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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. When I look at the build it seems it would be relaxing work? Kevin
  2. I think I leave it as is looks fine just like it sits.The process of staining the the deck any is going to lead back to the plane to give the whole picture harmony. Kevin
  3. trust me these type of bulds are few and far in between for me i like simple at my age. Kevin Thks
  4. Thks OC got the top of the R/W dusted and chipped the engine and leading edge then another very thin misted coat of clear it matches the top of the fuselage. Kevin
  5. Today has been decals,props and wash day.I made up a solution of burnt umber from a tube and thinner and started on the panel lines and just kept looking at the silver to bright/clean?So,I started with the tailplanes undersides liked the effect just enough lay down a coat wait about one minute or so and gently wipe witha smooth paper towel. The first pic shows the solution laid to the back of the bombbay door.Pic2 shows the whole side done.Pic3 shows the area behind the bomb bay untouched and Pic4 shows OD and decals all swapped down though subtle the decals are dirty now.I think when all done and in natural lighting it will all show. Kevin
  6. It shant be to far away in the near distant future the box is just about empty. Kevin
  7. Titled renamed the West was fun while it lasted Kevin
  8. You know OC they make a canopy glue almost like a white glue maybe like Gator Glue that goes on thick and have a q-tip ready(pointy ones Tamyia I like) damp it on the tongue and wipe.The glue fills those gaps for you you do not need it often but bombers seem to have more problems. Kevin Oh and a good save!
  9. Thks OC Last pics for the night engine done and L/LG together the parts box is getting empty Kevin
  10. The engine should be done tonight wanted to show a pic of the ignition wires as they go in only 14 more to do and 14 pipes out the back. Kevin
  11. Correct,the defects look to be from a mould that needs to be replaced and to many seriously and can bend and straighten them. Kevin
  12. Thks Lou,even though it's viral they gave me a big shot of steroids and antibiotics then on top of that pollen galore right now eyes feel buggy.What do think about the hand props look good enough to your eyes? Kevin
  13. Well I have not stopped working I seem to feel better later in the day so I have been working on props.What we have here is the kit prop,aftermarket which I do not care for and kit prop re-shaped.I think a little more shaping on the backside of the prop and it will be good to go still alittle fat.The after market props have defects in the face and are so frigg'in thin I can bend them so I cannot sand out the defects.The other problem if they go to rotate the blades will begin to move and flatten out possibly.I am about 50% through engine #2. So I paid $30 for some templates Kevin
  14. https://www.kitlinx.com/cgi/display.cgi?item_num=SQT9600&title=Mosquito-Standard-and-Bulged-Crystal-Clear-Canopies
  15. Something to think about Jack this was done by Jerry Rutman I luv his work http://www.armorama.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=features&file=view&artid=6837
  16. Thks Fellas tested and no #19 but I do have pneumonia in the R/lung I was really concerned about the 19 for the mother in law @ 86 she is around the house to often.I am tried been all day time for nap Kevin
  17. I will be out of pocket it looks for a few days a week #19 got me maybe being admitted to a hospital later today looks like pneumonia may of already started in the r/lung and I started feeling ruff Sunday.This is the second time this build has been stopped due to illness last was in 2015.
  18. That and the thought process CD thinking the rubberized stuff for wiring once in the wheel and out.I stop here today I think I wish now I would of took a pic before the gear hit the WW for the rubber hose part at least I know it's there I will take a pic of the L/LG.The motor works had to turn the plastic shaft into it's own lathe for a moment or two with a sanding stick then a touch of white lithium all's good now.I have some paint touch-ups nothing major and clear to blend.Oh I used a flat silver on the LG with SNJ rubbed in for the shock I am using this technique more and more. Kevin
  19. I started building the other line and I found out the malleability of the wire I was using was very very low for a single strand so back to wire box.I had some commercial grade stuff about a foot long maybe a hundred strands together tried breaking it I couldn't but it's not insulated I will continue to think on that.So,what you see here is about 1/2 hrs of trial and error green painters tape and then thin CA applied to it I am about to paint this LG.
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