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  1. Like
    robdurant reacted to kruginmi in Jylland by kruginmi - Billings Boats - 1:100   
    I picked up a 1/96 propeller and lifting frame from Cottage Industries targeted for the Revell CSS Alabama for not too much money.  Not an exact match but better than the kit supplied one:

    With some filing and shaping I could do something with that.  I wish I had the lifting frame when I built out the prop area but I think I could modify to make it fit.  Not too far out whack for what I see in pictures of the actual ship.

    When you put both together I have a good starting point for some filing and tweaking, on both the ship and supplied pieces.  I will not have the lifting component actually rigged in to raise, but it will look the part.

    See how it looks.  Always have the option to go to plan B and use the original (let alone scratch something up).
  2. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Rudolf in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    I set up the mainmast shrouds today...

    More soon
  3. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from egkb in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    I set up the mainmast shrouds today...

    More soon
  4. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from gak1965 in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    I set up the mainmast shrouds today...

    More soon
  5. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Rudolf in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    Okay - so today I added the bolt rope to another sail - no need to add pictures for that. It's another stay sail, so they would look pretty much identical to the previous pictures I've posted. Then, as a change of scenery, I began adding the mizzen shrouds. These are using (as a note to self as much as anything) 4 strand, 2x threads per strand, from #50 DMC Cordonnet thread, dyed in Rit Cocoa brown die. The captain's clearly a showy so and so, so he's used contrasting natural #20 DMC cordonnet thread for the lanyards.
    The lanyards are something of a challenge. I've added two starboard pairs and one port pair so far (alternating sides, beginning to starboard), and because the dead-eyes are inside  the railing, and the lanyard needs to pass through the railing  from the outside on the lower deadeye, it took me lots of fiddling with tweezers, super-glue strengthened end of the lanyard and summoning of patience, before I realised that it was possibly simply to bend the deadeye in towards the centreline of the deck to rig it, and then bend it back out again. This is by far the easiest method I've found, and it's made the task achievable (still fiddly, but possible). I'm not sure whether leaving the deadeyes detached until this point would have helped matters, as I haven't tried that approach, but certainly one for builders of this model to watch out for.  
    Here are some photos of progress so far. I haven't put watered down Aliphatic resin (carpenter's glue) on these yet, so the ends are left long intentionally. I'll do the whole lot in one go, once I'd happy they're all a good length.
    One deadeye is rigged off the ship (I have a little template to keep the distances consistent), then the shroud is wrapped round the mast, through the crosstrees and top, and brought back down to have the other deadeye rigged. Before I rig the second deadeye, I put on the first lanyard, so that I can gauge where the second deadeye should go.

    Thank you to everyone for the likes and encouragement.
  6. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from dunnock in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    I set up the mainmast shrouds today...

    More soon
  7. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from BobG in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    I set up the mainmast shrouds today...

    More soon
  8. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Rudolf in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    Hi all,
    I've finished hemming the sails, and now it's onto bolt ropes. For this, I made some thinner rope (3 threads per strand of #50 DMC cordonnet thread). The bolt ropes come to an end at each corner of each sail, and they're used to attach the corner fittings for the sail. These were blackened ready for use. I've simplified what the instructions call for a little, but things are going well so far. 
    Here's a photo of the photo-etch corner fittings.

    Step one is to attach the over-length bolt rope.

    Step 2 is to attach the corner fittings... This results in something of a spiders web at each corner, but it all gets tidied up once everything's attached. In the photo below the photo-etch corner fitting has been attach to the left boltrope, but not the right.

    And here are all the hemmed sails laid out ... 34 in all!

    Plenty more sewing to enjoy... After this step - which will take some time! - comes reefing points, attachment holes, and lots more work on the yards to get them ready.
    Thanks for looking in
  9. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Rudolf in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    Thank you for the likes.
    I haven't stopped working on this, but it takes me a good couple of hours to put the bolt rope on each sail, so here is sail BS 4 getting bolt rope...  COnsidering I haven't done a lot of sewing before, I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming out.

  10. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from ccoyle in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    I set up the mainmast shrouds today...

