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lookin good, cant wait to see the finish on your hull



Current build(s) ;

AL San Francisco II



MS Rattlesnake



Sitting on the shelf : MS Constitution, MS Sultana,


Wish List : MS Essex, Confederacy, and Syren, and a Victory kit by someone ?


"80% of the time it works every time."


WOW a DSotM concert. NICE!

I really like the matte tung oil. I refinished my old kitchen cabinets with tung oil. Of course rubbing in that Tung oil and polishing/rubbing it out is much easier on a cabinet door then of small areas of ships. I'd think a Qtip cotton swab would work for tight spots though.

Looking forward to seeing the finish on this one.

The wider rubbing strakes just give in a different character then the usual thinner ones. Are they of different wood or is that from the camera picture. Do you have any plans to finish them differently. I really like the darkened strakes Robbyn did on her SF, although using tung oil should give your build a lighter over all finish.

Posted (edited)

Cant wait to see how it finishes...and if the tung oil doesnt give the desired effect on the strakes I guess you could ebony it afterward.

I'm unfamiliar with applewood also but the strakes appear more grey/green than walnut, although walnut has such colour variation anyway, depending on if its sapwood or heart wood. Of course pictures dont always give a true scale of color and if flash is used it can make an ocre look canary yellow.


So you dont remember the DSotM concert, is that from age or being in interstellar overdrive during the show :dancetl6: either way your a lucky individual to have experienced so many great concerts. Tull would have been another I'd of like to seen, but then I'm a huge Ian Anderson fan.

Edited by themadchemist

Hey Randy,


Your hull looks great from here. Tung oil was a good choice..the more coats you put on the more mellow the look. Looking forward to more!


Take your time. There is no rush.......is there?





Hopeful aka David


“there is wisdom in many voices”


Completed: Sharpie Schooner (Midwest) Posted in kit build section of forum

Current: Sultana (MSW) Updating the build log and continuing on with the build


Next: Lady Nelson (Amati Victory)

  • 2 weeks later...

Well I broke down and got one of those irons. especially after seeing that they can be used for encaustic painting


I love the tung oil finish. Its hard to beat good old tung oil, I used it for my kitchen cabinets. And that wood graining is crazy beautiful. I think you should display her upside down :D

thanks for the info on the iron, Tammys already called dibbs, she wants to try that encaustic painting, maybe I'll get to plank with it.


It's beautiful, I think I have hull envy



Current build(s) ;

AL San Francisco II



MS Rattlesnake



Sitting on the shelf : MS Constitution, MS Sultana,


Wish List : MS Essex, Confederacy, and Syren, and a Victory kit by someone ?


"80% of the time it works every time."


It definitely makes one rethink the single plank SF II, I saw it as a minus when AL changed the kit, but that planking shows it is worth the effort and lamarvalley definitely shows how good it can look.




I get that from my friends too :)



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale

Posted (edited)

lamarvalley and Aaron.

well of course your talking about your non-ship building friends. Us friends at MSW appreciate and love your work. I've relooked at that hull several times lamarvalley and can't get enough.

Aaron, didnt you have a build log prior to the crash, seems it was your build that caused me to buy the cherry strips, if Im remembering correctly. That cherry is beautiful wood. So are you the reason for my lee valley addiction? Its such a great place for supplies and tools.


So here's maybe a dumb question but what type of wood is the SF kit now? What you used lamarvalley? it doesnt look walnut which I though was once used. There are so many variations I just dont know what actually comes with the kit now. it looks mahogany with that course grain after tung oiling but maybe walnut before. Its amazing how much tung oil brings out the colour variations, Any Colour you like (PF ref, cant stop myself). Either way it had more then 2-3 second look from me at least.


Check out Youtube on that encaustic painting. I was looking at Amazon's reviews and it was mentioned, so I surfed and WOW. Its hard to believe wax crayons and heat can create such abstract beauty. Figured you might be interested since you have the iron. BTW my iron arrived today. Thanks for the advise.

Edited by themadchemist

I thought the grain looked mahogany, especially after oiling.


of course you do realize that Florencia has forced me to readd the AL SFII kit back to my list to acquire. She was my first love, but was on back order so I switched gears, which I'm glad I did if for no other reason, experience.

After cancelling the order, I then Waffled after finding out she was single planked. I sometimes look at the nice smooth basswood of the Swift and think, what a shame to cover that nice smooth hull (is it strange to love running your hands over that highly smoothed and sanded hull). Basswoods a bit more forgiving then mahogany so I stayed away from the SFII kit. Now you've proven just how gorgeous she can be. So I hope you don't mind... you see... I need a scape goat and its ALL YOUT FAULT.


At least thats my story


All and all its just another ship on the wall....(opps, did I type that outloud) :piratetongueor4:


Thats my problem, Ive made too many decisions and now they all are calling to me from the shelf. Ah well, best to have too many then not enough.


