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Posted (edited)

I mentioned in my build log that this was a trouble spot. I filed and sanded the slots to widen them and make the extreme bend easier. I also pre-bent the gunwales. Good luck and please start a build log so I can watch. I'm no expert, but I've come up with some tricks to overcome Construct's lack of instructions. 


Page three of my log shows the trouble spot. 

Edited by Hipexec

It's a bit of a slow start, but it's good to be back in the shipyard again.


I just rough rigged a gun in 30 minutes! That's great progress for thick fingered me.



Thanks  I saw your solution in your build log, and also sanded a contour into the bulkheads (2 & 3 3).  Did not know if you also had to soak and try to bend (shape) the boards also.  Will try and do the same.  Not sure how to start a build log but would like to if I can figure out how.  I will keep watching you log for information and tips, you are doing a great job, and I hope I can be half as good.  This is my second build and I am still learning a great deal!! Will keep in touch, also if you have any info about a parts list for this kit please let me know.  I am trying to seperate all of the wooden parts, but do not know how many of each I should have?




When you start your build forum, please use a lot of photos. I forgot how I started mine.  My Connie is only my second build. I did soak and pre-bend the piece you mentioned. I will give you the e-mail of the Constructo rep who can get you missing parts and also a parts list.


While I was waiting for the glue to dry on another cannon, I finally got up the courage to drill into my hull!   Believe me....I looked at that hull and looked at that hull and looked at that hull for several months, now. All I could remember was how much work went into getting those planks just right. Making a hole in them wasn't my idea of fun. But.....I final did it and installed the starboard below decks portholes. Constructo wanted them to be bright brass in finish, but I toned them down to a dull bronze. I first hand drilled a small pilot hole, then using my Dremel, but twisted it my fingers, and  I made the final holes.






Ha, ha, the pondering about cutting a beautiful hull where hours has poured in. Possible tip, ditch the dremil and get a drill used by the fairer sex during there nail visits. These drills don't pulse like a dremil at slower revs and also you can get your fingers very close to the tip for accuracy.


Since it will probably take me the best part of a month to rig my guns...I figured I'd install little thing while the glue dries. Here's the first of many cleats installed. Constructo is very weak in showing me exactly where these little things go. I have to look in several places for exact positioning. At least one location has a major conflict with gun rigging. I'll wait until that particular gun is installed before installing the cleat.



Speaking of old....an old dog can learn new tricks. I just discovered I can follow each of your builds by clicking on that little box on the upper right of your build. Up until now, I had to search for your builds to see your progress. Now I have to click on a lot of those boxes because I love watching your builds.


Sometimes power tools can cause you more work than doing it by hand. You did the right thing in my option by doing it by hand, now you have no re-work because of doing it by hand. I have all the power tools and when it comes to drilling or sanding I rather do it by hand, and trust me my hands hurt almost every day.


Joe :D


Go MSW :) :)

Posted (edited)


The cleats look very good. Yea, Constructo could be better at directions, but, look at the education we are getting. :)


Age, like beauty s all relative. Your only old when you admit it. I had a neighbor named Charlie who passed away recently. Shortly after moving in we heard noises outside so I went to investigate. 20' up is Charlie, one hand on the extension ladder, the other with a handsaw cutting through a 6" tree limb. I told him to get down and let me help him, his reply? "This is specialized work son, I am 91 years old and still trim my own trees." It took him the better part of a month to trim that tree but he did it. Shortly before his diabetes took a turn he had come over to visit with the better half and I. "Sam, N, do either of you know a lady you could set me up with? I want to go dancing" I mentioned my mom who will be 84 in January. "No, I need somebody younger who can keep up with me" He was quite a character that Charlie.


Its all relative. Anybody who can land a 10# pike at 75 isnt old in my book. Carry on and Happy Birthday!


Edited by src

Current Build Constructo Enterprise

Posted (edited)

The following is my solution to mounting a ring on to the cascabel of the cannon. I first glue (CA) the breeching line on to the cascable of the cannon.



Edited by Hipexec
Posted (edited)

I have to agree with Lawrence,

Very clever idea to do it this way   :D  :D

You keep the cannons the brass colour ?



Edited by Sjors


Thanks for the information.  I have looked at how to start my own build log, and would like to do so.  Getting my camera and equipment set up.  First I guess I should get my building area cleaned up so I cat take better pictures of the work in progress.  That might take a few days.  I wanted you to know that I am sort of following your build in adding an extra board to the false gun deck and framing them in.  I think it will make the planking and making the gun ports that much easier.  also did you use full planks on your deck, or did you cut each to scale and then place them in the pattern?  On my first build I did scale cuts, buy somewhere I was a little off so not all my butt ends lined up perfectly.  Will try to do better this time. Will let you know as soon as my build log is up as I will value your opinion.  Till then keep up the great work!!




Hey Rich,  found your log and all caught up, a constitution of some kind is in my future, just no sure which vendor to go with so am very interested in your experience.


You have done a tremendous job with this ship, very neat and tidy work - love it and it looks very well done.


Will enjoy watching you continue!



Current Builds

Santa Maria - Artesania Latina (1:65) POB

MayFlower - Model Shipways (5/32"=1') POB
Blue Shadow - Mamoli Revolutionary War Brigantine. (Fict) (1:64) POB (Recommissioned as the Kara June)


On The Shelf Waiting so Patiently

USRC Ranger - Corel (1:50) POB

18th Century Longboat - Model Shipways (1:4) POF

La Nina - Artesania Latina (1:65) POB

U.S Brig Syren - Model Shipways (1:64) POB


Completed Builds

Phantom NY Pilot Boat - Model Shipways (1:96) Solid Hull


Decommissioned Builds
(Time and conditions were not good to these. They have been cancelled =( )

Willie L Bennett - Model Shipways (1:32) POF
USRC Harriet Lane - Model Shipways (1:128) Solid Hull


Posted (edited)

Thanks for all the nice words, everyone.



By framing the gun deck so I only had to make square cuts to make the gun ports made for a nice job for me. I could never cut perfectly square holes in a finished hull.

Next, I used full length deck planks, but made false scribes to simulate the staggering of planks. I did that with a straight edge and a very sharp number 2 pencil. I did the simulated nails the same way, #2 pencil.

Edited by Hipexec

I finished rough rigging the guns. Now I'll use my fake gunport to trim the rigging to the correct dimensions for permanent installation in the real gunports.




I think I finally hit on a way to build strong hammock net stanchions. I took an oversized brass nail and put a 90 degree bend at the tip. Then I cut off the head. So I can mass produce dozens of these stanchions. I made a jig out of a hull plank that happens to be the same dimension I need. Then I drilled a hole through the width of the plank large enough that I can just slip the nail into the hole. Then I clip the extra brass. Now each stanchion will be exactly the same as the first.


Each stanchion will be nailed into the edge of the rail and glued. I hope it works.






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