    More soon
  11. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Ian_Grant in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    Okay - so today I added the bolt rope to another sail - no need to add pictures for that. It's another stay sail, so they would look pretty much identical to the previous pictures I've posted. Then, as a change of scenery, I began adding the mizzen shrouds. These are using (as a note to self as much as anything) 4 strand, 2x threads per strand, from #50 DMC Cordonnet thread, dyed in Rit Cocoa brown die. The captain's clearly a showy so and so, so he's used contrasting natural #20 DMC cordonnet thread for the lanyards.
    The lanyards are something of a challenge. I've added two starboard pairs and one port pair so far (alternating sides, beginning to starboard), and because the dead-eyes are inside  the railing, and the lanyard needs to pass through the railing  from the outside on the lower deadeye, it took me lots of fiddling with tweezers, super-glue strengthened end of the lanyard and summoning of patience, before I realised that it was possibly simply to bend the deadeye in towards the centreline of the deck to rig it, and then bend it back out again. This is by far the easiest method I've found, and it's made the task achievable (still fiddly, but possible). I'm not sure whether leaving the deadeyes detached until this point would have helped matters, as I haven't tried that approach, but certainly one for builders of this model to watch out for.  
    Here are some photos of progress so far. I haven't put watered down Aliphatic resin (carpenter's glue) on these yet, so the ends are left long intentionally. I'll do the whole lot in one go, once I'd happy they're all a good length.
    One deadeye is rigged off the ship (I have a little template to keep the distances consistent), then the shroud is wrapped round the mast, through the crosstrees and top, and brought back down to have the other deadeye rigged. Before I rig the second deadeye, I put on the first lanyard, so that I can gauge where the second deadeye should go.

    Thank you to everyone for the likes and encouragement.
  12. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Ian_Grant in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    I set up the mainmast shrouds today...

    More soon
  13. Thanks!
    robdurant got a reaction from Obormotov in Free Picture Resizer Application I programmed (to solve those image rotation woes) *Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 only*   
    I'm conscious that many of our wonderful family here on ModelShipWorld.com are not native English speakers.
    My little offering to brighten your day is Version 1.12.0 of Picture Resizer (available at https://www.durant.biz/pictureresizer/ ) which now supports languages natively for the main application window (I'll add support for the other windows soon). All you need do is install the application and it will show the application in the language your computer uses (It currently supports French, German, Dutch and English) if it can't find your language, it will drop back to English)
    Languages are not my area of expertise, so "Calling all linguists"... If you speak German, French or another language, and you're reasonably au-fait with computer, and you would like this application to support your mother-tongue / preferred language natively, please could you translate the following, and I'll add this support into the application...
    The English terms at the moment are as follows, and the French, German and Dutch attempts are below (with big apologies in advance for what are a mix of guesswork and google translate... please help me make these better!)
    English originals
    Resize Images    
    Image Quality    
    Highest / Largest filesize    
    Resized photos go here...    
    Folder with photos to resize    
    Maximum resized dimension (width or height)    
    Load settings...    
    Save settings...    
    Modify the resized photo name?    
    View each file individually before resizing...    
    Resize all images in source folder    
    Resize images where destination file with modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original OR modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original name does not exist    
    Select Folder...    
    Lowest / Smallest filesize    
    Redimensionner les images Qualité d'image Taille de fichier la plus élevée/la plus grande Les photos redimensionnées vont ici... Dossier avec photos à redimensionner Dimension redimensionnée maximale (largeur ou hauteur) À propos Quitter Fichier Aider Charger les paramètres... Enregistrer les paramètres... Modifier le nom de la photo redimensionnée ? Affichez chaque fichier individuellement avant de redimensionner... Préfixe Redimensionner toutes les images dans le dossier source Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine OU modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine n'existe pas Sélectionner le dossier... Taille de fichier la plus basse / la plus petite Suffixe
    Bildgröße ändern Bildqualität Höchste / Größte Dateigröße Verkleinerte Fotos kommen hier... Ordner mit Fotos zum Ändern der Größe Maximale Größenänderung (Breite oder Höhe) Über Photo Resizer... Picture Resizer beenden Datei Hilfe Einstellungen laden... Einstellungen speichern... Ändern Sie den in der Größe geänderten Fotonamen? Sehen Sie sich jede Datei einzeln an, bevor Sie die Größe ändern ... Präfix Größe aller Bilder im Quellordner ändern Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit geändertem Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen ODER geänderten Namen nicht existiert Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ordner auswählen... Niedrigste / Kleinste Dateigröße Suffix
    And Dutch
    Formaat van afbeeldingen wijzigen Beeldkwaliteit Hoogste / grootste bestandsgrootte Verkleinde foto's komen hier... Map met foto's om het formaat te wijzigen Maximale afmeting gewijzigd (breedte of hoogte) Over... Uitgang Bestand Hulp Instellingen laden... Instellingen opslaan... De gewijzigde fotonaam wijzigen? Bekijk elk bestand afzonderlijk voordat u het formaat wijzigt... Voorvoegsel Wijzig het formaat van alle afbeeldingen in de bronmap Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de originele OF gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de oorspronkelijke naam niet bestaat Selecteer map... Laagste / kleinste bestandsgrootte Achtervoegsel
    Thank you for all your help This is truly the benefit of a global community!
    Hope it's of help.
  14. Like
    robdurant reacted to mtaylor in HMS Sphinx 1775 by mtaylor - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64   
    Finally... back in the shipyard and making progress.  Been a bit of long haul to get here.  Foredeck furniture is "mostly" done.  Still need to do the catheads, but currently doing eyebolts on the quarterdeck.  I will admit that 1:64 is currently pushing the limits on my eyeballs so the next one is going to be 1:48 unless the eye doc has a solution.  Seems I don't meet Medicare requirements for new lens in the eyeballs.   <sigh>  But we'll see where that goes in due time.