Pink Floyd has been an obsession for a long time, its hard to break. If I wanted to. You have no idea how deep that rabbit hole goes  :D but one must have a soundtrack to their life. I'm glad you took responsibilty for your devious Florencia ( i like the rename) pushing ways. You should be ashamed, kinda like I am about Floyd. 


Did you get to see Roger perform the Wall recently. I waited 30 years and then the Lyme sound sensitivity kept me from going. Although Ive seen and heard many recordings. I hated missing it live, but life is that way and sometime I can feel one of my turns coming on....


After giving away 2nd row Bonamassa ticket I stopped trying to Go to the show.


So ya
Thought ya
Might like to
Go to the show.
To feel that warm thrill of confusion,
That space cadet glow.
I've got some bad news for you sunshine,
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along as a surrogate band
We're gonna find out where you folks really stand.


Nice to see you back at it. I love the hinge idea. I think once you drill some in those you will have a superior hinge. I'm jut waiting for a stiff breeze to take mine off



Current build(s) ;

AL San Francisco II



MS Rattlesnake



Sitting on the shelf : MS Constitution, MS Sultana,


Wish List : MS Essex, Confederacy, and Syren, and a Victory kit by someone ?


"80% of the time it works every time."


Nicely done! I see scratch building in your future



Current build(s) ;

AL San Francisco II



MS Rattlesnake



Sitting on the shelf : MS Constitution, MS Sultana,


Wish List : MS Essex, Confederacy, and Syren, and a Victory kit by someone ?


"80% of the time it works every time."


Looks good.

I really like the darker balconey and last side photo of the stern really shows off the wood grain. Everything looks great, so on to deck furniture and then rigging. :dancetl6:


I know what you mean by the blacken it stuff, I cant believe I just paid $9 for a 4oz bottle of sulfides which I had back in my lab when I taught. ARGH! Oh well, such is life. How long did you let them soak, longer soaks is supposed to create a blacker patina, I've personally never done patina work? Sulfides I didnt use much, they are typically used in qualitative analysis but I prefer the sulfate process (sulfide compounds smell like rotten farts) also did you notice a difference in the brass plate verses the solder, its hard to tell in the pictures?


Looking very nice TIm!!!

BTW, since you are just about there, when it comes time to cut your channels that will hold the dead eyes on the hull, and the railings for your decks; don't cut them to length per the instructions...measure your ship first. I cut mine per the instructions and the railings on the fore deck are too long, as are the forward channels. The rest seem to be okay, but dang it, I don't have anymore of that dimension wood to redo the forward channels so I had to just cut them to fit over a second set of tracks.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



The thread on channels in your thread Robbyn was very informative, for me at least. With my background in physic I should of known the chain plate had no torque when straight with shroud lines, but it just didnt click. So much can be learned from logs.


LV you changed avatars on us. Looks like your bird flew into the sunset.


If I had a spare $1500 laying around I would buy the byrnes tablesaw, thickness sander, ropewalk, disc sander, pluss I would pick up a mini drill press, and a scroll saw.  I could save myself thousands, just by milling my own lumber....if only, if only, if only....maybe I should pick up a summer job just so I can invest in those things :D


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Sounds like you got to decide if "the juice is worth the squeeze."



Current build(s) ;

AL San Francisco II



MS Rattlesnake



Sitting on the shelf : MS Constitution, MS Sultana,


Wish List : MS Essex, Confederacy, and Syren, and a Victory kit by someone ?


"80% of the time it works every time."


The 2 wheels carriages are more historically accurate and the cannon may have been iron rather then brass. Or at least that what my research dug up.

Thats an interesting mix on blacker put I'm sure there is more then one kind of reactant that can be used. Liver of sulfur is typically used I thought. As long as it gave the desired effects is all that matters. the colour difference is no doubt due to the alloy difference of the metal. Air probably finished off the reaction. Funny I used diluted H3PO4 (phosphoric acid) when cleaning the chrome faucets in the lab. Next time you drick a Coke read that label, Phosphoric acid is an ingredient, its the 4th after Water, HFCS, and caramel colour....


I just checked the stuff I bought and it's selenious acid and Coppper chloride and carbonates.


Here's a link in Grant Dales Vicky build where I show some copper compound and give a little chemistry of copper



I remember seeing on MSW (may have been the old MSW) a recipe for ebonyizing wood. seems IIRC, vinegar (acetic acid) and steel wool (0000 size) and some type of wood dust. Wish I had written that down...


Well, my carriages are going to be wheeless.... I didn't get any wheels in my kit, and I found last night, that if the carriages sat any higher the guns wouldn't fit through the opening anyway. So...it will look stupid to anyone who knows better, but the peeps around here won't be any the wiser.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)


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