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Don Quixote

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Posts posted by Don Quixote

  1. I know this is not supposed to be here, but I was touched by the act.


    My neighbor got his metals today and I was the first person he showed. Had me pin them on his coat. He's been waiting 71 years. The same length he's been married.


    Albert Vierra, 91. His LST 452 was the first to land on Leyte Beach.



  2. 4 hours ago, Dan Vadas said:

    as it's easier to push the middle of the plank onto the

    Now that I've done:) Not intentionally, but I learned from it.


    Anything wrong with soaking and using a soldering iron? My wife straightens her hair.


    For what it's worth to anyone else lurking about, I'm bi-polar. Concentration, focus and memory do not exist in my world.

  3. What if I live in a state where Mary Jane is legal? May I still consume a bloody mary?


    Great advice. I don't understand why I'm having trouble at all, really. According ti Hunt's Lauck practicum, I should need but one stealer, no spiling.


    I think I can see it now. I can see how spiling will reduce the urge to push up on a plank and bend it wrong. Can the width of a plank of bass wood be so inconsistent?

  4. This is my third attempt at planking a hull. Let me admit up front, I was raised with a wrench in my hand, not a saw. First I did the Niagara. Trashed the hull. Clinking and like I say, I always have to push the next planks up against the previous. I already got a second keel and bulk heads thanks to model expo. I now have a third hull to ruin. What am I doing wrong? The bluenose is supposed to be easy.


    I'm using Lauck's practicum.



  5. Every time I plank a hull I end up bending planks laterally. I'm always pushing upwards to get the new planks to meat the previous. Probably not supposed to taper a planks like that. Can you see my stealer? I actually put it near the front of the ship for obvious reasons.


    I have one more keel and bulkeads and I'm down to my good sticks for planking. That means I have 2 sides to get it right.



  6. I'm looking for anything resembling the WWII LST 452. My neighbor is a vet, and his LST 452 was the first ship to hit the leyte gulf in the Philippines. I found a LST wooden ship, 400... I'm guessing that's a series? It was a $1000 wooden ship. He'll be dead by the time I finish that. I mean I love the 91 year old, but that's too much money. I don't care if it's die cast, or a plastic model, but I want to give this old man something.


    He knows I build models and has hinted many a time that he wants a model of his old LST.



  7. I have NO idea why the keel looks bent. It was perfectly flat before I started adding the bulkheads.


    I put a spacer in between M and N. That's where I broke it and I just couldn't get it right. The spacer is pushing against bulkhead N to push it away and straighten the stem there. Actually works pretty good if you could have seen what it was like.

    not crooked.jpg


  8. Okay, so I tossed the first attempt. This photo is from the 2nd hull. I still have one more keel and bulk heads after this one.


    The bulk heads are only fit in for a dry run. I broke of the aft part of the keel. I think it'll be okay, it's right where bulk head N goes so the bulk heads should be sturdy. I have one biulk head that's warped. I put weight on it for 48 hours to no avail. Suggestions?

    dry fit.jpg

    long view dry run.jpg

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