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ATLANTIC by IgorSky - FINISHED - 1/600 Scale - BOTTLE - three-masted schooner

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ATLANTIC history


Commissioned by New York Yacht Club member Wilson Marshall, Atlantic was launched in 1903.

She was designed by William Gardner, one of America's foremost designers of large yachts.


From the moment Atlantic went to sea, it was clear that she was an exceptionally fast and beautiful schooner. When a yacht in 1903 hits twenty knots during her sea trials, she is a promising yacht, but even then nobody could imagine two years later this yacht would set a record that would stand unmatched for almost a century.


Nevertheless, whilst Wilson Marshall wanted Atlantic to be the fastest schooner on the water, he felt there was no reason to compromise on comfort. Unlike contemporary racing schooners, Atlantic was equipped with every imaginable luxury. Fitted out with the finest mahogany panelling, she had two steam driven generators to power electric lights, refrigerators and a large galley. On deck her halyard winches and primary sheet winches were also steam driven. She had two double and three single staterooms, a lobby, a large full beam saloon, a dining room, a chart & gunroom, three large bathrooms and in the deckhouse there was a comfortable observation room. She had retractable chimneys, so while under sail the below deck steam heating, lighting and refrigeration systems could keep running. Atlantic's fo'c'sle accommodated her thirty-nine strong crew and officers, who would live aboard throughout the year.


During her first season Atlantic proved fast, winning both the Brenton Reef and the Cape May Cup hands down, but it was only in 1905 she made the headlines by winning the Kaiser's Cup, a Transatlantic race from Sandy Hook to the Lizard. Referred to as "The last Great race of Princes" the entries for this race included all the yachts that the rich and powerful from Britain and America could send to sea. The legendary Captain Charlie Barr, who had already successfully defended the America's Cup three times, was hired to skipper Atlantic. Charlie Barr's determination to win was as legendary as his skills for driving the largest of yachts to the very limit. And win, he did, sailing 3006 miles in 12 days, 4 hours, 1 minute and 19 seconds. Atlantic's 24-hour record was 341 miles, an average speed of 14,1 knots. Uncountable attempts were made to break this record but it would hold firm until 1998, the longest standing speed record in the history of yachting.


Atlantic's story continued for another seventy-seven years with ownership passing through the likes of Cornelius van der Bilt and Gerald Lambert. She was used as a mother ship for other racing yachts like Vanity, for America's Cup defenders and the J-Class Yankee on her voyage to England. Her guest book included the rich and famous of the world. Simply put, she is the most famous and beloved racing schooner of all time.


Although after World War II Atlantic would never sail again, she refused to give up her existence. Somehow she was saved from the scrap yard on three different occasions, broke loose from her moorings, to sail back to sea without a man aboard and ended up used as a houseboat, a restaurant and a floating dock at a fuel station. Finally on 30th of January 1982, she was broken up at Newport News Boat Harbor, Virginia.


The Schooner Atlantic's General Specifications

Design William Gardner

Year Originally Built 1903

Length on Deck 185 Feet 56.43 Meters

Waterline Length 135 Feet 41.18 Meters

Beam 29 Feet 8.85 Meters

Draught 16½ Feet 4.9 Meters

Displacement 298 Tons 303 Tonnes

Sail Area to Windward 18,500 Feet² 1,750 M²


This information from the site www.schooner-atlantic.com




So, I decided to construct model of this surprising schooner in a bottle.

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I begin.

I have not too good drawing of this schooner, but I have found some photos of its and some photos of its models.


The initial stages of construction doesn't present a particular interest, but here you can see some photos:






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I tried to make one of boats for the Atlantic, but it turned out 4-5 mm longer, than it is necessary for me ((:


Edited by IgorSky
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Hi Igor


It's great that you've started a build log for this boat, because I'm definitely eager to follow your progress.  Looks like you're off to cracking start with the hull and a really nice runabout as well.


Just wondering - Are you building a full-hulled model that'll be inserted into the display, or will it be a waterline hull set in a moulded sea?


Cheers and all the best!



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Hi Patrick,

Thanks for greetings!

I am going to build full-hulled model. I thought about variant of the waterline hull with setting in a moulded sea. But its underwater part is too fine to hide it under water))

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Ah!  Another SIB.  I agree the line are too nice to hide.



Every build is a learning experience.


