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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Went shopping today, One item that our household is truly missing. First of all it will be used for the sails. Then for the curtains and drapes. This one is also intended to do the upholstery in my convertible. It's a sewing machine. Commencing sewing tomorrow.
  2. Bill, Amazon has the books. They are in French so you have to learn or freshen up the language skills.
  3. Thank you Sjors, I am going to try to make as much as possible before placing it on her. Can see potentials of damages while setting sails. Besides mast rings is to be sewn into the sails, and that means sails has to be in place before masts go in place. Unless someone has come up with some ingenious idea how to it afterwards. Thank you
  4. The top gallant was glued tonight. Some extensive sewing is to take place. But in all. I am pleased how it looks like.
  5. Ahmm, Floyd, you more tools? Seems like you have plenty. Guess I have to turn around for another therapy session. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max, But Byrnes drawplate is a definite. The quality is outstanding! A gift to the Admiral, to show her your appreciation and love. Save the money for a later purchase when needed of such. Don't rush away to get something you may not need for the moment. But that's my two cents.
  6. I am the stage of rigging and sewing the sails. I used the patterns on a much finer cloth than provided from Constructo, then a fabric fusion (permanent) to shorten and get something to sew into. This way it wont fray on me. Jib is done the main started.
  7. I have also used the Titebond III building a deck hatch for my T37, once all was dried I went over it with Z-span varnish from West Marine. Put it the sink submerged for 24 hours, took it out had it air dry. No peeling and all was good. Much easier and less messy than epoxy. However, I think I still make sure to join all the wood parts for hull with epoxy. Water and some glues doesn't work together. Experiment with other pieces first before building the hull. Have fun and show us picture of your build.
  8. i don't know and didn't find any CS5 versions available from Adobe, but through SketchUcation website I found full version of CS2 for download. The link is a true Adobe one. No hack, nothing suspicious, no virus. It's an old version but probably more than we need. Currently Adobe has all the CS2 version free for download, you have to register and then it's all to go. See provided link, be patient, sometimes due to heavy traffic you won't be able access, just wait and then give it another try. Have just downloaded several of their software. https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e=cs2_downloads&pid=361116
  9. Floyd, I heard from a reliable source your new home is very nice. Looks like the outdoor set up is up to your standard, and no complaints about dust, I guess.
  10. Erik, thanks for that idea, maybe this saw can be part of tools to pass for the new flooring in our house as well. Then after that hmm, sell it? not for a second, modelling!
  11. First time I heard about that brand. Going to give it a shot. Unfortunate only available on-line not in any local hobby store.
  12. Hmm. wonder if we can see a joint venture of Chris Watton and Chuck Passaro Chris, You mentioned Vallejo colors, are you referring to Boris Vallejo the amazing paint artist?
  13. Chris, I just opened up your build log of Victory and did it on page 3, Loved the open hull feature on the page. Then I started to think, wonder if you ever would make this kit as a pob/pof? Having one side open exposing all the interior? Like what AL did with Bounty? Victory is a fantastic ship all to be shown in all her glory. This build log of yours is amazing, and from now on following the last part of it. Very nice building!
  14. Controlled explosion would be the best solution, other options seem to be to risky. Even a controlled is very risky but has been done before. Interesting which way they are to take.
  15. Chuck, I don't care from where "their" blocks are coming from but its obvious "they" are not winner. Very nice finish Chuck!
  16. Harvey, the butcher paper I recall is brown. Walmart has the freezer paper cheap. Look for the Reynold brand.
  17. Tony, I like the ingenious ideas of tools you have created as well as the build of the Cutter. Looking real good.
  18. Brian, you are right regarding the model manufacturing itself. Information is coming from Royal Shipyard's website. The wood for their kits comes from HobbyMills
  19. Lauck Street Shipyard is celebrating 10 years and has a special going on right now, Fifteen books for only 300 dollars, this is a package deal that cannot be broken down, previous price for all of them 2200. Quite some savings and the Bounty is in this set.
  20. Smoking meat and ship modeling is very similar, both takes time and patients. Preparation and planning is key in both areas. I am glad you enjoy the new house and have a deck to sit on. I need a deck myself, for outdoor dinners but also being able to sit outside working on a model.
  21. Chuck, not only that the blocks and dead eyes look great, the prices are unbeatable. Especially handcrafted coming from you. Next time I need blocks or eyes I will surely turn to you.
  22. Jim, The software used to create this ship Pandora, is called SketchUp available in two version, free version and paid pro version. It's shallow learning curve but with a lot of advance features. I have used it for many years.
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