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Ulises Victoria

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Posts posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Are you tired of retensioning those clove hitches in the middle of your shrouds? Or coming next morning to see the last knot you tied is now loose, and since you trimmed it off, you can't do it again?


    Well... do yourself a favor and go to your neighborhood music store. Yes music!. Get yourself a cake of Rosin. The stuff violinists use to rub their bows with. Are you getting it? That stuff makes the bow "grab" the string and therefore, produce sound. That effect works on your rope the same way, and makes your knots unslippable. (sp?) Guaranteed! Just rub a piece of your thread or rope on it 2 or 3 times and voilá. 


    If there is choices of hardness, go for the softer one. If you can get the stuff that is actually made from the tree sap, you will have the bonus of the smell!


    Hope this helps.

  2. I drill holes and then stick round toothpicks which points I have previously dipped in wood glue, so I get 2 treenails per toothpick. A big waste but since they are so cheap, doesn't really matter. I have used the filling with filler and sanding method in my hull's nailing with fair success. (See my Vasa log, if you like).

    What's good in both methods, is that the size of the "nail" (which isn't actually a nail in the real ship, but a plug) is determined by the size of the drill you use.




  3. Thanks Demonborger!


    The only thing that I don't like about model ship building is that I end up awake late a lot of nights trying to figure out in what order do I add things to the model. If I add item A to the model now, will I be able to get at item B later. (i.e. Building the false gun carriages early on, while not placing the guns until much later). Drives me nuts sometimes and I find myself overthinking things :)



    Hmmm...I thought this was normal!!! :)

  4. Hello and welcome.

    The Ranger looks like a nice kit to start with. It says Intermediate level, but that always is a very subjective term. I have seen beginners kits that say: "Next step: plank the hull" :o

    I see you mention is your first build, but is not clear if you have had some experience with other types of scale modeling, (like plastic) or some woodworking experience or doing some other crafts. Any of these activities may provide you with some experience to start an "intermediate" level kit.

    On the Ranger: Rigging does not seem too complicated and it's double planked, which makes it "a little" easier. If it looks good to you and its within your budget, go for it.

    Start a build log here, and you will get all the help you may ask for to complement for poor instructions.


    Best wishes.

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