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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Thanks for all the likes fellas I hope to get some more done today all the relatives have left town always nice to see family but I do like my time in the shop. Kevin
  2. I have the same putty like it over toothpaste tube products a bit hard to squeeze out.The Mitchell was the first plane I have used it on spreads easy and clean up is easy. Kevin
  3. Splendid Job CD!There aren't any touchups Kevin
  4. Nice work thus far so small hat is off to ya. Kevin
  5. I was surprised the same thing about the Mitchell CD very few. I am sure you will Sir! Kevin
  6. Moving along with the right wing I have for the most part am finished with the engine and have moved onto the LG.I had heard of another fella using the wire as the hydraulic lines so I settled on that with a slight in provision I skinned back the wire some and ran it through some brass tubing then slid the sheathing back over the wire and a slightly bigger brass piece cut and used as the coupler between the rubber/metal.I have another tubing to attach to the other side also of the LG as was in real life. Kevin PS;the wire goes into the wheel hub out the bottom of the tire and under the platform
  7. I must be lucky 1.0 for me but I have no hearing @59 yrs
  8. Well CD this is the pics of the ICM figures for this build and the little Dio is ICM figures pre-molded in 1/48 Kevin
  9. I think OC everyone of us had these little snafus like a good carpenter knows how to hide his mistakes. Kevin
  10. He's around brother on every build he forces me into the "Persian Rug flaw" No Denis these are Tamy motors originally designed at the time for 1/48 Tamy Lanc Kevin
  11. The wing will hide some of the scratch on the left side of the fuse for sure and I would not worry about that little bit of over spray in the green. Some thinned out black would hide most well enough I think CD that would be my fix then a future clear before decals to hide it.
  12. Kept those busy hands out of other mischief ToyLand out at KAFB my Dad would take me there I built a B-17 for him to go out at Dolan Hall. Kevin
  13. It's not glued up yet just in position and the electric motor will be double sided tape in place once ready.All for today had to work on the truck and baseball tonight MGM Ball Park my Nephew's(HCoach) team MSU against Texas Tech,"Hail State". Kevin (17)MSU-6 and (4)Texas-3 hooray! tomorrow me and two of my neighbors go in the DOB (17)MSU-3 and (4)Texas -2 Hooray!my neighbors enjoyed the game alot. Kevin
  14. Yeah they have CD I'll take a pic you have to put them together.I could not get the seven exhaust pipes from the front cyl to the back exhaust collar to connect so that engine will to be covered.The other engine I want open and need to figure out what I did wrong and I built it in their sequence I know to pay attention on the next one.Well I got the rod for the motor figured out and started the base inside the engine/gear bay going.Thks for looking in Kevin
  15. I have not been idle just building small models within the big one!The engines just the the engine I think I counted 74 parts not including the exhaust out the back,cowling,cowling covers and the front cowling probably right at 100+ pieces for each engine and only one done thus far.I notice a boo boo on the paint scheme all the glass framing was silver on the whole plane so a remask and paint was in order.I am also starting to work on the electric motor part with one of the wires being a hydraulic line for the landing gear.I think I found my mechanics kinda pricey but I think will work also received my Pilot/crew used ICM cheaper and should do well . Kevin
  16. I know it's not a cruiser but a video of the Roma's interior starts @ 3:00 is like an ocean liner by the way love the details of the hangar Kevin
  17. I have been a Badger guy since about 13 when we only had Propel in a can.I use my Badger Renegade alot and I have two others for other uses. Kevin
  18. And I think I have seen some of his works Kevin
  19. I would be right there in that group. Kevin
  20. The plane is looking good CD are you going to use any dusting? And as to the organizers just that to damn organized for mea I have it all messed up in half an hour. Kevin
  21. Been there and done that and then some PE is a "WTH" for Kevin
  22. A Nice Video/Photography of a couple of F-16's in Arizona enjoy
  23. I did it on the Chikuma on the firehose reels when I needed to role them not long and not the hottest part of the flame "trust me" Kevin but the Eduard PE seems to fit really well. They have been doing it for quite awhile that's who I am using on my build
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