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I'll be starting a log for this build. I'm finishing my current project but I've done a dry fit of center keel and bulkheads and this is as good a place ever to start. The kit is the newer version of the Cutty Sark and I have gone through the counting process. Some pieces and such were short on the count and Ages of Sail will be getting the materials to me (nice folks). I'm sure I'll be needing advice and guidence and any comments will be appreciated. For reference I will be using Longridge, Campbell and plans from the Maritime Museum. I intend to do some bashing but my goal is not to go overboard with details.







Edited by markjay

Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Hi Mark,

Brings back fond, (Or otherwise), memories. 

Things fit really well in this kit, yes?


I am looking forward to your progress.


BTW, I have an E-Mail address for a Chap at Mantua if you want the full PE Bulwarks, Etc.

I think its probably still valid and I will send tomorrow if you wish.


Did you get the Greenwich Society plans also? 



Edited by hof00

Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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Hope the memories are good ones... I'd appreciate the email contact please send it as a private email.

Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Unsure if the memories are fantastic.... Good to see something started that was so close to me for so long.

I'll get you that E-Mail address when I get in the office tomorrow.

No Worries Sir!!



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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Warm welcome to the Cutty Sark fleet on MSW !!!!


Good start !!!


I join, and will follow with great interest

I wish you a good luck with your build



In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

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Thanks for sitting in on the build...as I'm writing the temperature is 101degrees in my gararge (work area) and will be going up to 108 I'm told. Actually I do more reseach in the summer and build in the fall, winter, spring months so my log will be slow in coming. I will, as a next step, be adjusting the notches in the center keel for the masts to reflect their proper rake before I go to far with the hull structure. The rake is 86 degrees fore mast, 85 for the main and 84 for the mizzen. This should give the model a better line to my eye.


Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Nenad, thanks for the input.

Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Decks are in...


Planking main deck and bulwarks;







Edited by markjay

Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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  • 4 months later...

First planking under way:






Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Hi Mark,

Looking good!!

Certainly brings back memories.


I'll be following you build with interest if that's o.k.



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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Hi Chap,

Really good progress thus far.

How did you find the fit? Bulkheads, Etc Good?


I really liked the first planking also, really easy to work with. (Hard Balsa perhaps?)


Anyway, regarding the second planking, ensure that your Brass Bulwarks are fitted first as your second planking butts up nicely against this. (The Brass etchings also give a nice line/grounding for Rubbing Strakes.)

I also ensured that all cut-outs were done prior to this, (As you probably are well aware), as once fitted, the Freeing Ports are a breeze to cut in you initial Bulwark planking.


Regarding the second planking, I steamed this stuff on after applying a reasonable amount of Aliphatic Resin. Worked for me anyway.


Also, watch out for the only error that I found out the Hard Way.... There is a Block seized to the Main Mast After most Shroud, just below the Gaff.

Plans describe this as Single but it is most definitely Double!! (Used for Mizzen Braces.)


(I am assuming that the "Campbell" plans you describe are the same as I procured from Greenwich, Cutty Sark Society.)

I got mine enlarged as I sometimes feel like I'm an old Fella.


Pin Rails/Channels: I filled all but the first five holes (Shroud Holes), as there are quite a few Backstays not catered for, I made a jig to drill for these extras.

They are also "Inboard" and present an interesting challenge?


Have fun and always pleased to offer advice if requested/required.



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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Off to a nice start. Good use of clamps. Is there any danger of the keel warping while in that vise?

Regards, Scott


Current build: 1:75 Friesland, Mamoli


Completed builds:

1:64 Rattlesnake, Mamoli  -  1:64 HMS Bounty, Mamoli  -  1:54 Adventure, Amati  -  1:80 King of the Mississippi, AL

1:64 Blue Shadow, Mamoli  -  1:64 Leida Dutch pleasure boat, Corel  -  1:60 HMS President Mantra, Sergal


Awaiting construction:

1:89 Hermione La Fayette AL  -  1:48 Perserverance, Modelers shipyard

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Hello HOF and S. Coleman,
Thanks for all the advice and the warning about that block. I'll mark it on the plans so not to forget. I have some small upgrades at hand for the CS, turned brass stanchions rather then the stamped brass ones supplied, etc. I'll be using the Campbell plans for reference as well as Longridge but aside from small upgrades I won't be bashing the kit any further. The fit of the bulkheads was pretty good some adjustment was needed but nothing out of the ordinary.

About the vise, I have not seen any warping to date and don't expect to as I've used it on most of my builds without incident. I plank one strike at a time to each side and plank the deck. I do the deck planking sooner then the instruction say (after the second planking) to add strength to the kit overall. I will come back and finish the outer edges after the second planking which gives the bulwarks some added thickness and then remove the tops of the bulkheads. I will be removing the model from the vise to continue the planking.


Thanks for sitting in and thanks for the good words.


Edited by markjay

Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Hi Mark,

I found that Billings do a good two hole stanchion. The "Flat" offerings that the kit provides are a waste of space.

I also did not think that the Bulwark Stanchions were much chop either....  I replaced these with Brass Rod with a 2mm ring soldered on to each, don't recall how many, but a fair few were required. These also gave quite a bit of extra strength to the Channels.


I also found that the all 3 Main Mast caps required modification, the plans indicate that these are tapered. If you refer to Longridge, they are not.

I deferred to a friendly Manufacturing Jeweller to modify these and also to create some Spider Bands, not included in my kit.

If you go down this road, the Main Tops will require a little modification also to accommodate the Main Mast diameter.


Enjoy!! (I certainly did)



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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HOF, can you post some images of your mast caps, etc.

Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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I hope this can help ?





In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

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Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Hi Mark,

O.K. a few pictures, seems like a lifetime ago.... :)


Photos are in no particular order, sorry.

Included, Brass bulwarks, Spider Band, Stanchion detail, and I do not have any photos of the Mast Caps, before anmd after, only in place on the Fore, Main and Mizzen.

The aft hole of these needs modification only, the Fore and Main Mast diameter is 10mm and the Mizzen is 8mm from memory.

All the rest, Top Masts and Top Gallant are fine as these are tapered.


Bowsprit/Jib Boom Cap is good to go also.


The Deckhouses are only placed on in the early photos until all bulwark fittings were complete, otherwise I'd be painting myself into a corner, so to speak.


Hope this helps.










Edited by hof00

Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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Beautiful job. Did you make the brass bulwark or are they some kind of upgrade.


Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Hi Chap,

How are you getting on?

Your build is looking really good!!



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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She looks very very very bice .... Oups ... Stupid phone ... nice


I like it very much!

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress on first planking and transom;




Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moving on; first planking done more or less, filling and shaping in progress.






Phoenix, AZ

Current builds;

Previous builds, in rough order of execution;
Shipjack, Peterbrough Canoe, Flying Fish, Half Moon, Britannia racing sloop, Whale boat, Bluenose, Picket boat, Viking longboat, Atlantic, Fair American, Mary Taylor, half hull Enterprise, Hacchoro, HMS Fly, Khufu Solar Boat.

On the shelf; Royal Barge, Jefferson Davis.

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Proud beautifull lines appears !!! You can be satisfied

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

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