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uss frolick

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  1. Wow!
    uss frolick reacted to cookster in USF Essex 1797 by cookster - 1:48 - POB and POF - 1814 Configuration - first scratchbuild   
    Hello everyone, I'm finally back with an update.  It's been a very busy spring and summer, my apologies for not updating regularly.
    I have made more progress on Essex, I now have roughly 1/3 of the frames permanently glued in place.  Fairing them is an ongoing process and won't be completed until all the frames are glued in place.
    At some point soon I'll be adding more of the "fake" gundeck clamps and beams.  Anyway, a few pics and I'll try and post more as I get more frames added.

  2. Laugh
    uss frolick reacted to Blue Ensign in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    You know the old story Chris, the Germans made the rules, the British obeyed the rules, French ignored the rules, and the Italians said rules, what rules.
  3. Laugh
    uss frolick got a reaction from Neill in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Chris, sounds like you are indefatigable at selecting projects  ... I razee glass to you! 
  4. Laugh
    uss frolick got a reaction from Mike_H in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Chris, sounds like you are indefatigable at selecting projects  ... I razee glass to you! 
  5. Laugh
    uss frolick got a reaction from thibaultron in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Chris, sounds like you are indefatigable at selecting projects  ... I razee glass to you! 
  6. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Thukydides in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Chris, sounds like you are indefatigable at selecting projects  ... I razee glass to you! 
  7. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Spitfire Mk1B by Bob Fraser - Airfix 1/72 - Finished   
    Smashing old chap! Splash a Jerry for me! 🇬🇧
  8. Thanks!
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Chris, sounds like you are indefatigable at selecting projects  ... I razee glass to you! 
  9. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Chris, sounds like you are indefatigable at selecting projects  ... I razee glass to you! 
  10. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    24 pounder and 12 pounder long guns, with eighteen 42 pounder carronades? I bet I know what you’re up to, Sir Edward Pellew!
  11. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    24 pounder and 12 pounder long guns, with eighteen 42 pounder carronades? I bet I know what you’re up to, Sir Edward Pellew!
  12. Wow!
    uss frolick reacted to Jeronimo in French ship cannons, 36pdr. 1779   
    Danke an alle für die freundlichen Kommentare und Likes.
    Small Update.
    Part 8
    To save weight,
    I used plastic cannonballs.







  13. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from thibaultron in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    24 pounder and 12 pounder long guns, with eighteen 42 pounder carronades? I bet I know what you’re up to, Sir Edward Pellew!
  14. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    24 pounder and 12 pounder long guns, with eighteen 42 pounder carronades? I bet I know what you’re up to, Sir Edward Pellew!
  15. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    24 pounder and 12 pounder long guns, with eighteen 42 pounder carronades? I bet I know what you’re up to, Sir Edward Pellew!
  16. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in Spitfire Mk1B by Bob Fraser - Airfix 1/72 - Finished   
    Smashing old chap! Splash a Jerry for me! 🇬🇧
  17. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in Spitfire Mk1B by Bob Fraser - Airfix 1/72 - Finished   
    Smashing old chap! Splash a Jerry for me! 🇬🇧
  18. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Edwardkenway in Spitfire Mk1B by Bob Fraser - Airfix 1/72 - Finished   
    Smashing old chap! Splash a Jerry for me! 🇬🇧
  19. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Egilman in Spitfire Mk1B by Bob Fraser - Airfix 1/72 - Finished   
    Smashing old chap! Splash a Jerry for me! 🇬🇧
  20. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Spitfire Mk1B by Bob Fraser - Airfix 1/72 - Finished   
    Smashing old chap! Splash a Jerry for me! 🇬🇧
  21. Wow!
    uss frolick reacted to Louie da fly in San Ildefonso Flag from Trafalgar   
    I got this pic off Facebook. Unfortunately it didn't say where the flag is held.
    Aha! "It's kept in the national maritime museum in Greenwich - and it is 32 ft. x 47 ft. in size."
  22. Thanks!
    uss frolick reacted to Marcus.K. in On carving a figurehead   
    Thanks Druxey, just stepped across this interesting thread and that very nice insight in Cutty Sark´s figure heads actual and past history.
    Some months (years by now?) ago I started digging into the "theme" carving (just theoretically by now) since I would like to reconstruct the appearance of my favorite subject, the US Frigate Constitution in hear earlier years. I collected photos of works of William Rush and the Skillin Family who DID the design Rush was proposing. And I try to learn about the Allegories used in the Washington, Adams and Jefferson Administration for decorating ships - since there are at least 2 more figures (if not more) to be represented beside Lady Liberty and Lady Justice (the two only written mentioned ones we know about by now).
    If only my Art and History teachers would know how much I am attracted by this subject today, since they just knew that ignorant boy who´s only intellectual interest was natural science and astronautics .. they would be so much surprised! .. and how poor their efforts have been to attract my attention for this interesting fields.. But boy, how frustrated they must have been with such a bunch of ignorants in front of them :-)))
    Does someone of this carving-addicted here has an idea where I may learn more about American Allegories and ship carvings on the early American Ships? Of course I am aware of @uss frolick´s very interesting posts for the "stern view" on different ships (thanks here for that by the way). And my Brewington ("Shipcarvers of North America") of course I got and studied long time ago ... 🙂
    But I am looking for any help, book, posts, souces about this very special subject and appreciate every hint.
    And I LOVE the way those british shipkeepers deal with their Nanny!
    Thanks for sharing!
  23. Wow!
    uss frolick reacted to igorcap in Figurehead of the USS Confederacy (1778)   
    Figurehead of the USS Confederacy (1778). Scale 1:64

