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Posted (edited)

Greetings Jerry

Well done with your bowsprit . My zig zagging is atrocious and not completed. The threads are to slack on the main stay preventer and the mainstay, and if that's your prob maybe you can find a way of tightening them. Anyway I am sure you will sort it. Are you now intending to complete the rigging of your bowsprit which I did next?? The manual tell you to finish it off towards the end on pages 24 and 30 but I rigged everything that is shown on plan sheet 11 now, and had no probs at all. I was not sure about doing it then but was informed by gjdale (grant)that's what he did and as I say there were no probs... Keep enjoying it DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid

Hello david.. My PM to you crossed with your visit to my log.  

I wasn't planning to rig the bowsprit yet as I was trying to follow the manual.  I notice that it isn't necessary to do so but it gives me some semblance of order.  Maybe I'll follow your advice and complete the bowsprit...just thinkng out loud...Actually I was planning to complete the stays before going further but now you have me thinking.  It would be nice to do something else to break up the monotamy.  Look forward to your answer to my PM.  Take care,

Posted (edited)

Hello again....I was conccerned about keeping the zig-zag snaking tight as it is difficult to keep the main stay and its preventor from changing the distance relative to each other.  This will cause slack.  I taped the two stays to the foremast as I was tying the zig-zag and here's a picture of the results.  Jerry


Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

David...Thanks for the note...I will stay with the stays.  LOL......Later my friend.


Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

A note from the dry dock.....The stays are going well...The fore mast stay and the fore mast preventer stay are now rigged and the snaking.  is finished.. I used the conventional method of overhand knots and it seems to have worked out.  I'm happy because I believe I won't need to worry about stay collars any more.  Have a great day everyone.








Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Hello Everybody...A little bit more progress to report from the dry dock.  I've been dilligently working on the stays this past week and have now reached the point where I needed to assemble the rest of the bowsprit.  I purposely left the jib boom and flying jib boom off the model since i kept breaking them off during other phases of construction.  Now, however, some stays must be attached to them so  i'm now working on placing the jib boom and its extension, theflying jib boom.  More on the attachment later.  Running the stay has been very enlightening since most require loops and mice and some, at the running ends need to be lashed to their anchor point (no pun intended) by block and tackle.  I found this difficult, interesting and fulfilling and enjoyed the good practice working in the bows running stays to the knightheads.  I have attached some photos of what I have been doing.  With respect to the bowsprit, jib boom and flying jib boom boom, I decided to risk my reputation as a scale model builder and ran lashing  around the jib boom and flying jib boom at both ends.  I dare it to try and break off now.  So, I'll be happy to take all your abuse about deviation but I'll be smiling all the way to bed.  Here are some photos and a happy rest of the weekend to you all.









Edited by Jerry

Hi lawrence...Nice of you to visit my site.  i appreciate your compliment and hope you'll visit again.  Best,


Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone...Since reporting my progress the last time I have managed to forge ahead despite a couple of tragedies to my Victory.  It's absolutely exremely easy to become careless when in this stage of the build.  There are so many "sticks' protruding from the hull in every angle immaginable and I was the victim of these flying 'things."  To begin with, as I was working some of the stays I heard the dreadful "snap" sound and almost cried like a baby when I discovered that somehow my carelessness caused the tip of my main mast to break.  The dowel was laying over about 4 or 5 inches from the top with what looked like hundreds of pieces of black, waxed spaghetti attached to it in a tangled mess.  A couple of arms of the top mast platform apparently broke too.  I walked out of the room, poured a triple scotch, and figured I couldn't do any worse drunk trying to make this type of difficult repair.  When  I previously broke off one of the boomkins a few days before I was very upset but what happened to the main mast looked like a total disaster.  I drank about half the scotch and quickly gave the situation a real look-see before I might get high.  I tried turning the broken tip in several directons and couldn't believe my eyes when making one adjustment all the threads looked as if they were line up correctly again.  I placed the broken tip back in place and the tension from all the lines acted liked a big clamp and held the piece in place.  I gingerly removed the tip once more, placed some CA on the mast stub and set the tip back in place once more.  I made sure it was straight and then finished my scotch and said a prayer.  When I figured the cement was set I checked it out from all angles and seeing that it appeared plumb, I coated the broken area with epoxy cement and as of this writing everything is fine once again.  So i finally continued my progress.


Once I finish the Bowsprit shrouds and the bobstays, I will be ready to begin the running rigging.


Here are some photos of my progress.


Thanks for listening,













Edited by Jerry

Hello Sailor,


Thank you for dropping in on my log and for your words of encouragement.  I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to visit and hope you have a terrific day.



Good morning, Glenn.

When the mast broke I thought it was all over.  But, as you said, it may have been just a minor bump.  Thank you for your visit and for your positive comments.  I hope your day goes well.



Good morning (that's what it is here) Brian.

Nice to have you visit.  Thank you for the nice feedback and I hope you'll come around again.  Hope your day has been going well.



