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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/WTI0001P?I=LXDYE9&P=8 This works very well and comes in different sizes - i used 6mm Disclaimer lol - its the tape i am showing - not where to buy it from, or price to pay
  2. lol - it's nice to see Murphy is visiting someone else for a change, if i do another 1st rate i will close all the gun-port lids and do away with the linings altogether, or use Evergreen plastic strips the hull is looking great
  3. 708 hours It was nice to get back into the build, and continued where i left off last July. Im not sue i like the gun-port rope work, or maybe i should have painted the hinges the same colour blue rather than leaving naked, they might haved blended in a bit better. the brass profile above is just temporary as are the black deck boards
  4. lol - you should see it now thanks everyone for yr comments, i still have a lot of clutter to move around - as we get to the final out buildings, but i did get an hour on the build this afternoon
  5. Dah Dah ( sang as a fanfare) The big day came and went, all the crowds, the skimpy dressed cheerleaders, a top billing of big musicians - all to celebrate- the long awaited event . Although that is not strictly true, infarct there was only me and the wife who opened the door for me - like royalty ( still not quite true) in fact she opened it just to be able to shut as i passed through to stop the cold wind entering the house - oh i did have the ipod playing some trance music in the background, with the bass provided by the 5 wabbits - all stomping as i had disturbed there evening kip Celebrate what i hear you all say the build has re-started
  6. just found yr build, LOL i am trying to follow all the Victory ones, you have done a nice job, well done all the best
  7. lol Paul i feel sorry for you, all these requests to show more detail, we all want to see more detail, but want to see the next bit as well
  8. we are waiting to see the way ahead - please keep us updated
  9. Lol - i dread coming home - in case i find it full of squatters
  10. Paul i fully appreciate that there are book and photo's to help you on this build, but i never guessed they would go into the detail required for you to reproduce an electrical panel like in the above photo, i just love this build well done
  11. hello everyone, yet again my weekend has come to an end, yeah ok it is the middle of the afternoon, but have things to do, and i have avoided all the news all day to watch the Australian F1 race this evening, i would watch it live but the weather affected the qualifications so messed my routine up anyway, i have totally rewired my garage, and put in place a full ring main, new lighting sockets, aerial points, just tidying it all up now, had to clean the mess up to take the photos i will be building a table next, to free stand in the middle of the room so that i can work on the build from any side, i hope to complete that by this time next week. all the best
  12. Gil - brilliant work, are you fitting the stun yards? I presume these would involve a certain amount of rigging as well i am on track to have my build on the table by Easter
  13. lol, lovely build, lol they didn't leave much space for anything else, pretty much every available space is filled, now throw in all the masting and rigging
  14. After 30+ years in the Royal navy,I retired 3 years ago. Being around warships and submarines,all that time, it is surprising just how quickly you forget about the small details required to make a vessel operate, it is not until you see the plans of yr build, seeing all the inlets, outlets deck fittings etc, the things that take a average model into something special, i will follow with intrest, good luck
  15. i quess planking the upper deck in two halves, is always possibly going to result in that problem, it only shows at the very front, and i doubt if any of that will be seen, well done
  16. the last time i saw this problem on msw 1.0 the hole was then cut and the build proceeded, only to find out the bulkheads had been placed in the incorrect order, please double check - if im wrong - i appologise - not trying to panic you
  17. she looks very nice, another vict build for me to follow
  18. the more logs the better, there is always something from every build that can be used as an idea for someone else
  19. my garage conversion continues, raised floor ceiling and walls are finished, the barrier between me and the wabbits is 90% done, at present i am working out work top area and storage, still on track for a Easter restart. i fully appreciate this is a hobby site for boats and not loft/ garage conversions, if anyone is concerned with this, please tell me and i will stop posting non Victory related stuff
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