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Ulises Victoria

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Posts posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Vivian: This is my first visit to your build log. You are doing a really good job. I've never seen this kit before and find it very interesting.

    Keep working on it and learn from your mistakes as we all had done some time or another. Every building session has some new challenges most of the time.


    Greetings from Monterrey, México.

  2. I was browsing the Model Expo page, checking the offers and sales.

    Corel's Wappen Von Hamburg kit in case: List price $2,850 dlls. Offered with a 80% discount at $579.


    I have seen in other sites the Soleil Royal 




    and Sovereign of the Seas at around 1,200 dlls, and in my opinion, these are much more large, complex and beautiful ships.


    Just curious: Has anyone got the Wappen? Why is it so expensive? It doesn't look that attractive to me.



  3. Thanks Jud, appreciate the feed back and I think is probably the only real way to get sufficient tension.  Having rubber belts doesn't help; I'll see what Jim comes up with.  This shouldn't happen and I hope he can come up with a solution.





    I changed the large belt once a few months ago, and the new belt is already developing cracks. I tried to make some rope this morning, but it came out too lumpy. Not sure if its because of the belts or something else.

  4. Hi Ulises

    This is the first time I have looked through your log and I have to say great work!! the attention to detail and care you are putting into the rope work is fantastic.Balancing the tension of some of those lines is not easy but you have mastered it with great precision.

    Kind Regards Nigel

    Thanks a lot, Nigel. You put it in soft words. I say those thin lines were a royal PITA. :). When I saw in the plans how many of those there were, I thought about skipping them altogether. Glad I did not. They were a great learning experience and gave me a great sense of accomplishment. Thanks!!!

  5. Wow, wow and wow again !

    That looks amazing Ulises !

    Thank you!!!


    Still one question.....your tops has to be in an angle ?????

    Yes!  Main and Mizzen tops were slanted and Fore were level, according to Vasa Museum plans.


    Nice white rope by the way  :D  :D  :D  :D

    Thank you again! In fact that rope is not white.It just looks that way in the photo. Color is beige.



  6. Update and some new photos.

    I am revealing here also, my ultra secret, super-high-tech jig to make coils.  :D

    I am starting to fix the shrouds, starting with the uppermost, by rigging the lanyards. Ratlines come after that (I'm preparing mentally myself for this task), and finally the running rigging. 

    A few lower shrouds are already done as I had to finish them to fix some of the lines running from the stays.

    Also you will see a lot of loose tangling lines. I will fix those later when I'm sure everything is as it has to be.


    I can see now the light at the end of the tunnel. (Hope it's not the train :D )


    Thanks for watching!



  7. Ulises,

    I think your Vasa build is stunning !!


    In particular, I was extremely impressed with the doors made from round toothpicks.

    Could you please add those pics (with a quick explanation) here ??

    That idea is brilliant !!

    (And perfect for this thread !!)

    Sure thing! And thanks for your comment!



    1- Spread glue on a business card or similar object

    2-Cover it with round toothpicks and weight until dry

    3-Paint with black or dark brown ink or paint, making sure the paint goes all the way down between toothpicks.

    4- When paint dries, cut to shape and sand the toothpicks flat, or sand and cut to shape: your choice. The roundness of the toothpicks will allow you to make the line between planks wider or narrower the more or less you sand.

    5- Add black cardboard hinges. Use nails to make doorknobs, add handles, etc...


    Glad this tip has got many nice comments!







  8. Ulises,


    I keep repeating myself.your rigging details and work are outstanding. Your rope making skills are excellent. congrats!

    Do you have rigging plans for the running rigging, as well as what Corel provides for standing rigging.?





    Thank you so much for your kind words. I forgot to mention in my previous post, that I own the Vasa Museum set of plans. I may use these for my running rigging. Not sure yet. Have to do some research. For what I have seen so far, Corel's plans are accurate, but I feel need to take a more detailed look. I'm almost done with the standing rigging. A couple of  lines and lastly the shrouds. I deviated from the instructions here and decided to place all center lines and stays first and at the very last the shrouds, as these will interfere when trying to work with rigging in the middle of the ship.

    Thank you all for your encouragement. 

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