Greetings Jerry

Yep these breakages always seem to happen, and are suffered by us all, no matter how careful we are , especially at this stage. It looks like you have got it sorted . Well done with your progress it's coming on fine.. ... Have a look at your home contents insurance policy and see if includes breakages. I better go now!!!!! well done Jerry...DAVID


Hello David.. I checked my insurance policy...I have coverage for breakage...That is if my house breaks..Nothing mentioned about the ship model..Should I cancel my policy?  I think not but I will bemore careful.  I like your idea of putting pieces of tape on the "invisible" places to call your attention to.  Hope your day is going well and many thanks for the visit.


Posted (edited)

Good morning, Lawrence.. I drank so much scotch that day that there was nothing left for the little guys.  But they didn't seem to mind as they dilligently went to work again without complaining.  I'll make sure that they are taken care of the next time.  

Today I hope to finish the bowsprit shrouds and the bobstays.  if I do, then I'll be ready to begin the running rigging.  Have a good day and hello to the admiral.




Edited by Jerry

Hi Jerry,


Just catching up on your build.  You're making tremendous progress and I can't believe how fast you've worked.  I'm going for the slowest Victory build in history myself!  Oh well, it took 7 years to build the real thing so I think I might just beat that!  Great job on your mast repair...scotch and prayer usually solve all problems!




Hey Patrick..  Thanks for looking in my build.  Slow and steady is probably the better way to go.  I don't realize that I'm moving quickly as I just try and do a little each day.  Some days I do have to do other things or this house will fall apart.  Yesterday was a good example of doing a bunch of stuff other than working on Victory.  There are, of course, days when one needs to get supplies as this build is using more parts than came with the kit.  I'm specifically referring to deadeyes, blocks, belaying pins, eyelets, etc....I also have been getting low on some of the threads.  And of course, I'm probably going through cement like water.  Oh well, I'm back at it today, the day i hopee to finish the standing rigging.  Hope you have a terrific day..


Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone...Well, today's the day that I can say ...The standing rigging has been completed.  I'll probably take a few days off to regain my psychie before I begin the next and I believe, the hardest phase of all, the running rigging.  I have been meaning to say for some etime that one can read the caption of a photo by placing one's mouse over the picture.  I guess I'm too lazy to write additional captions so please, if you are interested, place your mouse on the photo for the caption.  Here are the final pictures that bring my standing rigging to completion.


I wish everyone a very happy evening











Edited by Jerry

Hello Jerry

Whey !!! Hey!!! Another phase finished, and onward to the running rigging. Well done Jerry. As you know this starts to become a bit of a cobweb, and there are lots of awkward areas to deal with, so once again those words , really take your time . Keep enjoying it ....DAVID


Hello Glenn,, it was very nice of you to visit my log.  I very much want to take your advice but i keep finding myself reading and studying information on running rigging.  I plan to build all the yards before starting the actual rigging rather than rigging the yards one at a time as the manual calls.  I believe most other builders have done this the same way.  Hope you had a good night's sleep before you read this.  Jerry

Posted (edited)

Hello David....and many thanks for your comments...Yes, here comes the cob webs.  But, I expect it'll be quite some time before i actually strip thread off the bobbins as I'll be spending a lot of time building the yards, gaffs and booms fiirst.  I think you did the same thing.  Did you make any headway regarding a display case?  Take care, David..Jerry

Edited by Jerry

Good morning, Lawrence.  Good to see you're up and at 'em nice and early.  Go ahead, man, get those deadeyes and blocks going.  You'll be very happy when all that ornamental stuff is hooked together.  I was thinking what a lot of work the sailors must have had pulling and tying all those ropes.  Have a great day, lawrence...See you later.


Posted (edited)

A little more from the drydock....I've been building the first yard (the Fore yard) for several days.  I find that it takes a lot more time than I thought it would.  Besides the actual shaping of the dowels, the attachment of the hanging blocks, the serving and application of the sling, etc.are guilty of being time consumers.  Even the hanging of all the blocks on the yard was no easy chore for me.  But I have arrived at the time where setting the yard is getting very close.  I still have to serve and make the top portion of the sling and also the truss pendants.  And, taking David's (Shipyard Sid) advice, I plan to thread the blocks under the fore top before attaching the yard.  It seems that this will be very difficult to do if attempted after the yard is hung.  This brings me up to date and it's been enjoyable to be able to undertake this type of construction.  I'm looking forward to the next yard and so on.  Have a great day...









Edited by Jerry

Hello Jerry

Excellent work, you have made your first yard in no time. I may get a small pillar drill for my next ship. I have just had a look at some on amazon, and for what is needed is not to costly. Anyway once again you have reached another enjoyable phase with all these yards to make. DAVID

Posted (edited)

Hello David...Any work that I get done to your liking is because of your help.  No way would I be here without all the communicatyion from you.  Thank you so much, David.


Edited by Jerry

Hi lawrence.. I appreciate your visit to my log, especially on a Sunday...I also thank you for your very nice comments which I really don't deserve.  Yep, the first yard is rigged; the trouble is there are eight more to go but as you said, after doing one, the rest should be quicker....and less frustrating.  I did make the fore top yard and its two little pointed friends and will start fancying them up tomorrow some time.  Hope to see you soon for a little chat and for a closerr look at your booms.  Best to Bernie...


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