Current build:  SS_ Mariefred


Completed builds:  US Coast Guard Pequot   Friendship-sloop,  Schooner Lettie-G.-Howard,   Spray,   Grand-Banks-dory

                                                a gaff rigged yawl,  HOGA (YT-146),  Int'l Dragon Class II,   Two Edwardian Launches 


In the Gallery:   Catboat,   International-Dragon-Class,   Spray

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The planking of the deck

I used for planking of the desk the planks of light pear (thickness 0.5 mm and width 0.5 mm) and the planks of pink pear (thickness 0.5 mm and width 0.8 mm).


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Hi Igor.

Thanks for the step by step photos of your ship's boat, which looks great, too. Interesting method that you've used, which undoubtedly works well.

The Atlantic's hull and deck is coming along nicely.

Not long to go, now. Have you chosen the bottle yet?

All the best


Edited by Omega1234
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About the choice of the bottle…

So, though to the end of construction there is a lot of time, but it is already necessary to make a final choice of a bottle for model. I consider 6 bottles which I can use for this model.

The bottle 4 is still filled with vodka therefore I exclude it from the list)).

The sizes of a bottle 2 leave not enough space for a support.

Bottle 5 … It seems to me that the form of this bottle more is suitable for model of the old sailing ship.

Bottle 1 … I have some ideas about a stopper of this bottle, but I am still not ready to carry out them.

So, there are only 2 bottles for a choice…

They are pleasant to me both, but the bottle 3 is verticall, and the bottle 6 is horizontal.

Besides, I am going to use the bottle 6 for one of my next projects – schooners SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL.

So, the choice is almost made))


Bottle 1post-17539-0-92458200-1422602181_thumb.jpg


Bottle 2post-17539-0-21978900-1422602200_thumb.jpg


Bottle 3post-17539-0-78643600-1422602222_thumb.jpg


Bottle 4 post-17539-0-33062200-1422603460_thumb.jpg


Bottle 5 post-17539-0-73084100-1422603510_thumb.jpg


Bottle 6 post-17539-0-01785700-1422603585_thumb.jpg

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Hi Patrick,

Yes, most likely it will be a bottle 3. Now I need to check more carefully the internal sizes of a bottle and the external sizes of model.


Best Regards!


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Hi Patrick,

The hull of this model passes in a bottle throat entirely, but to have some reserve it is always well. There will be the third part of the hull - a thin layer at the level of a waterline. It is much simpler to do planking of the hull when it is made of two parts. A little later I will show it on a photo.

Besides, I didn't think of the scheme of conducting of a rigging yet. And perhaps I will need the separate parts of the hull for this purpose too.


Best Regards!


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The model is very nice, lovely deck and shape.


It will look great in any bottle you choose, but i notice that the shape of bottle #5  harmonizes very nicely with the keel shape of your hull...

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You can see that the top belt of a covering of the hull is 0,4 mm lower than the line of the deck. It is necessary to paste then a false board 1,2 mm wide.




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Hi Igor


The middle picture shows the hull's beautiful lines and shape. The method of doing the split hull with the red planking below the waterline is a really good one because it makes the transition between above and below the waterline nice and crisp. Hope I'm making sense!


All the best



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Hi Igor


The middle picture shows the hull's beautiful lines and shape. The method of doing the split hull with the red planking below the waterline is a really good one because it makes the transition between above and below the waterline nice and crisp. Hope I'm making sense!


All the best



Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the good words!

Yes, this method allows to make easily and qualitatively the line of connection of the top and lower parts of the hull. And it is so simpler to join the planks of two different colour.

By the way, Patrick, you was right - the hull should be placed in a bottle separately in parts))


Best Regards!


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The little progress yesterday. I have processed a thin layer of a waterline, have added on one lath 0,5 mm thick on each side of the hull. Now I need to process all hull finally. Sanding... sanding... sanding... slowly and carefully ))




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Hi Igor.


Now that's nice!!! I really like the clean separation between the red and black and especially the way you've done the light coloured waterline. Is there any chance you could show how you did it because I'm really impressed with the way it bends nicely at the stern.


The hull lines, together with that really nice sheer line, are equally nice as well. The Atlantic was certainly a real looker!


Well done





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Hi Patrich,

Many thanks for support and approval of my work!

Do I correctly understood, what you are interested in this part of the stern?



Best Regards!


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