  15. Like
    robdurant reacted to TBlack in HMS Sophie by TBlack - kit-bashing Jack Aubrey's first command from the Vanguard Models HMS Speedy   
    OK. Two ladders, now two balustrades to finish it off. These will be hand made with some stylist form, so may not exactly match. We'll see.

  16. Thanks!
  17. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Baker in Free Picture Resizer Application I programmed (to solve those image rotation woes) *Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 only*   
    I'm conscious that many of our wonderful family here on ModelShipWorld.com are not native English speakers.
    My little offering to brighten your day is Version 1.12.0 of Picture Resizer (available at https://www.durant.biz/pictureresizer/ ) which now supports languages natively for the main application window (I'll add support for the other windows soon). All you need do is install the application and it will show the application in the language your computer uses (It currently supports French, German, Dutch and English) if it can't find your language, it will drop back to English)
    Languages are not my area of expertise, so "Calling all linguists"... If you speak German, French or another language, and you're reasonably au-fait with computer, and you would like this application to support your mother-tongue / preferred language natively, please could you translate the following, and I'll add this support into the application...
    The English terms at the moment are as follows, and the French, German and Dutch attempts are below (with big apologies in advance for what are a mix of guesswork and google translate... please help me make these better!)
    English originals
    Resize Images    
    Image Quality    
    Highest / Largest filesize    
    Resized photos go here...    
    Folder with photos to resize    
    Maximum resized dimension (width or height)    
    Load settings...    
    Save settings...    
    Modify the resized photo name?    
    View each file individually before resizing...    
    Resize all images in source folder    
    Resize images where destination file with modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original OR modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original name does not exist    
    Select Folder...    
    Lowest / Smallest filesize    
    Redimensionner les images Qualité d'image Taille de fichier la plus élevée/la plus grande Les photos redimensionnées vont ici... Dossier avec photos à redimensionner Dimension redimensionnée maximale (largeur ou hauteur) À propos Quitter Fichier Aider Charger les paramètres... Enregistrer les paramètres... Modifier le nom de la photo redimensionnée ? Affichez chaque fichier individuellement avant de redimensionner... Préfixe Redimensionner toutes les images dans le dossier source Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine OU modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine n'existe pas Sélectionner le dossier... Taille de fichier la plus basse / la plus petite Suffixe
    Bildgröße ändern Bildqualität Höchste / Größte Dateigröße Verkleinerte Fotos kommen hier... Ordner mit Fotos zum Ändern der Größe Maximale Größenänderung (Breite oder Höhe) Über Photo Resizer... Picture Resizer beenden Datei Hilfe Einstellungen laden... Einstellungen speichern... Ändern Sie den in der Größe geänderten Fotonamen? Sehen Sie sich jede Datei einzeln an, bevor Sie die Größe ändern ... Präfix Größe aller Bilder im Quellordner ändern Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit geändertem Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen ODER geänderten Namen nicht existiert Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ordner auswählen... Niedrigste / Kleinste Dateigröße Suffix
    And Dutch
    Formaat van afbeeldingen wijzigen Beeldkwaliteit Hoogste / grootste bestandsgrootte Verkleinde foto's komen hier... Map met foto's om het formaat te wijzigen Maximale afmeting gewijzigd (breedte of hoogte) Over... Uitgang Bestand Hulp Instellingen laden... Instellingen opslaan... De gewijzigde fotonaam wijzigen? Bekijk elk bestand afzonderlijk voordat u het formaat wijzigt... Voorvoegsel Wijzig het formaat van alle afbeeldingen in de bronmap Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de originele OF gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de oorspronkelijke naam niet bestaat Selecteer map... Laagste / kleinste bestandsgrootte Achtervoegsel
    Thank you for all your help This is truly the benefit of a global community!
    Hope it's of help.
  18. Like
  19. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Ryland Craze in Free Picture Resizer Application I programmed (to solve those image rotation woes) *Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 only*   
    I'm conscious that many of our wonderful family here on ModelShipWorld.com are not native English speakers.
    My little offering to brighten your day is Version 1.12.0 of Picture Resizer (available at https://www.durant.biz/pictureresizer/ ) which now supports languages natively for the main application window (I'll add support for the other windows soon). All you need do is install the application and it will show the application in the language your computer uses (It currently supports French, German, Dutch and English) if it can't find your language, it will drop back to English)
