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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Looking good Tom as to the mix a great painter on another forum the consistency of "whole milk" Kevin
  2. First things first Son getting his E-5 promotion been in 4yrs. now I can say he is finally looking like Man. kevin
  3. I want to get two mechanics working on the engines with the Pilots talking/observing the CrewChief at his duties that's the thought Lou. Kevin
  4. i thought the same Lou but the average piece is $14.99 and up it's just buying six at once. Kevin
  5. Well I am laying down more future to the whole fuse today.I tried some Tamy Wash again down to the lacquer silver and stopped in one little spot again I am leaving it looks convincing but I want to control that effect.I can only figure the those areas did not have enough gloss and was eating the enamel's.I think also I am going to make a run with some burnt umber oils and thinner do not want any catastrophe's at this point of the build.So,I move on to the main gear and wheels I guess and some paint to the wings.The L/nacelle the rear engine mount was drilled for a tube that may hook up to Tamy electric motors then a set of Potentiometers one for each motor.If I feel so inclined to take this route then this puts a whole nother build into play a dio to which I found these today https://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-Models-32001-1-32-B-25-Mitchell-Crew/383418840904?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D225086%26meid%3Dc9ddb42c2f0e4fc394f7c2b5a1eaf5e2%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D15%26mehot%3Dnone%26sd%3D383418841324%26itm%3D383418840904%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057&_trksid=p2380057.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3A1573c3ed-599c-11ea-b52a-74dbd180a963|parentrq%3A883e4eea1700aadad8a1cf5cfff65036|iid%3A1 I don't know been a long build and aching to join a GB on another site just a 1/72 B-25 Airifx MKII Kevin
  6. Jack something I just threw together one day 3/8" dowels pinned by 1/8" with the bases run over the sander for an incline to slip in the holes easier.The base I biscuit-ed together with all the scrap wood I have it only cost an hour maybe. Mike I apply to the whole model lay the decals and then apply just to the decal area to seal them.As to weathering I sprayed parts of the fuse with the same color I used for the fabric pieces on the tail lightly here and there and then applied the pastels pretty strong on upper areas exposed to the sun knowing the future will wash out most of it.The tamiya panels wash I read actually says not to apply to enamels so a buffer of type needs to be applied so I went Future but then they say to clean with XF-20 thinner the same thing I clean my airbrush with?I tried it and I hit the duraluminum underneath not bad looks real but I think I am going back to alcohol.I use to make my own washes if enamel gloss water based/acrylic was used or if Future my preferred then an enamel wash.I am going to play with this Tamiya a bit more but I might revert to my old ways. Kevin
  7. Wings slip off/on viva a lock system no glue needed Thks for looking in Kevin
  8. She gets even Bigger Kevin and a better look at Miss Runyon
  9. Decals added gloss (future) over the decaled area next maybe in a couple hours the flat Kevin "Catch 22" anybody I think that's a 100 missions on the nose?
  10. The idea OC is to tape off all glass leaving the framing exposed and then glue all glass into play and spray.The temptation is high to remove the tape but leave it till all decals and clears have been applied this gives the paint a uniform coat.You will be okay as it sits but did you remove the tape from the canopy and why it is taped as such now? Kevin
  11. She is a big girl Denis when I look at it I go dam that crate is BIG but I feel the pics don't pull that through...anyways the most fun I have had in a build in a while Kevin
  12. Thanks Gentlemen(a term used loosely) for all the likes and looking in got some color added and a few coats of future.The second pic you can see that the fabric colored pieces were painted in a faded batch of OD with some sprayed here and there about the fuse you may have to expand the pics to see the effect.I may try to lay the decals for the fuse tomorrow night and future on Thursday then a flat. Kevin
  13. One of the biggest PIA's when building planes but yours will do . Kevin
  14. Oh you can just feel the love with all this bickering going on sounds like work Kevin
  15. It can CD got a good bit worked the life saver was that area got OD in the long run.I did not care for the Duraluminum so buffed and hit with MM Al Plate smooth finish the Dura came out blotchy.That bottle of filler I P/U in New Orleans last year at the LHS works great for a crack/seam so-so on that fix for the nose. Kevin
  16. Well I have been using Badger Airbrushes since I was about 12 years old with cans of ProPel and that plastic airbrush back then if you keep diving into plastics you know somewhere down the line............? Kevin Then I have seen some hand painted look as good or better.
  17. I am using duraluminum by AlClad CD I already found a bumpy spot were the nose piece meets the fuse that I need to smooth out.I then like tonight hit it (silver) with an 800 grit scotch brite to smooth and level it off it actually made the seam along the spine disappear for the most telling the OD will hide it.I have had to paint a plane a few times to get it the way I like like my 1/32 P-47 this one is working pretty good thus far I wanted a matt worn look.
  18. I have laid the black base for the silver and then it is OD for the upper surfaces.I left the fabric pieces off so when I do the OD later should be a tad lighter Kevin
  19. She is unbuilt my eyes for 1/72 are finally starting to fade for the up close stuff have to wear 1.0'sto focus not bad but I have a holiday today to me NO WORKEE today playtime in the shop.I will get a pic of the box art for ye though and contents. Kevin
  20. Going to need a hangar for that CD I have the 1/24 Zero from Trump built OOB and the Pit was excellent as is. I P/U one some years back for cheap it makes my Hk B-25 look small.I wish I could get into the Navy side of things in the PTO but they are all blue and grey unlike the AAF.I like the build and you are not cheating in 1/32 you just get/we see it better. Kevin
  21. Was exactly my thoughts also Excellente! Yves Kevin
  22. Looks like a nice PE selection I like how they provided the rear walkway I will keep an eye on the build have a couple smaller 25's in the stash to build. Kevin
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