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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. Good morning all, :D 


    Please excuse my long absence, work before play, as they say. Found some time to put in some more work on the 2mtr range finder.


    Hello Kevin, GJDale, Michel, Larry and Wackowolf. Thanks for looking in and for your never ending encouraging words. I think it would be wonderful if we all lived in the same town.




    Hi Paul - more lovely work, i have one problem with the above quote of yours, it will be a long way for me to commute to work, lol - i will get even less work done on my build

  2. JULY 09



    Lion (50) fought a severe action with the French ship Elizabeth (50) escorting the Doutelle.


    HMS Dolphin (24), Cptn. John Byron, and HMS Tamar (16), Cdr. Patrick Mouat, returned from trip round the World.


    HMS Ostrich (14), Cptn. Peter Rainier, took a French privateer (16) off Savannah Point.


    Royal Visit to Portland Roads.


    Start of 2 day Battle of Svensksund. A Swedish fleet of 176 ships, under King Gustav III and Carl Olof Cronstedt, defeated a Russian fleet of 135 ships, under Prince Charles of Nassau-Siegen.


    Boats of HMS Sirius (36), Cptn. Samuel Pym, captured French privateer Edward (4)


    Sailors and Marines from USS Portsmouth occupy and raise flag over San Francisco.

  3. looks fantastic -

    lol i have been preoccupied for the last couple of weeks - as a result i have just had to catch up on about 30 pages of your log  - time just fly's by- I should be back to to more posting again soon as i am getting used to the changes in my life - all pleasant - good god - i am nearly up to 1000 posts of my own - i hope no one counts how many are build related


    again lovely work


    all the best  

  4. JULY 08



    HMS Maidstone (50), Cptn. Lord Keppel, chased an enemy ship in-shore off Belle Isle, ran aground and was wrecked,


    HMS Experiment (20), Cptn. John Strachan, captured the French privateer Télémaque (20) off Alicante


    British squadron under Cptn. John Byron defeats French squadron under Francois Chenard de La Giraudais in the Bay of Chaleur, Gulf of Saint Lawrence.


    French fleet under Comte d'Estaing arrives at the mouth of the Delaware Bay and chases HMS Mermaid (28), Cptn. James Hawker, ashone on Assateague Island.


    Start of campaign to capture Senegal by HMS Solebay (32), Commodore Edward Henry Columbine, HMS Derwent (18), Fred Parker (Killed in Action), and HMS Tigress (12), Lt. Robert Bones, and some smaller vessels.


    HMS Exertion Gun-boat, Lt. James Murray, wrecked in the Elbe.


    Commodore Matthew C. Perry sails his squadron into Tokyo Bay.

  5. Impressive as always...

    Maybe I had missed the explanation about it; on the transom, there is a figure of a man at the starboard side, will be placed its mirror image on the port side?

    yes i have missed it off deliberately, it is finished and pained and just needs to be attached, but there is a lot more to be done - to tidy it all up, so i leave bits off to remind myself that i need to spend more time in that area - silly i know - thats me all over

  6. good afternoon everyone


    Progress - i actualy managed some build today




    as discussed in my last post i have not coppered the leading edge of the rudder or the trailing edge of the sternpost, but i have removed the hinges as they were getting in the way


    i have inserted 3 pins to strengthen the structure when it is finally fixed, should prevent any potential knock off










  7. JULY 07




    American frigates Hancock (32), Cptn. John Manley, and Boston (30), Cptn. Hector McNeil, were escorting their prize HMS Fox (28) to Boston. They were pursued by the British frigate HMS Rainbow (44), Cptn. Sir George Collier, who was joined by HMS Flora (32), Cptn. John Brisbane. The American ships steered different courses and Flora took Fox while Rainbow took Hancock. Cptn. McNeil was dismissed the American service for deserting Cptn. Manley.


    HMS Quebec (32) and convoy engaged two French frigates.


    US Congress rescinds treaties with France. Quasi War begins with Frigate Delaware capturing French privateerCroyable


    HMS Comet (14), Thomas Leef, HMS Falcon (14), Henry Samuel Butt, HMS Wasp (16), J. Edwards, and HMSRosario (14), Cptn. Carthew, used as fireships in an attack on four French frigates in the Dunkirk Roads. HMSDart (28), Patrick Campbell, took Desiree (40) but the others escaped.


