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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Hiya Kevin, I have caught up now, you are doing a lovely job - you saved that sanding issue really well, and your paintwork looks proper loverly, what really stands out to me is the genuine scale correct-ness the canons and ditance behind for running in/out and the over all beam of the ship - just looks so right. Oh and loving the tiles. OC.
  2. If you can position the dead eyes so they all line up perfectly - your a better man than me and most others - threading the dead eyes is a delicate operation - well it was for me. OC.
  3. Bit of progress on this folks - I got hold of a tin of microwave safe enamel paint from a microwave repair shop, its supposed to be the exact same type of paint they spray the inside of microwaves. I turmed it off found a good place to work on it, then i made sure both areas to be painted where clean and any loose fragments cleaned away, then using a small brush I started to put some paint layers down, drying them in between with a hairdryer, I put about Five layers down untill all rust dents and marks where covered. I then turned the microwave over and did the same to the other damaged area. It was put in place and with the door left open - was left over night before testing it. Hopefully its saved our microwave and our health, as I am sure radiowaves bouncing off rust areas can not be safe with microwaved food. OC.
  4. Thank you for the kind compliment, with figures the key is washes and some dry brushing to bring out the high lights. OC.
  5. Thank you Mark, was just looking for some reassurance so I can also tell the admiral as she has been a bit worried also. OC.
  6. Do you guys think it is safe to use till I can get the stuff to treat the rust and paint over those areas if the food is covered inside the micro. OC.
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