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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. For sure, It was only looking at other builds to know how it should look. 1mm out with the inner stern makes a difference.
  2. Galleries done, not my finest work, but I've never said I was any good.
  3. First sanding done. Filler to sand tomorrow. Shape not to bad so far.
  4. Not like you to get carried away Popeye, lol. Looking good.
  5. Hi Bikermart. Before you go too far with the second planking check other Victory posts around the keel where the beading line is. I'm sure the first planking should go to the stern rubber post and to the keel. Not sure if it makes sense, Check out you tube Paul Vickers Victory.
  6. Thanks Popeye, good to be back. Start of the first planking.
  7. Top gun port. Red pins to get the curvature of the bulkheads.
  8. Great build. I am just starting mine, thanks to all for your help the tips are invaluable, Ron.
  9. Looking good Bob, when you get to deck fittings use the plans for measurements not the colour booklet. I got some Caldercraft rigging to replace the hairy Occre stuff.
  10. Trimmed bulkhead 1 hole before gluing to test bowsprit fitting. Thanks to others for the idea, before it was too late.
  11. Wow, Congrats James on a fantastic job. I hope to do this later when released. So far i've done a couple of fishing boats, the Supply and Endeavour. I'll fill in until then with the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier, Tamiya.
  12. Congrats Pat beautifull job,nice to get her in a case before the nasty dust gets it.You can just sit back now and look at your ship.
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