    Languages are not my area of expertise, so "Calling all linguists"... If you speak German, French or another language, and you're reasonably au-fait with computer, and you would like this application to support your mother-tongue / preferred language natively, please could you translate the following, and I'll add this support into the application...
    The English terms at the moment are as follows, and the French, German and Dutch attempts are below (with big apologies in advance for what are a mix of guesswork and google translate... please help me make these better!)
    English originals
    Resize Images    
    Image Quality    
    Highest / Largest filesize    
    Resized photos go here...    
    Folder with photos to resize    
    Maximum resized dimension (width or height)    
    Load settings...    
    Save settings...    
    Modify the resized photo name?    
    View each file individually before resizing...    
    Resize all images in source folder    
    Resize images where destination file with modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original OR modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original name does not exist    
    Select Folder...    
    Lowest / Smallest filesize    
    Redimensionner les images Qualité d'image Taille de fichier la plus élevée/la plus grande Les photos redimensionnées vont ici... Dossier avec photos à redimensionner Dimension redimensionnée maximale (largeur ou hauteur) À propos Quitter Fichier Aider Charger les paramètres... Enregistrer les paramètres... Modifier le nom de la photo redimensionnée ? Affichez chaque fichier individuellement avant de redimensionner... Préfixe Redimensionner toutes les images dans le dossier source Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine OU modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine n'existe pas Sélectionner le dossier... Taille de fichier la plus basse / la plus petite Suffixe
    Bildgröße ändern Bildqualität Höchste / Größte Dateigröße Verkleinerte Fotos kommen hier... Ordner mit Fotos zum Ändern der Größe Maximale Größenänderung (Breite oder Höhe) Über Photo Resizer... Picture Resizer beenden Datei Hilfe Einstellungen laden... Einstellungen speichern... Ändern Sie den in der Größe geänderten Fotonamen? Sehen Sie sich jede Datei einzeln an, bevor Sie die Größe ändern ... Präfix Größe aller Bilder im Quellordner ändern Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit geändertem Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen ODER geänderten Namen nicht existiert Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ordner auswählen... Niedrigste / Kleinste Dateigröße Suffix
    And Dutch
    Formaat van afbeeldingen wijzigen Beeldkwaliteit Hoogste / grootste bestandsgrootte Verkleinde foto's komen hier... Map met foto's om het formaat te wijzigen Maximale afmeting gewijzigd (breedte of hoogte) Over... Uitgang Bestand Hulp Instellingen laden... Instellingen opslaan... De gewijzigde fotonaam wijzigen? Bekijk elk bestand afzonderlijk voordat u het formaat wijzigt... Voorvoegsel Wijzig het formaat van alle afbeeldingen in de bronmap Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de originele OF gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de oorspronkelijke naam niet bestaat Selecteer map... Laagste / kleinste bestandsgrootte Achtervoegsel
    Thank you for all your help This is truly the benefit of a global community!
    Hope it's of help.
  20. Like
  21. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from mtaylor in Free Picture Resizer Application I programmed (to solve those image rotation woes) *Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 only*   
    I'm conscious that many of our wonderful family here on ModelShipWorld.com are not native English speakers.
    My little offering to brighten your day is Version 1.12.0 of Picture Resizer (available at https://www.durant.biz/pictureresizer/ ) which now supports languages natively for the main application window (I'll add support for the other windows soon). All you need do is install the application and it will show the application in the language your computer uses (It currently supports French, German, Dutch and English) if it can't find your language, it will drop back to English)
    Languages are not my area of expertise, so "Calling all linguists"... If you speak German, French or another language, and you're reasonably au-fait with computer, and you would like this application to support your mother-tongue / preferred language natively, please could you translate the following, and I'll add this support into the application...
    The English terms at the moment are as follows, and the French, German and Dutch attempts are below (with big apologies in advance for what are a mix of guesswork and google translate... please help me make these better!)
    English originals
    Resize Images    
    Image Quality    
    Highest / Largest filesize    
    Resized photos go here...    
    Folder with photos to resize    
    Maximum resized dimension (width or height)    
    Load settings...    
    Save settings...    
    Modify the resized photo name?    
    View each file individually before resizing...    
    Resize all images in source folder    
    Resize images where destination file with modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original OR modified name does not exist    
    Resize images where destination file with original name does not exist    
    Select Folder...    
    Lowest / Smallest filesize    
