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Everything posted by betamale

  1. What a beautiful build. The attention to detail and ingenuity is first class.
  2. Words do not cover my appreciation and the pleasure it is to see your log back is genuine. I will devour the new log as I did the old one. Well done pulling up your boot-straps and starting again. What must have gone through your mind in the last week can only be imagined.
  3. Hi Paul, Looking very good so far. Very nice to have another Pegasus build on here as well. I second what Anarfather says about Blue Ensigns build and log, well worth bookmarking and referring to constantly.
  4. Another addition to my extremely sporadic log and build. I had a very relaxing few days making and painting. As always I have used Blue Ensigns build as inspiration.The next step is making the hearts for masts as suggested 6 months ago! Luckily this is not a time dependent hobby. Happy New Year everyone.
  5. I got busy elsewhere again! But I am back and have just finished the top masts. Rather than make the topmast gallants I am going to get my head round the hearts and then the standing rigging as BE suggests.
  6. Ha, I am terrible! I have not really touched Pegasus for a few weeks. Work has been mad and I have spent more spare time with family than with the shed. Which is exactly as it should be. Thank you for your kind words. I will look at the order of build as you suggest B.E. In fact I very much appreciate your suggestions as I do not have the same grasp on this as you do.
  7. Progress has been slow in the ship yard. I find that only having an hour or so at a time is not long enough to get your head round what you are doing, then you have to start again next time.I have made a start on the lower masts and made up a fishing davit. Again a combination of kit and following Blue Ensigns mods. Not anywhere near his standards, but inspired by. I am not sure what to make a start on once the lower masts are done. I need to get my head around or of build again after the long lay-off.
  8. Hi Doug, It looks to me like you are making a fine start to your ship.I look forward to following your build.
  9. She looks great. Well done. Your build brings back fond memories of an enjoyable build. In hindsight the kit is not great quality, but Ladysmith is a wonderful and unusual ship.
  10. Ladysmith was my first build. It was a bit like pulling teeth at times but the end result is, in my opinion, a really good looking and unusual boat ( unusual in modelling to see a fishing trawler) I gave the boat to my Dad as a present along with the plans. But I do think I still have scans of them on my computer as somebody on here asked for them a couple of years ago. Not sure how much I can help but I will keep an eye on the thread.
  11. Hi Doug, I hope you enjoy the build. It is a great kit. I would pay close attention to how Blue Ensign has gone about it personally. If I had realised the little tricks he employed when I started, my build would have been better. It is also a very complete and easy to follow build log.
  12. I had not wandered off again! My wife found another project for me. Now I am back on the ship. My first few attempts at the spare top masts failed in several areas. These are the finished items, not perfect but closer than anything I have managed to this point.
  13. Beautiful build Sjors. I need to study your posts closer.
  14. Looking good so far Herb. I think we all overthink sections of our builds, for what its worth I think planking before fitting the decking would have made more problems than it solved. Cutting out the hatches etc is not actually a problem (As long as you do not totally obscure them) I had a lot of fun using Pegasus as makeshift maracas, trying to get all the bits of planking out from the lower deck.
  15. Hi, Welcome to MSW. Don't glue directly to the ship, not with any glue. Put a wee bit on a plate or something and transfer it. Gluing directly will end in tears every time.it did for me anyway!
  16. I am currently making a tentative start on the spare masts. Firstly I milled out a 6mm square slot in some wood to hold the pieces steady Not being in possession of a 4 jaw chuck, I found that holding the piece in a short length of air pipe with the flats packed out centred everything nicely as well as protecting the part. I then return the part to my holding jig and have filed/milled the flats into the mast. This was achieved with packers. The mast is 6mm square. The first to be reduced is 4mm, so a 1mm packer under the mast raises it the correct height. Turned 4 times this appears to work nicely.
  17. I had put the build on hold for a couple of years due to other commitments. I restarted just after Christmas. I always feel a bit daunted by the far higher level of build elsewhere on the site and can not hold a candle to them, but maybe there is something to contribute by making a log. I owe a massive debt of gratitude especially to Blue Ensign as I have pretty much used his log as a "How to" although the quality of my ship falls short, the order of build and small changes he has made have been invaliable. Firstly a couple of pictures showing the current state of play.
  18. That looks really nice Mike. I have just seen your p.m from nearly 1 year ago! Sorry, I have not done any modelling for a while and have only fleetingly looked in on the site. The build looks very good.
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