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Everything posted by TBlack

  1. Take all the time you want, Keith. It validates my own off times. Tom
  2. Just an up-date. I'm on my 4th attempt at the ship's wheel. No point in showing you my failures. But the issue is using the right wood (I tried cherry; no good). I'm reluctant to use boxwood because the color is not what I want to see, so I'll try pear next (Ed Tosti recommends it as a substitute). And it also turns out that the glue is critical; not only its application, but also the type. Here's a photo of my last effort:
  3. Tom, I have two daughters; and it is true there will be more, but it will be fun for you. Remember that she will have a husband, but you will always be THE DAD!
  4. Tom, You aren't the only one who can't say no to daughters. Besides, your work on those items is spot on; now all you have to do is walk her down the aisle! Tom
  5. Roger, I'm understanding that when you feed the brass/plywood through the saw blade that the brass is on the bottom? Tom
  6. I'm looking at Druxey's instructions on building tops for Swan Class in his book, volume IV. He doesn't mention anything about tapering the battens (ribs). Tom
  7. Bruce, I've looked at all the photos you've provided and I can't see any gaps in the cabin assembly. Aren't you being a little hard on yourself? And are you telling me that to get chrome it's better to use Testor's spray rather than the 2 step process? Tom
  8. Nipper, Speaking of Chris Watton's resin offerings, you have prompted me to mention that I think I will go with his resin ship's boats rather than the wooden kit included. If Hollowneck can do it, so can I! Besides, I think I need 2, one for the davits and one for the deck? Or should I just put one on the davits? How many boats would a brig have had? Tom
  9. Me too! I have Ed Tosti to guide me (he and I have all the same tools to work with). And I have a supply of boxwood.
  10. Keith, It's a single about 3' across plus 5" for 8 spokes. I agree with both you and Ian that buying would be the easy way to go and probably look just fine, but I've just ordered some 1/16" boxwood from Joe Volpe. I'm going to give it a try! Tom
  11. I'm reading Ed Tosti's book on Naiad for tips on wheel making. He's at a scale 1:60; I'm at 1:64 (close enough). The wheel is 4 mm wide, not a problem, but 2 mm thick, through which spokes protrude. This is going to be interesting! It means the spokes are 1 mm? Any thoughts? Tom
  12. Long time no write! Couple of things stymied me: first I could find no large (5mm) deadeyes included with my kit. A brief conversation with Chris Watton revealed that he had no record of my buying the kit from him (I can't imagine where else I might have bought it). Nevertheless, he shipped me a whole new package of deadeyes (classy guy!). Next was the bow timbers which in the kit are PE pieces that I thought looked too thin to be timbers, so I made my own: And the deadeyes are in: I know that Theodosius has followed the recommended color scheme at the bow (see his Speedy log), and I tried that, but didn't think it looked quite what I wanted. My next piece of deck furniture is the ship's wheel, and I notice that the kit does not include a binnacle for Speedy, so that needs fabricating as well. The wheel will be a challenge, so I may be a while! Tom
  13. Looks great, but I thought you were going to do the razeed version. Also, would love to know how you built the ship’s wheel. Tom
  14. Your English is excellent. Can you get along with that?
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