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So it starts! This kit is a birthday gift from my wife, and I've been looking forward to starting the build for a while now. The kit arrived a few weeks ago, and I did open the box for inspection purposes when it came, but decided to wait to start the kit until my birthday.


I do need to pick up some paint, but was going to start trimming flash from the hull and deck parts. I say "was" because I promptly buried the exacto knife in my thumb. I feel dumb because I know how to handle sharp tools, but still manage to slip and cut myself... Grrr... So I decided to take a break for today...


Noel C L Hackney's book on the mayflower was recommended in another one of my threads, and has been ordered, hopefully it will be a help in building this ship...


Happy birthday! And stop the self mutilation!   :champagne:

Just kidding...I guess we all have less pleasant encounters with sharp hobby blades now and then.


And...enjoy building your Mayflower.


Robin :)

WIP: No ships atm...sorry!🙄

Completed: Greek bireme - Dusek - scale 1:72

 Louie da fly: "I think it requires a special kind of insanity to choose a galley to build a model of."


Thanks! Definitely not into self-mutilation, that was not fun! Doesn't matter how many models you've built (mostly cars, trucks, and trains for me), you still need to be careful with sharp tools!!


Decided to work on the ship a little more tonight, starting to paint the main deck...


Happy Birthday, looking forward to seeing some pictures of your progress

Posted (edited)

A little more paint. I liked the contrast between the tan paint I used on the decks and the color of the kit's plastic, so I chose a similar brown to paint the vents... (I think those are vents, right?).


Edited by SomethingIsFishy
Fixed picture

Waiting on the mayflower book by Hackney to arrive... amazon gives an arrival time of Oct. 17 to Nov 1... been working on a few other ships while I wait... had a great birthday (5 ship kits including this one, will do logs here on two of the others).


Just in case anyone here is in the medical profession and is wondering, the cut in my thumb is almost completely healed...



Don't have medical as a proffession, but the Admiral has 25 years plus in the field. Now working the admin of medical for D.o.C (Department of Correction) for WA state.

She has been a savior a couple of times when boo-boos has happened.

Looking into the other build log of yours. Both looking very good.


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Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry

Posted (edited)

Reference material is here!


Came with a bonus, too! Someone stashed a neat cut-away view of the mayflower from a National Geographic magazine in this book's pages! Just imagine crossing the Atlantic in this ship!! Must have been quite a journey...


Edited by SomethingIsFishy
Fixed picture

I agree with what Robin has said. That would have been a nice book to have during my build, that picture looks great also

  • 3 months later...

Hey SiF,


Looking good so far!  I have the same model on my table right now.  I think that you will really enjoy building it.  I've just started the rigging.  The book will come in handy if you want to super-detail it or add some goodies to the deck.  I look forward to seeing this one completed.  Keep us posted

  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

My Mayflower is about 3/4 completed, and the Hackney book (which I've had since the 70s) is amazing! It even has a chapter of shortcuts if you don't want to super detail it. Best of luck with your build! The next time I pull it out to work on it, I'm going to paint over the colored triangles.




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