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consider pictures I posted above there some thoughts regarding correct position of main stay ( probabbly fore stay as well) :)))



Loving this build (the revell Man O'war was great too) . I might buy this kit, is it bigger than the Man O'war. Also here is a video showing a method of rigging, deadeyes to shrouds. The chap in the video has produced some amazing work and seems super genuine. Might help.



Thanks Kirill4. 

Bosco72 they are virtually the same size. The photo makes the Man O War look shorter but that is just the perspective from my phone camera. 



19 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

Thanks Kirill4. 

Bosco72 they are virtually the same size. The photo makes the Man O War look shorter but that is just the perspective from my phone camera. 



Much appreciated. Very helpful. I have the Revell Man O'war 1/96 (next build) and a smaller version of the Revell Mayflower 1/83 boxed. I like the look of this kit. The way you are dealing with it is great to follow. Thank you. 

6 hours ago, Bill97 said:

Your welcome bosco. I really enjoyed building the Man O War. I have a build log for it on here as well if you are interested. 

Thank you, I have read through it, and Robert Taylor's, both builds very enjoyable and informative.


Yes. Robert was very helpful during that build. Much like kirill4 has been on this one. Not sure if I am at the skill level yet to be offering advice but if you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

51 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

Yes. Robert was very helpful during that build. Much like kirill4 has been on this one. Not sure if I am at the skill level yet to be offering advice but if you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

Much appreciated, I don't build for replicating an exact miniature or accuracy. Happy to learn as I go, and see what I enjoy and what I don't. If its going to take me five days to replicate gun rigging, then I will not do it, but if there is a compromise and it looks OK, I'll give it a go. I'm looking for relaxation and fun, not a headache. As my knowledge increases, hopefully so will my skill level. 


Kirill4 I need another of your great diagrams/drawings over my Mayflower photo. I am trying to understand your direction on the knights at the bottom of the masts. If you would not mind draw me a diagram of lines going to them that is different from the one in my assembly instructions. Thanks



Good day,

Unfortunatelly English is not my native language... that why I always reccomend to read first R.C.Anderson book and after that, when You read and understood did You read ,start making any kind of rigging...

If You really interestng in 17 century rigging , this book will be ultimate guide how to make rigging...I mean each time I will be need to try to say in worst and simplified what Mr. Anderson already said and explained carefully.

Otherwise it could happend that just low level repeating  information given by Anderson again abd again... please find a time ,a few hrs, and read this book ... You will be amaising how it is simple,logical  and interesting !


I said that because I've the same problem in the beginiing of my galleon build and rigging...but  later on when I found this book ,almoust  90 % of my questions were settled and explained ...and answers were given by professional but not amateures like me and you


look at this..than read Anderson book ... and You will see  and understood how das it work ... this case , mizzen tie halliyard knight\ Duyfken replica



or fore mast tie halliards knight / same Duyfken replica rigging 



9187756348_5c5aeb7ba4_грот стень штаг 5.jpg


Franckly speaking it is a little bit enigma for me > why we  first don't  need to read the solid source , as R.C.Anderson book and than start making discussion/// but instead of need  first to start discussions and trhan found that easiest way to find unswers will be  spent same time spent for discussions  to read proper books?? 

Posted (edited)

Dear Bill,

I'm sorry for my English again ...

Have some suggestions ...

We could try to look at this forum from different point of vew , make it more interesting !:)))

one of it - try to find  it as a great sources of informations right here ..

 and there is exists realy Great Man  and Great Expert in 17 th centure ships rigging  - it is Mr. Ab Hoving !!!

And this resource give us great opportunities to talk to this Man strait/directly!!

Just strait - You could ask him whatever You 'd like to know about 16-17th rigging and You will have very interesting and full answers in return!

At least ,it will 100% cover of Dutch 17 th rigging  details !!! :)))

But, And,

 consider that  in this period Dutch rules over the shipbuildings World ...it will be quite intersting even we would like to talk about English 17th galleon rigging :)))

A few years ago I even couldn/t imagine that such things could be posiible , but now they are!!!..

just look at his works of various models and ask him directly if You have questions !!! :)))

everything You would like to know about 17th rigging !!!

Oh my god!!! :)))

 We already missed to do same to ask /or talk to Mr. Anderson (sure 100%)amd Markquart as well ... :(((

but Ab , Ab Hoving,  He  is still with us and active and modelling buildings  and He si ready to talk to us !

Try! :)))

Edited by kirill4

Rigged my lower shrouds for the foremast and the deadeyes that will support those shrouds. I like to use the piece of wood technique to get the appropriate length of the location on the shroud to seize the deadeyes. Once all the deadeyes are seized to the shrouds I will remove the pins and piece of wood then rig the corresponding deadeyes together. 







Ok guys I am making my way through my very first attempt at rigging shrouds, ratlines, deadeyes, and lanyards. For from perfect and at the level of a number of other builders, but for my first attempt I am pleased. Used the supplied thread that came with the kit so up close the lines look furry. 






