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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Fantastic CD !! I am glad you followed through Nice Work! Kevin
  2. Thks went looking/found my other book that had some good colored photos of the era and black was it. Thks OC I do not weather alot of my work but this one just cried out. Thks fellas all along for the support/likes/responses soon the next part DIO! Kevin
  3. I have been incredibly busy of late with work and work we are out doing last years sales even with only two customers allow in at a time it becomes very hectic and now with new prodi-calls in place that complicate matters even more-so.I come home and I am wore out some days and we have lost two guys in the last week due to stress(one for sure) he looked at every customer that walked thru the door as a bio-hazard and we see alot. So what I have accomplished is to get the gun barrels in place having to drill all the glass and tailgunner section to get the new barrels to go through these are after market parts and really look more the right size HK's were 1/2 the diameter of these methinks.I drilled two holes behind the copit for radio aerials installed metal tubes which run fro there to the tail.The other piece HK did not provide was aerials that go under the copit.I cut some some aluminum tubing then cut another piece that just slide over a collar lets say/stopping ring for depth into the fuse.The two pieces were squished in some flat non serrated pliers for about 5/8" and some left over PE attached(4/2 each bar) and elastic thread was glued in place that's why the draw now they are just in the holes.The wings are done I just need to tidy up the fuselage before I make that last commitment to lock them into play. I have question guys the canvas on the side mounts and the tailgunner what's your thoughts on color?even your experiences from Nam from AC-130 gunships may of had some? Kevin
  4. You might be right Roger does not look like camo out there. Kevin
  5. Joe know anything/reason for the red stripes?I know that Reece crates had the black on the wings and tail ,Nice paint Kevin
  6. The more you order the cheaper it gets and they are fast they have warehouse.
  7. Lou I ordered last night expect mask by Friday/Sat http://spruebrothers.com/?doing_wp_cron=1536358635.7091009616851806640625
  8. Not this one Mark what you see now is about three hours of work I will be done with this in a flash the whole idea.The main thing I worry about on 1/72 is the aesthetic qualities,outward appearances of the crate. I will show the squiggles technique when I get there. Kevin
  9. So I haven't finished a model in 4+ months! So I needed a little inspiration that all is not on standstill a 1/72 Me-110 "Nightjager" scheme there's a new technique to me I want to try for the paint.
  10. I would not worry about the splotchy inside the fuse it will give a more natural look in the long run.In the future most AAC aircraft were four basic colors inside Green Chromate(interior exceptions) ,Yellow Chromate(engine ,wheel wells),Republic Green (P47's pit) and Silver you are good have fun! Kevin
  11. I like to see some of his work so 2nd that! Kevin
  12. I have in the last 5-8 years started developing an affinity towards WWII Japanese subjects I like the PTO on the American side but it's more with Army Air Corps than the Navy.The AAC had colorful schemes though not quite like the ETO/MTO but still nice but the Navy will we got seablue,grey(s),white and dark blue now pre-war were neat. Kevin
  13. Here two builds I have the Nell in 1/72 the one two the left I believe was an old Aoshima and the right is the Hase.Denis the hase was a good kit hope you do not mind Ed? Kevin
  14. Compare the surface of the decals to the sheen of the paint if decals are way to glossy put some Future or suitable gloss in that area apply decal.Once the decal is snuggled down to your satisfaction apply gloss,dry and dullcoat.You do not have an airbrush yet but never dullcoat the glass. Kevin By the way nice painting on the glass ...freehand?
  15. The first pic is just showing slosh wash of burnt umber as you can see I stopped at the landing light subtle is what I want then I dusted top and bottom some more and the whole plane has gone flat.The second and third pic again wings are not locked but the glass masking finally came off I need to polish the inside of the upper turret for some over-spray no biggee though.I dirtied up the front cowls flat the props and need to do more chipping on the L/wing that's the fun part with the silver underneath the edge of the blade so lightly.I hope you gents like it Kevin
  16. Sounds like you are panting the one in the garage Looking very Nice CD Kevin
  17. Last I remember was I might get some parts had to go read page two when they came in good for you!IThe crate is coming along nicely and see those years of hand painting miniatures is paying off. Kevin
  18. Thks for all the likes and comments fellas helps keep the mojo going at a slow part an area I am not the most familiar with "weathering".I don't want to over weather the crate but I am working layers on the wings.The right wing I would dust spray clear dust spray clear then I smothered it in the burnt umber sit a few and wipe.The L/wing has only been dusted thus far twice and the wings are not locked!The other thing it still a "Tail Dragger" after all that weight and two motors!!Not to worry I will fix that plan already developed.So I have not totally loafing off and found that the cowls were indeed a blue. She's a beast in size could not imagine a B-17 or 24 in 1/32
  19. Looking good OC do I remember Airfix?was looking at another build on another forum MKXIV something about the seat and rib#11 which I think is behind the seat a fit issue for some builders so check and check again before the fit of the two halves. Kevin Eduard which I think is Tamy sail on
  20. Yeah but when I look at it I am there and that you have to put yourself there also kinda like reading a good book. Kevin
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