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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. I've been pulling all nights this week so not alot to show.The fuse was married some days ago and sanded when I had ambition and time to which I broke out 3Xbombs,busted the mount for the upper ball turret and broke the 50cal out of the nose piece.Good thing all are easy repairs and the only one left to fix is the bombs going to wait till the paint is laid.I took the advantage of the nose gun coming loose to retread with the appropriate color thread of grey and most of the masking is just about done.The plane is huge the bottle of paint was to show the size but it really does not work but I can tell you the tail is about 7/8" across the wingspan of a 1/48 fighter.I am going to finish the wings before I move on to the engines.Thks for looking in Kevin
  2. Oh it looks that way most excellent work now this pic you took gave me a quick illusion of Steps on the first glance. are you thinking what I am thinking?
  3. Still don't know if it will be enough Lou may put some in the engines?thks Mike Kevin
  4. I have taken this interior about as far as I am willing to go she now sits over night with the top seam drying.I made the box to hold some lead .22 pellets smashed out and started filling the wheel well area and underneath the floorboard of the bombardier section.As for the belts I think I am going back to Radu's they are easier to play with in my opinion used them on the P-51. Kevin http://www.radubstore.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=89_126&products_id=201
  5. I know what you mean did that years ago on a 1/24 Me109 G-6 I think I had 11+ pieces in a scratch-built O2 regulator it stood out. Kevin
  6. I like the way that came out OC looks like a natural state. Kevin
  7. I can't remember OC are you doing the 1/48 or 1/32?I have the ole Revell 1/32 with some new decals and stencils and started adding some scratch bit to the pit.Yahu make some Nice IP's and in 1/48 also. http://www.yahumodels.com/
  8. I use alot of green painters tape less tacky and glue residue just cut 1/32 stripes abouts and eyeballed it.I notice I had not painted the detonators on the front silver fixed now. Kevin
  9. The bomb bay was the easiest part of the build thus far the yellow stripes are not totally straight but I do not think they always were in real life.As you can see in the background the HGW belts came in today and the props yesterday. Kevin
  10. Thanks Yves it does help but I really only do this on subjects of interest anymore and 1/32 or bigger even 1/48th is almost off the list I did do this one in 1/48th I luv REECE crates in p-51's. Kevin
  11. The video shows how it's done notice unpainted smooth surface
  12. Not really dry transfers Denis they go on wet and over a period of time the top layer starts to separate leaving the decal no silvering can occur.I just about have the bomb bay finished maybe some pics this W/E just need the belts and I can close her up. Kevin
  13. Love It, Love It., Love It!!! and the painting is better Kevin
  14. I use to be in that line of thinking Alan in the past mainly that they were to thick and they were in the beginning but they are paper thin now.I have used the Pontos in the past are quite nice and save a tone of time to the painting.I painted one ship the Graf Spee using three different color all a variant of the original spray original(1) on the whole decking area make color (2) from (1) now the PIA part cut thin strips of tape (100/200) that represent planks and randomly place on the deck spray (2).The next step make (3) from (2) rinse and repeat part II.I then peeled up all the strips and sprayed (1) ever so thin a mist over the whole deck to blend.
  15. No I haven't but CD you just answered my question I saw on a video the other day when a fella used them on an FW-190 they looked like paint I just tried to find the video someone posted on MSW.I was in one thread and redirected me to another but cannot find the original thread.I got the panel glued in place and the bottom fell out had to put the kit down for the evening Oh! I fixed four different frigg'in pieces I broke like it happen all in under five minutes...just walk away Kevin! CD I think the guy goes by Plastismo youtube?
  16. It's been a slow and cumbersome week lost a couple of days work in the office when I lost all power to the S.Wall I am not an electrician by no means but when I built the shop I wired it except the fuse panel.I was kind of suspicious when the neutral had 125V read up in some forums and figured I lost a line nut on the neutral and found it took two days.The pit is getting close waiting on some HGW belts from the land of Aussie and some new props so only have to dress out the co-pilots side of things and the belts and the office is finished.The bomb bay will be up next in the line of things. Kevin I see the self adhesive on the copilots side has come loose again GLUE this time!!
  17. I have been looking up lately myself with a pair of binoculars the AF and Navy have been doing a lot of testing in the area of late with missiles.I saw one cover the whole length of the horizon(as far as your eyes can see) in 3-4 minutes all white no tail of course. Kevin
  18. Now that sounds Bad ***! Kevin
  19. So why not spray the plane with future to the correct sheen of the decals so it's all even when the decal is applied on the plane then they look painted on.Once that is all dry hit it with more coat of future to seal the work and it further flows the decals into looking like they were painted on.I then hit with MM flat or semi-gloss(Japanese).I like that yellow!! Kevin
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