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Alex M

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Everything posted by Alex M

  1. Hello, not much progress here, the work go slowly... Alex
  2. Hello Mark, look at the Medway of 1742: https://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66289.html No stool here.
  3. Matiz, excellent workmanship! the macros are a hammer! Alex
  4. Hi druxey, as a example: the Diana class frigate in Science Museum has the same arrangement...
  5. Hello, I have decided to leave the Heads blank. The work on Head go slowly further, images follow. Regards Alex
  6. Good morning, only small update here. I have diassembled the head and began to glue the pieces permanent in to place. Before I mount the upper rails I have a question: mostly contemporary models show the timber heads of upper rail black and I'm not sure if I shal do so. Here an image I have manipulated in photoshop what do you mean? Alex
  7. Hi James, very nice model! I will follow this build with interest. If I see right you have used my planking sheme for main wales and decks... Regards Alex
  8. Hello and thank you all for warm words! now I have reached a little but important for me milestone, all rails are done! And I'm satisfied with them... The next task are the head timbers... Regards Alex
  9. Hello and thanks you for likes! The second supporter knee in place and middle rail in work Regards Alex
  10. Most contemporary sources give the minimum length of planks as 6 feet. The minimum width should be not less as double thickness to prevent the splitting.
  11. Hi Gaetan, going through your build log and photos is like walking on real ship! And the workshop is a dream! Can you make a virtual tour? Alex
  12. Thank you Matt! I did cut the moldings, it is easier and I think this was also real practice Alex
  13. Hello all and thanks for warm words! Not much worked last time, only small update. The Cathead supporter knee: Regards Alex
  14. Hi Jorge, you PM is answered, sorry for delay... meanwile the starboard upper head rail and knees are ready: Regards Alex
  15. Hi druxey, thank you for this tip! if also too late for me now... where was you earlier?
  16. Thank you druxey! Dowmer, I can't use scrapers due to curvature and tapering. here are tools I have used for moulds and nearly completted second upper rail Regards Alex
  17. Hi all, the work at the head go on, here the new upper knee, held in place with three glue spots, and upper head rail. The scupper from manger was wrong placed. Is removed und will be new placed abaft the lower knee. lower knee in process and all parts temporary placed: Regards Alex
  18. Thank you druxey, it makes really fun! JJ, if you mean the underwater planking and above the whales then one is been oiled with linseed oil and another not. The wood I used is pear, castello box and hornbeam. Regards Alex
  19. Hello, the work go on, the planksheer and timber heads on the Forecastle have been completed. I also made the catblocks , but before I can glue them on, I have to mount the upper head rails. That's how I started building the Head. The scarf joint of upper knee is glued directly on model for right alignment Some pieces in work The upper knee on photo was brocken, I have rewroked them. Regards Alex
  20. Hello and many thanks you for warm words! yes Greg, I paint the parts before gluing and use diluted acrylic paint, here is first coat: At the port side is now only planksheer installed, timber heads just put in: Regards Alex
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