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Senior ole salt

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Everything posted by Senior ole salt

  1. Unfortunately no. But in the gift section there was a book about the detailed construction of such ships. I suppose it might be possible to contact the gift book department of the museum. With a little luck and perseverance it would be obtainable. S.os PS Yes they did use a knotted rope for the actual attachment.
  2. Thought I'd post a few pix I took of the full sized vessel I had the fortune to visit last Sept. perhaps it might help in the construction details. above View of the rudder attachment to the hull another view and now a view of the tiller which is inserted into the rudder post. S.os
  3. Lieutenant. My kit did not contain plans for the crane but the book was most helpful. I don't intend to make a crane but will carve, steal or otherwise acquire a scaled cat stalking a rat which will also be in the finished model. For me a fun way for an observer to get an idea of scale. S.os
  4. Ahoy Danny. I like your take on barrels. I'm gonna use the info to make line tubs for my New Bedford whale boat. The stuff supplied with the kit makes for to big a line tub to fit where it should. BTW did you make that cat? I plan to put a stalking cat hunting a rat aboard my whale boat model. I figure having a little fun with the model can add some interest. S.os
  5. Outstanding!! beautiful work. Viewing one can get a sense of all the work it took to build the real ships at that time. I wonder just how many skilled and unskilled men (or women)to build a ship like that ? S.os
  6. I'm making good progress. Still a lot of little details to make plus some more oars. The thwarts shown are just some scrap to get an idea how they will look. S.os
  7. Excellent!! Would you consider mounting it on a mirror ? S.os
  8. : Has anyone come out with a kit of the James Caird ? This is the boat the Shackleton used to save the remaining members of his expedition stranded on Elephant Island. It was strongly modified by "chippy" enabling it to survive the Southern ocean and reach South Georgia whaling station. I know there is one of the Bounty's launch. Thanks S.os
  9. WOW a full rigged ship in a light bulb. That's going to be some project. Looking forward to seeing your progress. S.os
  10. I'm making slow progress so far and below are tow images of the ends. I found that the dowel supplied with the kit for the Loggerhead too short to work with and had to get a longer length to enable me to shape it. ( not showing in pix) Thanks for viewing S.os PS. I haven't applied paint yet but the parts showing above are not glued down.
  11. I started this model about three weeks ago. So far not many problems as the book provided with the kit was very helpful. I'm ready to paint and have applied a sanding sealer. I'd like to know if acrylics are OK to use for the model. Here is what it looks like so far: Thanks for any info. S.os
  12. That sure is a great looking model. I have the same ship in just about the same stage. It has sat on a shelf now for about 3 years. Why one might ask. Well I'm wary about painting it. That is where I screw up the most. I'd like to preserve the look of the planked hull but afraid the paint might hide the planking detail. Are thined out acrylics good enough ?
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