    HMS Augustus Gunboat (3), Lt. James Scott, wrecked in the Sound, on the Hoe.


    Boats of HMS Bellerophon (74), Cptn. Samuel Warren, HMS Implacable (74), Cptn. Thomas Byam Martin, HMS Melpomene (38), Cptn. Peter Parker, and HMS Prometheus (18), Thomas Forrest, took 6 and sank 1 out of 8 Russian gunboats under Percola Point at Aspo near Fredrikshamm. The 12 vessels laden with powder and provisions that they were protecting were also captured.


    Start of 2 day campaign. HMS Boadicea (38), Cptn. Josias Rowley, and consorts took Isle of Bourbon.


    HMS Guachapin Brig (10), Lt. Michael Jenkins, driven ashore on Rat Island during a hurricane at Antigua and bilged


    Destruction of fortress at Farasina by HMS Eagle (74), Cptn. Charles Rowley, and landing party.


    Commodore John D. Sloat lands at Monterey from USS Savannah and claims California for U.S.

  8. Oh no Kevin...

    I had not paid any attention to your Log then one day I had stopped by and loved your build and decided to follow it. Your build had came at some stage when I found it. I tried to mention that, shame for my English level... Let me know which is the correct word.

    I know the life is a war, not a victory nor defeat... I hope all around you will bring you the goodness...

    i admire people like you that make an attempt to speak in the English language, full credit to you and everyone, i leant one to ten in French and then failed an exam as i was to stupid to realise that my name is the same in any language, and i tried to translate it

    as for the right word - lol perhaps you used the right word (Tardy) in the first place -lol 


    all the best

  9. Hello Kevin,

    I am waiting with patience your updates on HMS Victory, clean and impeccable build. I have found your Log tardy, decided to follow it but unfortunately you have come to a stop...m1516.gif

    Speaking of Berlin, I will keep all ropes natural hemp color...

    I have learned that static ropes have to be dark color, brown or black and active ropes white or cream. But meanwhile I saw in some Corel's finished models showed via internet, all ropes in natural hemp color, that event has pleased and encouraged me to go with the natural hemp color.

    Black is only in metal work and glasses of the windows...



    real life gets in the way - full time work lots of DIY on the house - big garden - and the biggest surprise of all - that my daughter who i lost 15 years ago has made contact, i progress with the build when i get the chance - no one more than me wants to get on with it - not quite sure you mean by tardy though, lol it doesnt mean anything special in the English dictionary - if you do mean that - then im afraid i am unable to improve on my own work

  10. Good morning everyone


    here is my latest build progress report,-




    the last few weeks has been quite difficult to do anything, so much is going on - but it is settling down now -  


    I am considering becoming a Slimming world consultant but to achieve that i would have to reduce my full time work hours - but that would also give me more home time hours- therefore more build time,  Time is my problem - lol i just dont have enough of it  


    anyway - going to the coast today, for a picnic - we both need some time out - LOL the grass and DIY will have to wait


    all the best 

  11. JULY 06



    Birth of John Paul Jones at Arbigland, Scotland.


    British squadron under George Rodney bombarded Le Havre,


    The Battle of Grenada. Engagement between British fleet of 21 ships of the line and 1 frigate, under Vice-Admiral John Byron, and French fleet of 25 ships of the line and several frigates, under Admiral Comte d'Estaing.


    HMS Romney (50), Cptn. George Johnstone, took French Perle (18) off Cape Finisterre


    The Battle of Negapatam. British fleet of 11 ships, under Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, engaged a French fleet of 11 ships, under the Bailli de Suffren, off the coast of India.


    Action off Algeciras between British squadron of 6 ships of the line, under Rear-Admiral Sir James Saumarez, and French squadron of 3 ships of the line and a frigate, under Rear-Admiral Linois. HMS Hannibal (74), Cptn. Solomon Ferris, grounded and was taken.


    HMS Raven (18) wrecked near Mazzara, Sicily coast.


    HMS Seahorse (38), Cptn. John Stewart, captured Turkish Badere Zaffer (54), Scanderli Kichue Ali, and sankAlis Fezan (24)


    HMS Bonne Citoyenne (20), William Mounsey, captured Furieuse (20).


