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Alex M

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Everything posted by Alex M

  1. Hello Mark, here is the setup for turning gun barrels with duplicator. It shows also the shape of cutting tool: Alex
  2. Hello and thank you for your comments! some news from Sphynx have finished inboard planking on Quarterdeck. Manufakturing of Planksheer: Regards Alex
  3. Here is the link to project: http://www.buildthelenox.org/ I hope the ship will be really build and not end as Zeven Provincien... Alex
  4. Incredible carpenters work, Tiziano! It is true Pleasure to follow you work, thanks for sharing. Alex
  5. Hello Karl, it is true work of art! Incredible! Alex
  6. Hello and thank you for your comments! the decks are now treenailed and sanded Regards Alex
  7. Hello, blowing the dust here and show some progres on my decks Treenailing... Regards Alex
  8. I'm out of words... it is simply WOW! The planksheer looks terrific! Alex
  9. Many thanks for warm words! Oh yes Greg, treenailing! I'm not sure how to process with. The Quarter deck and Forecastle have less dimensioned beams and the distance between is less that on the Gundeck. If I use the usualy treenail schema with two nails on each beam then, I suppose, it will be too much. I will play with photoshop to see how this will looks: Alex
  10. Hello, finaly glued last planks on quarter deck and began sanding: Alex
  11. Great planking work Marsalv! Alex
  12. Hi Mike, it is very interesting project and you made a great start! Alex
  13. Hi all and many thanks for your replies and likes! Mark, you question is not easy one I don't have exact example showed scarph joint of margin plank, it is rather my own understanding of carpenters work in those days. Wider planks are seldom simply plan butted, but rather scarped togetter. Margin plank is a wider one... It may be also totaly wrong... Alex
  14. Hi, make some progress on F'castle and Q'deck. The Forecastle is preliminaly sanded mow, final sanding will be after nailing. It takes some time to bring the images in right order... Alex
  15. Excellent work on capstan, Marsalv! Alex
  16. Terrific work, Albert! Amazing! Alex
  17. Hello Marsalv, excellent work on gun rigging! The ropes and blocks looks really real I also like the finish of wood and colors you choise! Alex
  18. Hello, today only a small update, the work going slowly. The fore part of planking was most complicated one, I decide to make them as one piece of three plank to achieve clear rounding. The first image show the principle: Here both pieces glued in place: Overall view: First plank of after part is also glued. Alex
  19. Wonderwul detail work Marsalv, simply wunderwul! Alex
  20. Excellent Marsalv! Very fine detail wok! Alex
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