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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. very nice stern and galleries, the gun port linings look very close to the outside hull, is it an optical illusion?, if not it might interfere with the cover hinges the rest of the build looks very nice
  2. part of my build journey was having the loft conversion done, just a few phots of before and after
  3. this is where i left off last July at 690 hours into the build
  4. Hi Gil LOL - about time what took you so long Welcome back
  5. 570 hours into build all the external planking has now been completed the gun deck - is almost finished, i only rigged the weapons that would be seen, perhaps a decision i regret now,
  6. 480 hours into build the 1/4 galleries were perhaps the easiest bit so far for me anyway i got it right 1st time. I can only presume that is because i managed to get everything where it needed to be, ie i would rip it off and do again if not so there was quite a debate about this at the time, i had a PM through stating they are in the wrong place/position, this is in fact an optical illusion
  7. the copper tiles took me 140+ hours - to be in a position where i was happy with them, I made lots of mistakes and found ways to correct them few things i learnt i used superglue,, but there are different formula's - i found the medium jel worked for me in the end, ensure you have a good waterline from the waterline i worked down about 14 rows and found from there i had a continual run of tiles which hit the waterline forward and aft, then worked from the keel up this ensured that that the gore line was hidden under the belly of the build the stern up to the rudder post was a pain to get - so that it looked the same when viewed from there looking forward, this was because both side were not exactly the same i used a thin strip of plastic on the waterline to tidy the tiles up copper tape always was an option - i decided against this i required to purchase more tiles i would change the glue type next time to something light something like evostick - something that gives you time to move the tile around, and easier to get any residue off hope this makes sense
  8. sept 2011-280 hours into build, all gun ports middle and lower have been lined. This was achieved using a simple built jig that allowed the linings to be put into the cut-out at a depth of 1mm from the outside of the hull, without constantly loosing then into the hull
  9. at 240 hours into the build, all second planking had been done and redone, whales took several attempts to get right, at this stage, I was getting ready to do the gun port linings
  10. the 1/4 galleries fit nicely to the gun port templates, lol providing the previous post is correct this was at 150 hours into the build
  11. it is absolutely essential that the gun port templates are exactly in the right position, as i found out and had to rip them out at a later date,
  12. thank you Paul, for taking the time and effort to rebuild your log, i have never seen the early work anyway,
  13. Paul it has all gone, i understand that we can put as much or little from our own records to bring our builds up to date
  14. Hello everyone Are we re-posting everything from start of the project, or from where we are at present contents http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/403-hms-victory-by-kevin-caldercraftjotika-172/ workshop makeover http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/403-hms-victory-by-kevin-caldercraftjotika-172/page-2#entry7118 beakhead chase cannons http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/403-hms-victory-by-kevin-caldercraftjotika-172/page-5
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