just the prototype??? I just stand back, gulp and admire! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Denis I really like the shape of your new boat, especially the bow cabin. It gives it a really nice and distinctive shape. What also amazes me is just how different this hull is from your original hull. I can now understand what must have driven you to make this new hull, because it certainly seems that the original hull was more of a fishing boat design. This hull seems to suit your vision much better! I'm not as confused as before, because I understand better where you're heading now. Keep going!! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Nenad Sounds typical, but also very interesting! I'd love to see the 'flower school' when it's fully assembled. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Denis Happy belated 28th Anniversary! Glad to hear that the day went well! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Denis Congrats - Another milestone reached! The hull's Starting to take shape nicely especially with the fine entry to the bow. More sanding and a lick of paint will definitely go a long way to making her look even better. Keep up the great work. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Denis Thanks for asking! Whilst I was able to put most of her back together again over the following couple of days after the accident, I haven't been able to do much on Majellan for the past two to three weeks for various reasons. Hopefully, I'll try to get back to her soon. All the best Patrick
  16. Hi Hans I'm impressed! That's one mighty fine looking hull. I'm looking forward to following along. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Nils Seeing your finger in the last photo highlights just how small the deckhouse is. Having said that, I've gotta say, damn that's nice! More than anything, I think it's the rivets that enhance the overall appearance for me. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Farbror You're back! Great to see you back in the shipyard. I'm looking forward to more updates. Like you, I'm also glad there are no cobwebs, either. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Willie I love watching the vids! She's alive! A couple of quick questions - Is there an issue with water potentially ingressing the hull due to it's low freeboard? Also, how do you think she'll perform in choppy waters? Would the bow rise and fall out of the water as she hits the waves, do you think? No problem, either way. I'm just curious because I've really got no idea how the real ships performed in rough seas. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Jond Congrats on the launching of both boats. They look really nice on the water. I'm sure that you'll have the little teething problems fixed in no time. All the best! Patrick
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