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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. See I have heard about guys like you one on every forum my collection is meager
  2. If you seen it now Jack you would not say that but when it's thrashed it means work is happening then on to the railing section for the porch
  3. Jack once I get the two cabinets built which will be 48"L X 32"H X 22"D I should be good for quite a few years I just have so many little projects going on on the other side of the shop momma likes to keep me busy.I will in fact be finishing up a chair for the front porch today.Some pics of the wood work side.
  4. I use the Alclad Gloss Black Lacquer one for black basing and for it's adhesion but I am trying to understand exactly the gassing terminology it has a strong odor upon being laid down. OK I think I have it had to read it a few times so once the paint has been laid you should not be able to smell the paint on the model?
  5. Not enough lifetime either I need to build some more wood even if it's just to crash it I went and counted about 180 built and 190 unbuilt
  6. The 1/48 B-58 Hustler and the B-25 are two from my youth the B-17 is already done. That's why Momma said we need to build you a shop the office/hobby room is7'X16' the wood work area is 16'X21"
  7. This the best picks of the stash for now the cabinet I built about 12yrs ago it's 8'LX8'HX 22"D the storage is 30"H on the bottom with another 12" above and it's not enough hence I have not been buying.I gave away to fellow builder in Mexico a retired Colonel about 6 kits I thought I never get to he did a knock out job on a couple that's how I am making room. The last pic is about 60-70 1/72 builds on the wall and those cabinets are probably 20+ years old when a hurricane comes they come down of the walls heavy heavy. Kevin
  8. I have more kits in my stash than the HobbyTown in Mobile has on there shelf(aircraft) anymore its a shame but the LHS have shifted to RC it's were the money is.I use to buy kits whenever I go on vacation whatever town to support the Brick and Mortar stores.They use to have a shop in Pensacola like maybe 10k/15k square feet run by an old retired Navy fella I would go on to visit it a few times Nice! Kevin
  9. Both are in the stash now OC I have about 250 unbuilt kits ATTM and about 200-225 built and mine is consider by some a small stash.It really boils down to time and space for now Kevin
  10. Mike I have been having a yearning for either the 1/24 Airfix Mossie or the quicker build the 1/32 SH Yak-3 which fits into an existing cabinet I need to get my **** into gear and finish the first four foot cabinet of two.
  11. Those are really Nice Carl and I can see your progression on your paint to were it has arrived to date Nicely Done! I also like and see the same effect with the props again Nicely Done! That is not a feat easily conquered I would think? on the props I still have issues in 1/48.I think this collection shows how we as builders learn to master little bits over time even if we have been building forever.You are a bugger for trying to get me into another WWI crate and I luv the yellow one Kevin
  12. What's wrong with that?...............
  13. Craig I did not weight it or knew what was required did not see it in the instructions either. I just know that the fuse was heavy in hand to the copit and I did not want overload the gear it was just grams away a few more .22 flattened pellets I really appreciate the likes and responses but when it comes to the Dio it will be a separate thread.The 110 has been painted RLM 78 the technique I wanted to try was with pastels but I think my pastels are incorrect and I may need one in an oil base?and I might break that into it's own thread since time is growing on that build also.Thks to you All !! Kevin
  14. OC I was building a small cabinet for the wife to go in a bathroom solid black and she has been prone to the oriental black very glossy and deep.I think I applied the lacquer clear first and it had cured well and for some reason applied an acrylic clear and it cracked like crazy spider webbed.Those two do not mingle well at all sorry as heck to see this happen Kevin
  15. Mike in away,I use Semi-Gloss enamel by Model Master to seal the paint and it will tone down a gloss paint also then I apply the semi again after the decals are laid then hit it flat unless it's NM finish.
  16. It's all part of the curve OC 8 out of 10 times they are a Glossy backing just thinking of the Spits out there.
  17. Phil lots of Very Nice progress has been made since the last time I poked my head in Kevin
  18. All looks good OC but something for future builds.The surface of the plane was over glossed to sheen of your decals hence the flat look to the decal backing shows.The idea is to make the two surfaces match before the decals are applied to hide the backing film just food for thought all looks Very Good though. kevin
  19. damn! Those taillights last pic post 147 look frigg'in real
  20. Like that paint technique stealing it for my next one.Hey what about Wingnuts going out of business?sad day in the modeling world. Kevin
  21. To Cool! The little girl will probably treasure this little house most of all the rest of her Life. Kevin
  22. You are probably correct in that in most instances while in flight. Kevin
  23. Electric motors behind the engine for the Dio but only one will be operational Kevin
  24. Well this will be it for about a week fellas wings have been locked in no glue required.The plane is sitting properly on the nose wheel but also notice one single tailplane is missing that is all it takes to make her a tail dragger Oh well that is an easy fix in the dio. I only have to add the bomb bay doors that antenna and a few other pieces stuff you would break off another 2hrs of work maybe. Ya'll keep safe out there Kevin The Beast!!
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