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Yes all the planks are done. I gave some attention to what you pointed out the other day. So everything went smooth. Am going to post a picture after I finish the painting of these last/ railling planks.

I watched oft on the tv the fires in British Columbia.... thats why I asked you. But its nice to hear that in Quebec its nice and cool., though Quebec isnt a high risk area as B.Columbia or even some central areas of Ontario.


Any Europe trip plans this year?


Was planning a trip to England next year but my wife keeps putting her retirement off so we might take a trip to British Columbia next year instead, have family on Vancouver Island. Only local short trips this summer after going to the Caribbean this spring.



England sounds great. I am there oft.... you have to visit HMS Victory in Portmouth and then is Cutty Sark in Greenwich. That is If you still havent.


Only managed to get to England once before (on business) and didn't have any time for personal sightseeing. The client I was supporting did take my on a flight over the beautiful countryside including the track at Silverstone and on a tour of Windsor castle. Was a real adventure learning to drive on the opposite side of the road. A stop at HMS Victory is on the schedule but not sure if we will be in London long enough for Cutty Sark as the Admiral has other plans.


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It wasnt easy due to the size. Too small wood pieces.... and the detail painting was also not the easyest.I worked a lot with the special tool microshapers of AL bei which I could shape the various shapes.



Edited by MESSIS
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I guess my idea not to use the 1mm diam.  rod for the belaying pins and instead to use the 9mm brass belaying pins from amati (painted in wood colour) wasnt a bad Idea. It looks more realistic I think.


Edited by MESSIS

γεια σου Χρηστο.

επεστρεψα απο Κυπρο την περασμενη εβδομαδα. Δυστυχως δεν τα καταφερα να ερθω Λεμεσο να βρεθουμε. Καποια αλλη φορα.

εξαιρετικη η δουλεια σου! Συγχαρητηρια. Ειναι το πρωτο ξυλινο μοντελο που φτιαχνεις? Εγω ασχολουμαι κυριως με πλαστικα (εκανα και 2 ξυλινα) αν και εχω και σημαντικο στοκ απο ξυλινα (υγεια και χρονια να εχω να τα τελειωσω).


καλη συνεχεια,


Posted (edited)

Κρίμα που δεν βρεθήκαμε. Και τον Παντιά πάει καιρος  να τον δω. Από τότε που ήμουν μέλος της Επιτρ. Εξωτερικών στη βουλή έχω να τον δω.


Κάνω ξύλινα εδώ και 2 χρόνια, αλλά μόνο αρχαία (από 6ο, 7ο αιώνα πχ μέχρι και 9ο εως10ο μχ) μέχρι τώρα. Πρώτη φορά κάνω ένα του 18ου αιώνα. Αλλά μάρεσε. Πλαστικά έκανα  παλιά... πάρα πολλά -δεν ήξερα που να τα βάλω- αλλά όταν έφυγα από την Γερμανία τα έδωσα όλα και τέρμα.


Τώρα θέλω να φτιάξω το Sir Winston Churchill... ξέρεις το σκάφος υπάρχει ακόμα και τώρα το αγόρασαν έλληνες.Είδα ένα τέλειο Ιαπωνικό  kit και θα το πάρω όταν τελειώσω την φρεγάτα που κάνω τώρα.


Εύχομαι κάθε καλό


Edited by MESSIS
On 30-7-2017 at 4:09 PM, MESSIS said:

England sounds great. I am there oft.... you have to visit HMS Victory in Portmouth and then is Cutty Sark in Greenwich. That is If you still havent.

Not to forget the frigate HMS Trincomalee in Hartlepool (just under Newcastle)! I have just returned from a holiday in SW of the States. I also visited the HMS Surprise (Rose)in San Diego. Great experience! Unfortunately (for me, but not for the ship) part of her was unaccesible to public because of repairs/maintenance. Still, just standing on her deck and feeling her moving in the light swell in the harbour is one thing I'm not likely to forget for a long time :) 

currently: master korabel Schooner Polotsk

finished: the Swift 1805, the Lady Nelson

on the shelf: US Brig Syren, Le Renard and the Hermione


Cheers! Thats a trip! Whuaooo. Hope you made pictures... and maybe you show us some of them.


καλημερα Χρηστο.


