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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Wow!Kevin glad to see that you persevered to master the solder war,good for you!The work is really starting to show itself especially in those depth charger racks with the scale effect as opposed to the plastic.The white metal pieces Kevin I take it that those are epoxied on?Keep up the excellent work! Kevin
  2. Hey Denis she's coming along Nicely Sir! I have been using that elastic thread in .010" diameter does not sag but you can still over stress the yards I found out on the Yahagi still working the curve. Kevin
  3. Looking good in for the build have thought of this one myself.I am building a Hase kit also and loved those supports for the hull watch out for the Hase PE while it tends to be good is very fragile and delicate.It must be a common trait in many men keep the hands busy some kind of creative process I myself like to make some furniture.My favorite wood ATTM is Sapele and I have some Philippine Mahogany for a new computer station. Kevin
  4. Sorry for the late reply Mike and I have read some of the ships carried them for specific operations but I do not have any other info than what was supplied and no mention of anything special on the stacks or have I seen it in other builds.The build continues to move forward though a little slower due to pain in the upper back I hope to get some facet injections next week if the insurance gives it a go left work one day pain was beyond anything I have had in 18 months or so.So,I have just a little more railing to do on the aft deck area,position some a/c part parts around the hanger deck and a few more men here and there.Pics........
  5. Just some pics of the work the last few days.The only piece still not glued down yet is the crane house and I made a pulley and hook and plan to rig it still also.Good night and thks for the interest Kevin
  6. Thanks Yves!I am liking her to it's going to be a clean build but she sure looks like a lady ready for the show.I got all the AA's on the rear deck,painted the hose reels the same color as the hull and have started clearing the wood base.The time I spent on the other side of the shop doing the base I planed down some more 5/4 red oak to 1" getting ready to build the back of a new modeling cabinet.Pics tomorrow night I hope. Kevin
  7. Thks for looking in fellas got a bit done today first day off in seven looking for that holiday (October).The planes are just about done got some single AA's to line the front deck,AA towers on the side installed,extra floats installed between AA tower and funnel and a bunch of little bits on the rear deck.Excuse the mess on the desk but more work tomorrow I will let the pictures do the talking. Kevin
  8. It's a very small update on the build (lots of work) I have been working on the P/E of the planes and the launches time comsuming but believe it will be beneficial in the long run little things.The P/E company supplied templates so as to get the launches set up correctly in there cradles and planes came with the cables for floats and props which I twisted in the appropriate direction for some pitch.Thks for all the likes fellas and interest! Kevin
  9. I got quite a bit done today got all the funnels/air ducts put in place added the front antenna everything is glued down except the aft crane house.I still have alot of little bits to add but they have been sprayed and are drying ATTM.I am beginning to think I may not go down the road of a wash I like the way she looks now I also have started on the planes floats are on should be painted by Sunday I hope. Kevin
  10. And you are one leg up up with a GF who likes to build Hooray!!Welcome,plenty of knowledgeable people to answer the questions here. Kevin
  11. Looks good Phil but you need a Marine throwing a hand grenade down into the hold. Kevin
  12. I call that being an artist Very Nice Work Sir!! What wood are you using for the base some nice ribbon in it? Kevin
  13. The Tamy and Hase kits are some of the best Nice start by the way. Kevin
  14. The works of the last couple of days the white marks on the deck are were I filled with sprue to put after market PE ladders instead.The back side of the plane platform you can just see a brass ladder poking it's way through. Kevin
  15. Mike like to give you a definitive answer but it's a home brew I had a little left of Matt70 Humbrol and started adding a Red Humbrol till I got to the point I was satisfied.The color that Hase recommends is a Tamy color a little more brown than mine and in the right lighting that brown does peek a little more in my mixture.Well I got the catapult built out of the PE and good thing they gave me two carts for I destroyed one so it goes Kevin
  16. I would say that I starting to approach the 50% mark on this one nothing on the deck is glued yet except small pieces.I opted to go for the plastic hanger since I folded the brass hanger deck one time opened it back went to go glue it shut and it broke!after one fold?I tried to align the folded pieces but it was off after the glue dried.I said nope and to boot the anti-skid pattern on the brass looked out of scale of what of been a persons foot the plastic is much more subtle.I am going to incorporate some other pieces hopefully if all goes well from the brass hanger kit.She's looking the part............ Kevin
  17. I continue to move forward on this one I try to put in some work everyday(like cdrusn89) 1-3hrs for short days and 5-8 on my days off if life permits tonight two hrs.I painted the turrets,funnel,searchlight station and all the small bits on the foredeck.I have a question though the hose reels for fire control what color is the hoses?I seen on one build they were red and it be some color to the build but would like accuracy in this case.Thks Kevin A couple of different lightings
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