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Alex M

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Everything posted by Alex M

  1. Thank you guys for warm words! David, I use mostly needle files and sand blocks, then I have better control over edge, and chisels for final cut by inner corners Alex
  2. WOW! never seen such method before, but it works just amazing! Alex
  3. Hello Albert, stunning work! Very crisp and precise! Alex
  4. Hello all and many thanks for warm words! here the last news from the yard. I planned to let unplanked areas on the Fore Castle and Quarter deck, the image below show the idea: The planking continues... Alex
  5. Hello Karl, fantastic! Absolutely amazing... Alex
  6. Hello, many thanks for your nice comments! David, I use japanese water stone for honing the chinsel. Alex
  7. Hello, sorry for delay with updates, I was bussy with new job and nearly no time for modelling... have not much time to work at the Sphynx, so here only few images showing last changes. Last beams and carlings on forecastle and the door at kooking plase: Then glued inboard planks on the taffrail, and last strake at the f'caslte bulkhead: Mounted all Cannons, glued waterweys and margin plank on f'castle: Gratings and coaming are dry fitted now Alex
  8. very very nice guns, marsalv! Outstanding! Alex
  9. Hello druxey, it is a very nice barge, looks very realistic! Oars are just fantastic... Alex
  10. Hello Marsalv, stunning work! Really nice, it will be one of best Pandora models I have seen. Alex
  11. Hello Sigi, wonderfull, fantastic model! Very fine work! Alex
  12. Remco, I'm out of words, your steering wheel is simply amazing! Alex
  13. thank you guys for warm words! Paul,the coats of arms was from etchingsevice.eu, that existed no more. You can ask Daniel (dafi) he offer wunderfull etching parts for Victory and other ships: http://dafinismus.de/plates_en.html#anker5 Alex
  14. Hi Mark, and thank you very much for explanation about this model. It is now the fact, that it is contemporary, and show nibbing. I can't ignore it. Joel, thank you also for comments. I fully agree, that we should use only contemporary sources like plans, models, books and archaeological founds. And you are right that the infos here are very rare. So we should use every info we can find. The plan I have posted above show the deck of a purpose build cutter, designed by T. Slade and build at Deptford by Master Shipwright A. Hayes. So it is not fishing cutter, and if it show nibbing, that suggest that this method was in use in Royal Yards it those times. This was just one of common methods. The other was hooked planks, and they are both still in use in1760's Alex
  15. Johann, I can only second what other been wrote: excellent! Alex
  16. Hi Giorgio, amazing work, yust amazing... Alex
  17. Hi Mike, outstanding planking job! The transom looks terrific! Very accurate work. Alex
  18. Incredible Woodworking, and metalworks too! Very fine! Alex
  19. Hi Remco, as for my eye the both pump wells looks terrific! Alex
  20. Hi Danny, congrats for the honor, and for finishing model! The binnacle looks very fine, nad I'm sure that it fits Alex
  21. Hello, thank you David! Tom, it's good news! I wish you good luck with new build! Robin, thank you too! Alex
  22. Here the after part of the deck of Cutter Lurcher, launched 1763 at Deptford, that show an interesting nibbed plank: This plan is from Danish National Archives, here are also two by NMM: http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/86299.html Alex
  23. Hello, and many thanks you for comments and warm words! wyzwyk, how is your Camilla going? Any news? Alex
  24. Hello and thanks for warm words! it's done now. I have fastened the stove on the deck. The cement is a bit darker now and looks better for me. The work on beams and knees go on further. Alex
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