Δεν ξερω αν το γνωριζεις, αλλα ο Παντιας εδω και ενα χρονο περιπου ειναι ο Πρεσβης μας στο Παρισι. Αν τυχει να πας καμια φορα εκει, τηλεφωνα του στη Πρεσβεια, ειμαι σιγουρος οτι θα χαρει να σε δει.

Για τα μοντελα, μπραβο! Δηλαδη οταν λες 6-10 μ.Χ. αιωνα, τι ακριβως πλοια ειναι αυτα? Και το      Sir Winston Churchill ποιο πλοιο ειναι?

Εγω βρηκα και παρηγγειλα, αλλα  η κατασκευη θα περιμενει για οταν θα ειμαι Κυπρο γιατι εδω δεν εχω τα εργαλεια μου, το καραβι της Κερυνειας. Ειναι απο μια κινεζικη εταιρεια (απο ολο τον κοσμο, μονο οι κινεζοι εβγαλαν τετοιο κιτ) και το κιτ ειναι εξαιρετικο!

Θα συνεχισω να παρακολουθω την προοδο του L'Hermione. Αν καμια φορα ερθεις κατα Βελιγραδι, μη διστασεις να μου τηλεφωνησεις.


καλη συνεχεια


You are catching up to where I am. Did you paint your fences yellow? Can't tell for sure as the pics seem a bit foggy...or maybe I just need to clean my classes.


Your ship is sharp and bright in this picture, progressing very well. Will take a photo of my own final results on the fences tomorrow when I have good light. 

Posted (edited)

to sailor123. Yes u r right.... but as you saw other models on which I have worked on am not lazy.... I just loved the replica ship... I v been on it and I loved it.

Edited by MESSIS
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Beautiful job so far!  You have done excellent work. I also just bought this kit and I hope that I can emulate your fine work.  However, there is one glaring error in the kit that I could not overlook.  The model is supposed to depict the ship as she sailed with the Marquis d' Lafayette in 1780. Yet, the kit contains the Tricolor flag of Revolutionary France after 1793.  She should fly the flag of Bourbon France with the fleur de lis on a white background.  I wish that kit manufacturers would be a little more careful about issues like this.


Again, your model is quite beautiful!



Posted (edited)

@Bill Mirrison

Hi Bill thank you for your very kind words. It makes me feel nice about my long hours in the shipyard.


You are right about the flag. Tricolor was used after the french revolution, but no you are not accurate about the ''flag of Bourbon France with the Fleur de lis on a white background''. That's not the case. The ship sailed to America in 1780 did not had the fleur de liss flag, instead she had  a full white flag, that was the flag of the french royal  navy. Of course one of the modellers by Artesania Latina explained to me that the kit represents the replica now in Rochefort and not the original ship and that of course  settles so the issue. But then where are the two turbines (picture att.) and the chain of the anchors that the replica has!


So anyway that's an issue you are bringing up! Tricolor or All white or Fleur de lis flag? Interesting discussion...


Now what I have done... I like the flag in the kit. Its of excellent quality and it looks very realistic, so am going to use it pretending my Frigate represents the ship in its after the revolution era. As you may have noticed I also coopered the ship. The replica (and of course our kit) and the original was when first launched without sheathing.

;) So lets say am building a later version of the ship:10_1_10:


So I wish you a pleasant build. Any help I can offer just call me, I have already spended more than a year on this model, looking around in the internet, buying more than a few books etc. I also been in the Summer in Rochefort and went aboard the ship taking a lot of pictures which I can always send you any kind of details you need.


Greetings from Cyprus



PS the gentleman of A/L gave me the list with the nr's of the vallejo paints that correspond to the original paints given in the kit (pantone list), if you want to have the list, I ll be happy to hand it over to you





Edited by MESSIS

So, the older kit (not based on the Hermione now in Rochefort) should have the white flag of Bourbon! But, after checking the kit, it doesn't have a flag at all! Pity :(

currently: master korabel Schooner Polotsk

finished: the Swift 1805, the Lady Nelson

on the shelf: US Brig Syren, Le Renard and the Hermione



Its up to you. The ship in her lifetime had all three flags. Before and after the trip to America was the fleur de liss flag, during the America trip  the full white and after the french revlolution the tricolor. So It depends what time of her life you want to present.

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