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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Nenad Seeing your video really put a smile on my face because of how beautiful your CS looks! Really, really, really nice! Keep it up. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Piet I'm really enjoying following along and can't wait to see the next progress photos! All the best. Patrick
  3. ...I still can't get over how real the seat cushion looks. Damn! That's nice! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Steve Wow, that boat looks great, especially with the internal ribs added! I've got no doubt that the next one will look just as good. Overall, the whole tug's looking great. I love the fact that curious eyes can peer into the open door and windows and marvel at what's inside. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Mark Nice! I love the 'finesse' that you've applied to the whole ship and, in particular the galleries. Best of luck for Janet's surgeries, as well! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Frank I love reading your updates; this one being no exception. The care and forethought that you put into every piece of the ship is amazing. I mean, most normal people may have tapered the mast by eye, but you took precision to a whole new level by measuring and marking the taper prior to shaping. That, Sir, is true attention to detail. And...don't even get me started on the knees...! Nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Kees Thanks! I can certainly imagine how you felt when you dropped your ship, too! Definitely, not a nice feeling, at all. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Denis I know that this may sound like madness...but could you, perhaps, cut the bow section off and replace it with a solid block which you could then shape as required? Just a thought...! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Bob She's coming along beautifully! You're doing an absolutely brilliant job and it shows, quite clearly, that you're really loving this build. Nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Igor I know that you're right, but I wish it weren't the case for any of us. But, bad luck is bad luck and all we can do is move onwards. The good news is that I should be able wrap up all the fixes this weekend. Enjoy your weekend and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  11. Thanks Carl. I appreciate your kind words and comments. I've done a bit more work on getting the internal stuff back in their right places; so I guess it's coming together ok. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  12. ...ok, ok, ok. Seeing that seat cushion, with its folds in the fabric, takes realism to a whole new level. Seriously nice! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Denis Yay! Sounds good, Denis. I'm eagerly awaiting your next update to see where you're at. Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks David - I think you're right about not going totally mad with grief, but I did have a few choice words to say about the whole affair. But, I soon realised that at the end of the day, I really had no choice but to just get on with it and fix the ship. No mucking around.... Hi Steve - thanks and yep, a real major bummer. But, I've got no choice but to just get on and fix it. Oh well... Thanks Elijah - strangely, there is a plus side to this whole affair -before the accident, I had noticed that the structure supporting the radar domes was slightly off-centre, which bugged me to no end. At least, now I can fix it so that it's aligned properly, afterall. Funny how things work out that way, isn't it? Thanks Mark - I actually managed to do some repairs last night, which was kinda therapeutic in a way. As mentioned to Elijah above, there's a positive to this...! Thanks Denis - well, it took me about an hour of crouching down on the ground with a torch, but I found the broken piece from the bow. It shows that perserverance does pay off. Now, I just need to fix it! Thanks for your support! Hi Bob - you're right, you know. Nobody knows your own work, as well as yourself. In my case, she's my ship, so fixing it and putting all the dislodged internal furniture back in their proper places, is a job best done by me. Thanks for your thoughts and best wishes. Cheers and thanks, everyone. Patrick
  15. Thanks Nils. Yep, I'm slowly putting everything back together. A bit of putty and paint will soon hide the worst of it. Thanks once again. Patrick
  16. Thanks Frank! I think I need to go to Confession after saying a few naughty words, though....
  17. Thanks Greg I'm just going through the internal stuff to see what's damaged and, luckily, although some stuff has come apart, it's all easily fixable. Thank God. With respect to the christening, I think I'll take your advice about the champers! Definitely a better idea than the floor.... All the best Patrick
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