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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. good evening its another not much to report update ratlines main and foremast complete, still need to be trimmed and set into position, and replace any that dont look like to me Modelspan for the sail
  2. oh the great 2013 crash, well we are bigger and better nowadays, do we have a party next year to celebrate it, i might even finish a build by then
  3. Good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes standing rigging main mast
  4. looks brilliant from less than 2 feet as well
  5. anyway on with the build i have two different thicknesses of Modelspan on order, I am not in a hurry for them as i dont even have a sail plan yet the foremast lower rat lines continue, i will then do the Catharpins before going onto the upper lines, there are so many snagging bits ofn the build, so glad i never put everything on
  6. good evening, everyone it was about 10 days ago lying-in bed 3 in the morning, wife breathing heavy one side and the Boi spaniel in his bed right next to me and all i could do was think about model building, the sd14 is enjoyable but 100 days on im slightly ready for a change, I have other kits new and some started but i want the WOW factor, something to get me head thinking, something to tax me without being boring, and a little out of my comfort zone, thinking we are on an adventure my boi follows me into my display area and discuss what to do next, well I talk to myself whilst the boi looks for treats in me pockets a process of elimination rules out any new build 1/200 Titanic and Shipways Syren being started as the new INDY is out later this year Next the started builds, 1/48 Enterprise is crossed off as is the U Boat and Snowberry. We have one build left the Amerigo, this is the build that should have gone to landfill many years ago, its only when I restarted her that I decided to make her in my own version Anyway she came back to the table, and im pleased with the progress my WOW and out of comfort zones will be coming in the form of putting a full set of sails on her
  7. Thank you Keith, i believe i have found somewhere that can supply Modelspan, i need to read everything again to see what to use on it
  8. im still unable to find a stockist in the UK for silkspan, been trying all afternoon
  9. thank you i had something like this in mind
  10. good morning everyone i have come to the conclusion that i would like to try this on my Amerigo builds couple of questions though would this work with 27+ sails i would like a darker colour, possible light blue or green, to show off the rigging could the bond paper be adapted to furled sails what GSM weight bond paper
  11. Welcome to MSW @VFX_Chris please start a build log and show us all your work
  12. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes P&S foremast lower ratlines well most of the rats are in now (foremast lower), another 5 to go plus remove one or two that look worse than the rest, im still not 100% sure the white and brass is doing it for me, it needs a dark backdrop to stop it looking like every 6th line is missing
  13. good evening everyone was hoping for a better update tonight, BUT all yesterdays work was wrong so had a redo today i have severel things in life to remember who am i where do i live wife birthday and how to tie Ratlines i forgot one of the above and it wasnt any of the first three anyway here is the redo, still not brilliant, and yet again another big variation away from the real vessel
  14. So glad I found this build, wonderful work, puts my kits to shame
  15. Stunning work, going to be so impressive when complete, if this can ever be said to be finished, there is always more that can be added
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