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Alex M

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Everything posted by Alex M

  1. Hi Bruce, I think yes, and not only on launch, but also on longboats of early times. The boats are usualy stowed one in to other in the waist. Alex
  2. Thank you all for warm words and likes! Hi Larry, they are frame and panel doors but thr panel is glued to frame, not really floating. Making of deadeyes I have descvribed here: Sorry, but I don't have photos of making the floor of a cabin. I have cut 5 x 5mm squares from pear and hornbeam planks, then glued them on thin plywood Regards Alex
  3. Hello al, I have diligently worked last week, the open rails on the quarter deck are now completted. overall views: forecastle planksheer in work: Regards Alex
  4. Thank xou druxey and Gary! I fully agree with you druxey, the model looks now more finished. Regards Alex
  5. Hi, the planksheer and timber heads are now done, working further on open rail. the images show it Regards Alex
  6. Thank you Mark! The idea for this jig is not mine. It is from Günter Bossong, really ingenious model builder: http://www.minisail-ev.de/fibel/fib-03-09/fib-03-09.htm The site is in german, you can try google translator Regards Alex
  7. Hi Tom, the tops of timberheads are parrallel to the sheer, as seem on framing plan here: https://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/83769.html they are extensions of frames and follow the tumblehome, also angled inwards. Regrads Alex
  8. Hi Tom, the 1. was been answered by Highlander the 2. you see the cut, it is a reference. They are yust filed by hand. the 3. It is yust round piece glued at the end... Alex
  9. Hi all, planksheer continued and timber heads in process. those parts are laminated from 3 layer of 0,5mm pear wood: then the planksheer and timber heads are painted black and installed: Regards Alex
  10. No wonder. I'm also always continue healthy and active when drinking Beer, and also not a fan of a Rum...🤣
  11. Hi Gary, I have seen this plan, the Standard is drawed with pensil, what is unusual for "official" alterations, and ist not noted on the plan as other alterations usually does. It can be that it is drawed much later for another purpose like building a modell? Some plans in NMM have such details drawed with pensill...
  12. Incredible details, marsalv! True Masterpiece!
  13. Hi, while researching for Anson I have noticed two different methods for fitting the false stem and standard, that I have also found in some 74 gun ships. One was where the false stem go up to upper deck breast hook and no standard was fittet here. Another where false stem ends at the gun deck breast hook and a standard was fitted agains stem. here the examples: HMS Warrior with standard: https://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/81116.html here the bigger image: and here HMS Ramillies without standard: https://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/80761.html Bigger image: Intrepid class has the standard fitted: https://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/81279.html And one more: the designs with standard fitted have the hinged after magazine, while those without standard have after magazine as a platform... Two different schools in ship design? Alex
  14. Thank you Pat! And here the photos from scuppers, and a sketch to show how they are made: Regards Alex
  15. Thank you all for warm words! Gary, the scuppers are made from cooper tube, they are also in two part. One inserted into deck and one into outboard... If I remember me correktly (some jears ago), I should have one or two unused scuppers in the box. I will make a Photo tomorrow and post it. Regards Alex
  16. Hi all, a lot of dust here... after long absence a small update from me. I have managet to work on Sphynx furter, if only slow... in the time I have done the steps and prepared planksheer for F. Castel und Q. Deck. the images explains better that words... Alex
  17. Hi Tom, I'm living ;) I'm working now at other things, Sphynx is paused for some time... Regards Alexander
  18. As far as I know, the main difference between frigate and ship rigged sloop is the length of the lower deck. https://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/84276.html https://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/83710.html If you look at those plans, you will notice that lower deck by sloop Atalanta ends at the range of mizzen mast, while by Sphinx it going to stern post. The 20 gun sphinx class do not have had guns on the quarter deck and fore castle by launching. The six rate contains ships from 20 to 28 guns. The 20 gun ships are smalest rated ships, called also post-ships, as they stod at last place in ships-list. The sloops are not rated. Here is a screenshot from "The Naval History Of Great Britain Vol.1", page 50. The table shows a number of carronades for any class of ships. The book describes also very well the development of rating system. https://books.google.de/books?redir_esc=y&hl=de&id=fkq8S57SG_0C&q=six+rate#v=snippet&q=six rate&f=false Regards Alexander
  19. Hi Gary, looks very good! I'm glad you work furhter on your Alfred! Please keep updates coming. Alex
  20. I was relatively sure that choks are first used after introduction of double/single frame system after around 1710. Before them floors and futtoks are just overlapped. does you known this thesis? https://nautarch.tamu.edu/Theses/abstracts/batchvarov.html Regards Alex
  21. Are you sure that Falconer show breeching rope in his drawing? It is too thin to be a breeching rope. I think, he show an extra Tackle used to held the gun in position. D. Steel show a cut splice in his drawings and I think, it is only right methode to bring the breeching rope aroung the cascable of the gun. Regards Alex
  22. Mark, I think it is a Fireship... have you this book? https://www.amazon.com/Fireship-Terror-Weapon-Age-Sail/dp/1591142709 druxey was faster
  23. Hi Tony, Fincham states that the planks from foreign oak are up to 42 feet long. That are planks for ships bottom. Planks for boats have smaller thickness and width, so I think more length was also possible. Alex
  24. Hello Mark, here a better image of the setup and drawing showing the duplicator principle. I have changed this afterwards and turned the cannon pattern. Important: the width of cutting tool and taster should be the same, then you will be able to cut rings from both sides. Alex
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