    HMS Dictator (64), Cptn. Stewart, HMS Calypso (18), Henry Weir, HMS Podargus (14), William Robilliard, and HMS Flamer (14), Lt. Thomas England, engaged and destroyed the Danish frigate Najaden (38), Cdr. Hans Peter Holm, and the brigs Lolland (20), and Kiel (18) and also engaged the brig Samso (18) in Lyngør harbor .


    HMS Carron, John Furneaux, wrecked 4 miles to the north of the Black Pagoda, Poorie.

  12. JULY 05




    HMS Charles fireship (6), Edward Darley, burnt at St. Malo.


    First day of the 3 day Battle of Çeşme. A Russian Fleet fleet of 9 ships of the line and other vessels under Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov found the Ottoman fleet of 16 ships of the line and other vessels under Mandalzade Hüsameddin Pasha anchored just north of Çeşme Bay, western Anatolia. Towards the end of the engagement an Ottoman ship of the line blew up after her main topsail caught fire and the fire quickly spread to other ships. Three fireships were sent in and almost the entire Ottoman fleet burnt. They lost 15 ships of the line, 6 frigates and many smaller vessels.


    Danish attack a British convoy off Hielme Island but are repulsed  with the loss of 4 gun-boats and 120 men.


    USS Peacock (22), Lewis Warrington, captures British Stranger, Venus, Adiona, and Fortitude in Irish Channel


    Commodore Stephen Decatur's squadron arrives at Tripoli to collect reparations for seizure of American merchant ships in violation of Treaty of 1805.


    A Loyalist Portuguese force, mainly commanded by British Officers under Admiral Charles Napier, of Rainha de Portugal (46), Commodore Wilkinson, Cptn. F. G. MacDonough, Dona Maria (42), Cptn. Peake, Dom Pedro (50) Cptn. Thomas Goble, Vila Flor (18), Cptn. Ruxton, Portuense (20), Cptn. Blackstone, and Faro (6) engaged of Cape St. Vincent a superior Miguelites force under Admiral Manuel António Marreiros of Nau Rainha (74), Cptn. Barradas, Dom João (74), Martinho de Freitas (50), Duquesa da Bragança (56), Isabel Maria (22), Princesa Real (24), Tejo (20), Sybille (20), Audaz (18), Activa (xebec) and several other brigs. The first 5 named Miguelites vessels were taken by boarding following which they changed their allegiance. This is regarded as the last major engagement to take place solely under sail

  13. JULY 04



    Fire at Portsmouth Dockyard.


    American Declaration of Independance.

    [Fiction:-Horatio Hornblower born]


    John Paul Jones hoists first Stars and Stripes flag on Ranger at Portsmouth, NH.


    HMS Prudente (36), Cptn. Hon. William Waldegrave, and HMS Licome (32), Cptn. Hon. Thomas Cadogan, took and destroyed French frigate Capricieuse (32), Cptn. Le Breton de Eanzanne, off Cape Ortegal.


    Boats of HMS Naiad (38), Cptn. James Wallis, cut out Providence.


    Boats of HMS Unite (40), Cptn. Chamberlayne, captured St. François di Poale (8) from Port Hercole, then further along the coast, joined by HMS Cephalus (18), Augustus William Clifford, captured 3 merchant vessels.

    27 Danish gunboats, under Lt. Jørgen C. de Falsen, attacks 4 British ships-of-the-line, 2 frigates and 2 brigs, escorting a large convoy, off the island of Hjelm. 4 gunboats are lost, while 1 British frigate and 17 merchant men are heavily damaged. 


    Boats of HMS Attack (14), Lt. Richard Simmonds, captured a French transport galliot off Calais.


    First US test of electrically operated underwater torpedo sinks gunboat Boxer

  14. This is an amazing model; I am in awe!  I think the "special edition" kit might be an interesting option, since it helps differentiate this Victory from all others.  If I were to buy the kit, then adding some extra money to get the ultimate would make sense to me.


    Alas, I'm unlikely to get another Victory, since I already have one partially completed.  I know my admiral, and if I were to suggest getting another Victory, then she would be asking what I'm going to do with the first... Somehow, justifying a new, different ship is a lot easier!  Still, there is tremendous pleasure in just watching this come together.


    I would love to see this treatment given to something new, like Lenox or Suffolk or Resolution or Zeven Provincien.  Perhaps someday?

    but as stated that's unlikely to happen due to the time and energy required and possibly limited sales - unfortunately ships have to be famous and known to everyone to have this treatment- such a shame to fact of life

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