    Redimensionner les images Qualité d'image Taille de fichier la plus élevée/la plus grande Les photos redimensionnées vont ici... Dossier avec photos à redimensionner Dimension redimensionnée maximale (largeur ou hauteur) À propos Quitter Fichier Aider Charger les paramètres... Enregistrer les paramètres... Modifier le nom de la photo redimensionnée ? Affichez chaque fichier individuellement avant de redimensionner... Préfixe Redimensionner toutes les images dans le dossier source Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine OU modifié n'existe pas Redimensionner les images où le fichier de destination avec le nom d'origine n'existe pas Sélectionner le dossier... Taille de fichier la plus basse / la plus petite Suffixe
    Bildgröße ändern Bildqualität Höchste / Größte Dateigröße Verkleinerte Fotos kommen hier... Ordner mit Fotos zum Ändern der Größe Maximale Größenänderung (Breite oder Höhe) Über Photo Resizer... Picture Resizer beenden Datei Hilfe Einstellungen laden... Einstellungen speichern... Ändern Sie den in der Größe geänderten Fotonamen? Sehen Sie sich jede Datei einzeln an, bevor Sie die Größe ändern ... Präfix Größe aller Bilder im Quellordner ändern Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit geändertem Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen ODER geänderten Namen nicht existiert Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern, bei denen die Zieldatei mit dem ursprünglichen Namen nicht vorhanden ist Ordner auswählen... Niedrigste / Kleinste Dateigröße Suffix
    And Dutch
    Formaat van afbeeldingen wijzigen Beeldkwaliteit Hoogste / grootste bestandsgrootte Verkleinde foto's komen hier... Map met foto's om het formaat te wijzigen Maximale afmeting gewijzigd (breedte of hoogte) Over... Uitgang Bestand Hulp Instellingen laden... Instellingen opslaan... De gewijzigde fotonaam wijzigen? Bekijk elk bestand afzonderlijk voordat u het formaat wijzigt... Voorvoegsel Wijzig het formaat van alle afbeeldingen in de bronmap Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de originele OF gewijzigde naam niet bestaat Wijzig het formaat van afbeeldingen waar het bestemmingsbestand met de oorspronkelijke naam niet bestaat Selecteer map... Laagste / kleinste bestandsgrootte Achtervoegsel
    Thank you for all your help This is truly the benefit of a global community!
    Hope it's of help.
  22. Thanks!
    robdurant got a reaction from Obormotov in Free Picture Resizer Application I programmed (to solve those image rotation woes) *Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 only*   
    Hi all,
    Moderators : Apologies if I've put this in the wrong place... please do move it.
    I'm aware from watching the forums over a little while that uploading pictures to the forum can be a bit confusing and stressful, especially when it comes to why pictures that look fine are rotated wrong when they arrive on the website. It's confusing for us, but it also results in a bunch of questions to the moderators and admins on this site, which are hard to answer from afar.
    To try and help with this, I've programmed an application for Windows 10 that takes images in one folder and puts them into another having resized and hardwired the rotation. If you then put more photos into the source folder, it'll just resize the new ones that haven't been resized before. You get to decide the maximum dimension of the resized image, and modify the filename for clarity. You can also set the quality of the new images to alter the amount of space the files created take up on your hard drive, and how much time they take to upload / download (this last piece of functionality was added after the video below was made.
    Anyway - this YouTube video gives you an idea of what I've programmed... it describes installation and usage step by step.  I would STRONGLY recommend watching the video before you download the application and try it out. (It'll help me if I don't get asked to answer questions that are already answered in the video)
    If it's helpful to you, you can find the video, and download link along with the documentation I'm half way through writing at the link below:
    Please be aware - I've programmed this in my spare time... so whilst I use it myself, and it seems reliable, I can't be 100% sure it doesn't contain bugs. Please don't use it if you aren't happy to take responsibility for what it does to your computer. I can't take responsibility for loss of data / time or damage incurred as a result of using it. Nor can I offer 24/7 support (because it's just me). So - if you're happy to have a go, and try it out, then go ahead.  You will be asked to agree to this when you install it.
    Download link and documentation:
    Hope it blesses you. Let me know how you get on.
    Rob Durant
  23. Like
    robdurant reacted to AJohnson in Nisha by AJohnson - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Brixham 'Mumble-Bee'   
    Well this is it, finally finished! 
    Final few bits of rigging details to show you then I will upload some picture here and in the Gallery.
    E. W. Petrejus in his "Irene" book came to the rescue for the reef tackle details.  So with that all attached to the boom it was just a matter of add the final parts of rigging to hold the boom in place and stiffen the threads with varnish to "push" the mainsail over to one side to simulate the effect of the wind.  I had to move the crewman filleting the fish as he would have had his head bumped by the lower block! (must plan this stuff better in future!)
    Next post will be the "big reveal"!

