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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. i continued last night to get the bow decoration right, - lol unsucsessfully, was hoping to work backwacks towards finishing the decorative strips that run from the steps, also nearly ready to fix the fore mast chain plates
  2. well i have had my two minutes of fame, so i will spend the next 6 months waiting to see if i can get another one right, and then give it away
  3. lol - oh another target
  4. might as well
  5. no its not, it is fact HMS SCEPTE off RFA Dilligence GOA India lol - perhaps that's why very few post submarines
  6. http://naval.histofig.com/Painting-of-Napoleonic-Spanish.html this is intresting, where it appears that different colures were used to define category's of class of ship
  7. jack will you please put a profile picture of all your builds into the following link, others will like to see your work http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1589-latest-full-profile-photograph-of-your-build/
  8. lol - British and not traf class, please dont let me win and have to repost
  9. Not traf class
  10. well one part is right - lol it's not the subs name- infact i cannot see shrug as any nations named vessel - ill let you dwell over yr hot chocolate- or what ever you drink this time of day
  11. here is my entry 1 point submarine 1 point support vessel
  12. Chance" (1902)
  13. a poorly coppered hull looks worse than a poorly planked hull, must be the scale thing, and not being able to touch up with a bit of filler.But like all my modeling skills practise makes perfect (well a little bit better in my case), i like to see a coppered hull
  14. Paul would you like to put your build (profile photo) into the following topic please, so that others may see your work http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1589-latest-full-profile-photograph-of-your-build/
  15. i am continuing doing the stbd side, the cat head is finished and fixed/pinned, and i managed to successfully make the strip underneath it, cutting the wale was my biggest heartache, as i found it hard to mark everything and get the angle right, but like everything else, it will get done, all a learning curve i used the brass profile, and bent with molegrips and a vice, then used fine wet and dry to rub out any marks, and yes it is fairly acute angle
  16. i googgled for a photo, so i don't have a date, the photo stock didn't provide it https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=hms+victory+bow+photo&hl=en&rlz=1C1GGGE_en-gbGB473GB473&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=KE9iUdHOCInT0QXzsoGwBg&ved=0CDsQsAQ&biw=1680&bih=937
  17. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1589-latest-full-profile-photograph-of-your-build/ have a look in here, that's one of the reasons,why i started it
  18. i reduced the thickness of the side rails of my ladder to fit within the coaming, as i remember i had a similar problem
  19. Not much to show for the few hours i have put in on the build this weekend, the bow timbers that fit into the head timbers are giving me a nightmare, with the decorative strip that flares in from under the cat-head, The rail that comes from under the cathead cuts unto the upper wale and stops where the the upper head timber strip comes into contact with the hull
  20. WOW thank-you so much for reposting
  21. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1589-latest-full-profile-photograph-of-your-build/
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