8 hours ago, Bill97 said:

Ok guys I am making my way through my very first attempt at rigging shrouds, ratlines, deadeyes, and lanyards. For from perfect and at the level of a number of other builders, but for my first attempt I am pleased. Used the supplied thread that came with the kit so up close the lines look furry. 






Looks great, the chain plates look great too, did they come with the kit or did you fit them custom? If you want to stop furry lines on future builds you could try running the thread through a block of bees wax.


Not sure if there is a fix with fitted lines, maybe one of the more experienced builders might have a suggestion. 


Thanks Bosco. I had to custom fit the chain plates. Did not come with the kit. I did not really notice how furry the lines were until I zoomed in on my photo. Not real obvious with naked eye just looking at the ship. Had not even given that much thought in the past builds until Kirill4 mentioned it. I did use beezwax on ends of threads to help get through holes in deadeyes. Will follow your suggestion to use on full length. Since it was my first attempt I concentrated more on developing my skills and technique. Most if not all the steps I used I found on this and other sites. Very little in assembly instructions. Hardest thing to find an answer for was what to do with the end of the lanyard thread after I passed it through the last deadeye hole. Finally found a YouTube video (in Spanish) that I was able to follow. Will be starting the ratlines soon. Either before or after I do the upper shrouds. I think I am looking forward to that. Will see. 

2 hours ago, Bill97 said:

Thanks Bosco. I had to custom fit the chain plates. Did not come with the kit. I did not really notice how furry the lines were until I zoomed in on my photo. Not real obvious with naked eye just looking at the ship. Had not even given that much thought in the past builds until Kirill4 mentioned it. I did use beezwax on ends of threads to help get through holes in deadeyes. Will follow your suggestion to use on full length. Since it was my first attempt I concentrated more on developing my skills and technique. Most if not all the steps I used I found on this and other sites. Very little in assembly instructions. Hardest thing to find an answer for was what to do with the end of the lanyard thread after I passed it through the last deadeye hole. Finally found a YouTube video (in Spanish) that I was able to follow. Will be starting the ratlines soon. Either before or after I do the upper shrouds. I think I am looking forward to that. Will see.

It looks great.


Finished the upper and lower shrouds with deadeye rigging and lanyards. Through the research I did of ships of the era I found there was not a standard consensus as to the use of a sheer pool above the top deadeyes below the ratlines. The part was not included with the kit which was not a surprise since I experienced that with other needed parts in this kit. I decided I would add sheer poles so I fabricated them and tied them to the shrouds and added some weathering. As I hone my skills and techniques I am learning a lot and discovering areas I need to work on a lot. One area for sure is consistent seizing of the shroud lines. My first try at it is not totally uniform but I am making progress. The 3 new builds I have but yet to start all require handmade shrouds so I plan to get a lot of practice. 
















Finished the ratlines on the lower shrouds of the mainmast on the right side of the ship. Again I found a great YouTube video that was extremely helpful. Need to trim the side threads. As I mentioned before this is my first attempt at rigging shrouds and ratlines. I actually enjoyed tying all the little knots. I need to practice so as to improve my skill and technique. I can tell I snug the back shroud a little to tight because I got a bit of a bend in it. Not a straight line from the deadeye up to the tree. However I am pleased with the outcome. 






Continued working on the ratlines on the lower shrouds. As I experimented with different ideas to keep the shrouds straighter I have determined that if I start my first ratline knot on a center shroud and then work to the left and or right out to the first and last shrouds, I am more successful in keeping the lines straighter. Not pulling on them as much. 







Began working on the ratlines on the lower he upper shrouds on the main mast. Coming right along. Bosco you asked earlier in this life how the Mayflower compared in size to the Man O War. I included a picture of my work area where you can see the Mayflower on my table and the Man O War in it’s case side by side. As you can see, they are about the same size. The Man O War does have taller mast. 





5 hours ago, Bill97 said:

Began working on the ratlines on the lower he upper shrouds on the main mast. Coming right along. Bosco you asked earlier in this life how the Mayflower compared in size to the Man O War. I included a picture of my work area where you can see the Mayflower on my table and the Man O War in it’s case side by side. As you can see, they are about the same size. The Man O War does have taller mast. 





Looking great. Also those cases look very nice too. 


Started making the sails for my Mayflower. Using the same process I have on my other builds. Since I don’t really like the plastic molded sails that come with the kit I like to make my own. I use an antique white cloth and hand stitch the lines matching the width on the plastic sails. Then using the plastic sails as a mold and a 50/50 mixture of white glue and water, I paint the sails wet and form them over the molds. Once they fully dry I will trim them to shape and antique them with some airbrush work. 




I agree with you on this subject as well. In fact a while back I started a discussion here on MSW about this subject. Add sails or not. There was a wide range of opinions. When I built my USS Constitution I left the sails off because I really liked being able to see the extensive amount of rigging. On my Cutty Sark I furrowed the bottom sails so I could see through. Definitely an aesthetic  preference. 



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