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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Those are quite a striking difference I have only used a few of the 1/48 scale figures before - I thnk by the ICM range but they where WW2 aircrew. I tend to work with 28mm figures from the Victrix and Perry ranges and a few resin types that can be a bit over scale compared to the plastic ones, not much help I an affraid - but hopefully there will be more replies. OC.
  2. Just adding a few more photo edits including Marshal Ney who will not be displayed as he was further up the field of action untill he rode with the massed cavalry attack on the squares. OC.
  3. Great work as always my friend - its looking so impressive now, I know builds like these can sometimes make us pull our hair out - but when things start to work out and we our way through the building mist - it so becomes worth it. OC.
  4. Hi all, Is anyone looking to buy a cheap Airbrush kit as I have one that I am reluctantly letting it go, due to the cost of living problems at the moment. UK based. Please let me know if you are interested. OC.
  5. Hi all, so this is on hold and sitting in my display case, I have not touched it for ages but decided to do a few improved re edits of some of the pics posted - cant help it just love messing around with my pic files in my Lightroom and Topaz Denoise AI. OC.
  6. Nearly brought a Lotus many many years ago - but was put off by the service costs and insurance, loved the name they got Lots Of Trouble Usually Serious. OC.
  7. Excellent work going on there Alan, its so looking the part now, I think you will find that new tool really useful on oyur stone works. Keep up the Great work mate. OC.
  8. They are just some re edited old pics Kevin, she no longer lives I past it on some years ago sadly. OC.
  9. Good morning - evening - day all, I thought I would post some more updated edited pics form this old build, as you know it was halted part way through the build - but I still kept the pics - so I though "Heck why not edit some of the better ones" OC.
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