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About wernerkalk

  • Birthday 03/19/1943

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  1. Hello Ron Please let me know your present situation, maybe I can help too. Werner
  2. Dear Wasa builder Great work, it makes me happy to look at your WASA. Thanks for all your support which I will use to continue on mine. What will be your next. Maybe I will start later this year on "Friedrich Wilhelm". Regards Werner from Munkebo, Denmark
  3. Dear Friend Fantastic good work and pictures. Without you I would be hopeless lost. I have just started the riggin. Actually we have very stormy weather in Denmark but fortunately I have my "WASA" to work indoors. Many Greetings from Munkebo Werner
  4. Dear members of WASA builders Thank you very much for you replies, it makes me very happy to be in your group. You give me a lot of support to make my ship as good as I can. I will continue looking at your progresses. Attached please see my last Work, the Danish "Fregatte Jylland". Regards Werner
  5. Dear Wasa builders I have nearly completed the hull and please let me know how did you fasten the canon ports, by glue or how ?? Regards Werner
  6. Dear WASA builders After nærly 11 month "hard" work my ship hull becomes more and more complete. I still follow yours and all other Wasa experts progress of this fantasic ship. Without your help I never couldn't make it because the manual and drawing of Billing Boat is uncomplete and include many mistakes. Thank you very much for your detailed photoraphs and descriptions Now my question : How did you fasten fasten the gun ports, only by glue or how ?? I'm living in Denmark and I did seen the Wasa only 6 months after it was elevated from the ground of the Stockholm fjord and before there were build a museum. Next year it is my plan to visit the museum. Regards Werner
  7. Dear friends and Wasa builders I have followed nearly all Wasa buildes on Model Ship World mostly yours and I'm very impressed. After I did start with my Wasa in January I found out that the manual from Billing Boat was very uncomplete and it was nearly impossible to work after that, even when I have some experiences by Building "Santa Maria", "Danmark" and "Jylland". Thanks your very extremely good explanations and fotographs my ship becomes more and more nice. Gegards Werner Kalk
  8. Dear Friends of model ships I have just started to build the "VASA" and I am impreesed very much about yours. Following your progres I have learned a lot and I am proud to become a part of your team. Pictures will follow when I'm ready to show them to you. Before I have build "Santa Maria", Skoleskib Danmark" and "Frigatten Jylland". Kind Regards Werner
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