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About fmartins

  • Birthday 05/19/1985

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    São Paulo - Brazil

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  1. I have found your thread only today and I have spent most of my day catchint up with it. I am impressed with your technique, precision and creativity!! I have no words to describe how impressed I am by your work. I have a very small ship that I haven't worked on for a while (my job's falt) but seeing your work makes me want to go back to the table right away and work tirelessly on it!! And I was in Czech republic for work for 2 weeks (came back home last week)… If I had known your work by then I'd make sure to arrange a visit and be amazed by seeing your work first hand… 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  2. 👏👏👏👏👏 incredible build, man! I'm absolutely impressed!!
  3. At this point I'm not even caring about rewards and stuff I just want it all to be through hehehe
  4. Man, I had no idea what I was doing when I decided to go for a doctor's degree... That sh*t is crazy... At least with a doctor's degree I can try for a position in a public university here in Brazil. That would be very good - it is pretty much the same as getting tenure in an US university. Nice salary, only teaching 8 hours a week and that's it... plenty of time for model ship building hehehehehe
  5. Well, it's been a while I haven't posted here... If you're following this thread, know that it's not because I don't want to, or abandoned the project... The thing is I'm on the last phase of my doctoral degree, and it'll be all finished by june/july... until there, my focus has to be on my life-long dream of becoming a full time researcher. But, as soon as I'm done with my dissertation I'll certainly have more time, and I'll happily post more often... Don't give up on following my build... It is something that really makes me happy. I hope in the end it will turn out alright... Thanks everyone!
  6. Wow Juzek, what an accident! Fortunately for a master such as yourself it's nothing, it looks even better now... as for the tips, thanks a lot! I looked around and found some linseed oil, I'm going to give it a try! Do you apply it on top of the paint, or use the oil first and then paint over it? Do you use any stains before linseed oil? I'll think about the veneer strips, I think this might help!! Thanks a lot!
  7. Thanks a lot anyway! It is such a beautiful ship, I'd really like to build one like yours... but in a smaller scale (like, 25cm hull)... I'll be following your log! Keep up the good work!
  8. By the way, I spent a few hours online looking for references about this ship and apparently there isn't much lying around... Where did you get info on the Mordaunt except for the museum model in Greenwhich and the kit plans? Thanks in advance!
  9. Knock knock... errr... I'm late for the party, but man am I surprised I found your build log. This is some amazing building you got yourself going on! I'm mesmerized... If I had a doubt about my next ship, it vanished right away... My next build will be a Mordaunt, so please take a lot of pictures for reference !!! Jokes apart, congratulations on the clean build. It's really top notch!
  10. What kind of oil / varnish do you use? It's beautiful and gives it a weathered look!
  11. *thin, I mean 'so thin' (i wrote that on my phone, and I'm a horrible typist)
  12. EJ_L that is precisely my finding today. I'm trying all kinds of improvised stuff to impeove this wandering off but so far nothing. With veneer its even worse cause it's so thong i end up cutting instead of scribing... tomorrow is a holiday here so i'll spend a few hours trying a few ideas. I hope i can gey acceptable results...
  13. Just beautiful! It's all I have to say...! Congratulations! She's coming along really fine!
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