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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. So I introduced this little version here figured I finish it here.The last coat of clear has been applied to which I still need to do the yellow leading wing bands the decals broke apart old.I believe I used the roundels that the decal sheet called for but the pic above shows the yellow outline while I can still see distance that close stuff...well?I used stainless instead of magnesium around the exhaust and an extra silver out in the field.I should a used the flash.
  2. Gotta finish the P-51 B/C on the table another Revell but 1/48 but I am looking at a 1/72 Eduard Fokker Tri-Plane they have one neat scheme out of the three. Kevin
  3. This crate has crossed the finish in my books time to move on. Kevin
  4. So Greg do you think painting the top of the lower pieces and pressing the deck while still wet would of helped?get the outline?
  5. Cool! My Son is crewchief to an F-16 mainly 803 at Misawa does others also but have one about 1/2 built meaning to do it in 803 maybe this will be the spark? Kevin The video is pretty old like 2016 he made E-5 about 2/3 months ago he joined in summer of 2015 needless to say I am proud of him he's done well.I sent the link via skype about F-16 Delta.
  6. I only have few of those type of challenges left in me Yves that engine looks great! Kevin
  7. Greg great as usual as to the deck not fitting was that the plastic our the PE being introduced?I will have to do the Mogami one day and can see just off here could set the whole deck off to which I could see in your case cutting the deck was a great solution since you have the overlay.It's a shame all that fine work below is going to be covered up being so Beautiful! Kevin
  8. This crate is getting close to finish gunsight,canopy,front windscreen,lights and antenna.The wash is complete with a semi-gloss enamel applied I don't know if the pics you see the lines from the auxiliary tanks.The plane has some of her faults but overall I am satisfied I would like to "American Beauty" but save that for the 1/24 I have and paint the colors.The 315 bird has the silver applied I did a primer this time buffed it then shot the lacquer gloss black hit it with semi-flat AL topside and it was to flat for me it says bare metal not painted!I then hit it with Airframe AL which is usually pretty bright looks good up top but on the bottom well you will see straight on the gloss.
  9. That is looking Really Nice in the long run and different to boot Kevin
  10. The wash has started already getting that used look about her as for the 1/48 changed scheme a NM finish Polish still FX985 315 Squadron
  11. Like the looks of that one Denis came out Nice! Kevin PS: for future reference Denis the prop decals go about 1/2 the way up from the hub about.
  12. not much to add for the past week did get the Fuel Tanks added and applied about three more coats of clear.I am now thinking about adding the some lines between the tank and the wing should of thought that before hand but I'll get there.The other plane is a quick build 1/48 Revell P-51 B/C D-Day Polish will be it's markings.
  13. She's looking very Nice for an old Lindberg kit Denis Kevin
  14. A little bit happening just got to do up the auxiliary fuel tanks and we are ready for another coat of clear and some wash.The brake line I made up out of hollow .010 brass tube and wire casing slide over that for the rubber. Kevin
  15. Try these guys next time stateside and very reliable/fast. http://spruebrothers.com/?doing_wp_cron=1536358635.7091009616851806640625
  16. No problem Denis I made the same mistake on a few of the models in the cabinet concerning P-51's Kevin Denis Nose Art makes the plane in my book got HK's 1/32 B-25 started "Meet Mrs Runyun"
  17. Not my build Sir but the builder is highlighted within the text linking to another site and yes he is very good. Kevin
  18. You are rock'in and roll'in on this one Dave and it looks Really Nice Sir!! Most Excellent Work! Kevin
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