  24. Laugh
  25. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Tony Hunt in La Vengeance verses HMS Seine, Aug. 20-21, 1800: A French account.   
    This account was translated by officers of the US Army War College in 1939, the transcript of which was found in the National Archives. It was written by junior officers of La Vengeance, as Captain Pitot was too ill or injured to write his report until much later.
    The French Frigate La Vengeance was the very same frigate that fought the US Frigate Constellation in February of the same year. Vengeance was very powerful, having been designed with long 24-pounders on her main deck when launched, just like Constellation, but at one point swapped them out for 18-pounders, again, just like Constellation. Her armament has always been in question, but most likely consisted of thirty long 18-pounders on the main deck, two of them being shifting guns which fought either through the quarter gallery ports or were used a stern chase guns. Examination of the draught of her captured sister ship, La Resistance, shows a gunport in place of a proper gallery door, suggesting that the unusually narrow gallery might have been a false one. On her spar deck, she mounted fourteen 12-pounders, two of them standing stern chase guns, eight 36-pounder brass carronades, and eight swivels in the waist: fifty-two guns total. HMS Seine, formerly the French La Seine, was armed as a standard 38-gun British frigate of the era. Here is the letter:
    "2 Fructidor ( 20 August), at noon, we were bearing as follows:
    North  Point of Mona E.S.E.
    Middle of Monisto E.S.E., 4 degrees E.
    Passing out from St. Domingue and Porto Rico, we perceived a large ship, which we took to be a frigate, to which a corvette was signalling.
    The Corvette lay E.S.E, 3 degrees south
    The ship, S.E. by E.
    It was calm, with what wind there was in the North East, our course being south by east, with all studding sails set on the port side, our intentions being to get away from shore, and out of sight of a third ship to the north east, which appeared of good size.
    Weather clear, all hands at quarters, and ready for any emergency. We were short of compliment by 71 hands, and among the crew were thirty negroes, who had never been to see before. During the night of 2-3 Fructidore (20-21 August), the wind was variable from E.N.E. to E. S. E. The enemy had a decided advantage of us. The corvette kept close to the frigate. At 12:15 a.m., the enemy having overhauled us considerably, we Brough our stern chasers to bear, and twice let him have them. At 1:15 he came close aboard and fired one shot at us. Believing we were then within musket shot, the Captain gave orders to man the port battery. At the same instant, we hauled out wind, and fired a broadside at the enemy, who replied immediately. We continued this action for an hour and three quarters, when the enemy dropped astern. We then took in our studding sails, and attempted to work to windward, the frigate's best point of sailing.
    By the advantage of hauling his wind, the Captain had but one end in view: to conform to his instructions which were imperative, that he should avoid action, and work clear of St. Domingue , which we knew to be blockaded by the British Frigate Aimable, and which we had recognized close aboard some day previous, but which hauled off.
    At three o'clock a.m., we lost sight of the enemy, but at five, we once more raised her, as well as, shortly after, a schooner crossing ahead. This we recognized as a neutral. At 5:30 a.m. the fore topmast split, carrying away the top-gallant sail and the standing jib. At 6.20, the enemy having once again run close aboard, the combat was renewed. At 6:50, he shortened sail, and at 7 brailed up his mizen topgallant sail; a little time after he took in his jib. We were then heading S.S.W. At 7:10, the enemy took in his studding sails. We then shortened sail, so at not to fall out of range. At 7:20, the enemy brailed his main top-sail to the mast. At once Captain Pitot took in his staysails, in order to keep alongside. At 7:40, the enemy ceased firing, and shortly after, we did the same. From the beginning of the second action, we found ourselves short of bar shot; repeatedly fired broke out between the decks, and on the poop and forecastle; there were frequent failures due to the poor quality of the powder, which became greatly impaired during our fight with the Constellation, when the containers were afloat in the magazine. There was never a chance to dry this out, while the Vengeance lay in Curacao, on account of the rains and dampness. These various incidents will be related by Captain Pitot, in due time. In the thick of the battle, one "Liron", a top man, had his knees smashed in the main top, and came down a stay, hand over hand, to the deck, whence he was carried below, and died a few moments after.