  24. Like
    robdurant reacted to modeller_masa in Papegojan 1627 by modeller_masa - Shipyard - 1/72 - CARD   
    This is my new side project and the second cardboard model kit. The Shipyard makes the top premium sailing ship cardboard model kits. I have some words for their unfriendly manual, but the quality is better than the wooden model kits I've built. If you don't mind painting wooden patterns on paper planks, this is probably the best kit for building high quality model at a low cost and in a short amount of time.
    By the way, this year I'm not talking much, unlike the last year, and am focusing on experiencing as much as possible. I found the latest Papegojan build log in 2013, but the pictures were unfortunately gone. This build log will be mostly photos. If you have question about a specific part, feel free to participate in my build log.
    If you are looking for a better build log, this site will help.
    Kit's error 1

    Kit's error 2

    The manual is hard to decipher...

    Make sure everything is in line.

    My ship is twisted again. 😭 

    Tan color base
    The kit's paint had dried like a stone.

    Oil paint and an interdental brush.
    Winsor & Newton Liquin medium helps reduce drying time.

    Yellow Deep 3 : Brown Earth 1

  25. Like
    robdurant reacted to Sjors in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    While i'm waiting for the plates i have done a little bit more.
    Painted the stern fascia, windows and ornaments.
    Also the trophy of arms.
    You really need a steady hand but i'm happy with the result.

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