    We now had a fresh breeze from the east, and we continued to the S.S.W., under all sail possible, in order to give the gunners time to put what little powder remained into the cartridges for the cannon, and to perform necessary repairs; splicing etc.imperatively needed, and es[ecially to rig preventers to our shrouds which were severed fore and aft. We felt sure that the enemy, in these two engagements, had, at least, suffered damage equal to ours and later found evidence to confirm the correctness of our judgment.
    At 8:00 a.m., the enemy stood toward sand, at 9, when he approached to within pistol shot on our port quarter, we hauled our wind and the combat renewed with the greatest fury. At 9:20, the enemy set his mizzen-top-gallant sail a-shiver and edged off. We followed the maneuver to avoid being raked from ahead and to keep him on our beam. At 10 our mizzen-mast went by the board, shot away eight or nine feet above the poop. At 10:20 our main topmast fell. At 10:25 we found ourselves blanketed in such a way that the enemy was able to brace full and haul ahead and he thus lay himself across our bow.
    In such a position, offering no hope of maneuvering; many of or people being hors de combat; nine feet of water in the hold; the foremast barely holding; holed in many places; all the shrouds cut away; having only sufficient powder for 83 cartridges; these circumstances, together with the impossibility, of taking the only chance left to us; that of boarding the enemy; forced Captain Pitot to hail the enemy frigate and announce his surrender.
    It was then 10:30 a.m., and at 10;35 our foremast went by the board. A cutter from the enemy ship came along side and took off Captain Pitot, who, upon gaining the deck, presented his sword to the captain (Milne). He refused to accept it, saying "I could never disarm one who wielded his weapon with so great honor."  The captain replied that he would not keep the sword unless his staff and the infantry officers among the passengers, could retain theirs. The English Captain said that he readily agreed to this, and that his orders would be given.
    The following morning, the main-mast toppled [over] close to the deck, and from that time, until our arrival at Jamaica, our destination, we were at many times at the point of abandoning ship, on account of the emmense quantity of water she was taking in. We had to put the wounded topside, the water being up to the gun deck.  Since the crew was separated, it is impossible to ascertain the number of killed and wounded, but here follows the names of the officers killed and wounded.
    Officers of the ship
    Frey, Lieutenant of the artillery of the frigate, killed
    Ayreau, Lieutenant  of the ship. wounded
    Marcou, Ensign, wounded
    Passenger officers
    Frey, Chief of the Battalion, Killed
    Nadau, Chief of the Brigade, wounded
    Garcey, Captain of the Infantry, wounded
    Desvignes, Captain of the Infantry, wounded
    Moreau, Captain of the Infantry, wounded
    Ballet, Lieutenant of the Infantry, wounded
    And there, Citizen Minister, you have an accurate and true account of the various events which occurred during their deplorable, but instructive voyage, just terminated. I am quite sure that if errors are found in this report, they will only be in the dates. Captain Pitot is ill onboard the English Frigate L'Allarme, alone, and we are, therefore, separated from him. He carries all the necessary documents to reveal the truth in its full light."
    Note: Not signed.
    Note also. The casualty French figures were thought to be about 35 killed and 70 wounded. Seine had about half as many.

    Half model of her sister ship La Resistance:

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