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Malcolm Greig

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Everything posted by Malcolm Greig

  1. Fantastic effort, a marvelous example of the Victory. Very well done. Congratulations. regards Malcolm
  2. I want to build at least one 1st rate ship before I die. Royal George would be one I would wait for. If Chris did produce the Royal George, I would abandon the dream to building the Victory. Chris's model designs and production techniques have spoiled me for quality, and I do not want to go to another manufacturer. regards Malcolm
  3. Fantastic looking ship. Seek. I really like the colours. Flag looks great. US subject will be popular I would think. A kit I will definitely purchase. regards Malcolm
  4. Kevin Excellent build log, thanks for posting, very interested and I'll will be great to tag along and follow your progress. regards Malcolm
  5. That sure is a very tidy coppering job. The figure head looks fantastic. I real eye catcher. The carver has done a superb job and the paint job is excellent. Well done. regards Malcolm
  6. Chris Do you have a updated potential (best guess) release date? Great project and fantastic model. Regards Malcolm
  7. Fantastic ship building Robert. Great build log. regards Malcolm
  8. What a fantastic build. That internal detail would benefit from some cabin lights. Lots of options these days with the LED's now available. But very early planning required. regards Malcolm
  9. hi Richard Just discovered your impressive build and have read the lot. Fantastic skill and ability throughout the build. I left Wellington in 1967 but remember the Wahine tragedy well. Regards Malcolm
  10. Great work, fantastic. Looking forward to your next batch of photo's. regards Malcolm
  11. James Great start and thanks for the updates. Very impressive progress as I'm guessing after Chris sends you the 'kit' you work the build sequence out for yourself? Whatever the process it's a very effective and efficient collaboration. regards Malcolm
  12. Very exciting times for folks that are interested in top of the line ship designs and kits. I'll be buying this one and very much looking forward to building it. regards and good luck to James and Chris for this huge project. Malcolm
  13. Very impressive. Looking forward to this build. Fantastic subject. I wonder how many hours James anticipates he'll need to complete this massive kit? regards Malcolm
  14. Wow, this will be a very impressive model. I wonder what the time frame Jim and Chris anticipate to production. The pace of development at this stage is as impressive as the subject. Well done, very much looking forward to Jim's build. regards Malcolm
  15. Very interesting and informative update. Your Victory is looking fantastic. I like the simple yet effective way of sagging the jibboom horse. regards Malcolm
  16. Fabulous ship. Sure looks like another winner. This model looks very impressive. regards Malcolm
  17. Thanks Glenn for the latest update. Very interesting and helpful. Build looking really good. regards Malcolm
  18. Fantastic workshop and the Indy looks like another winner. That workshop looks a real long way from a kitchen table. regards Malcolm
  19. What a good looking boat, very nicely built and looks like another VM winner. Very attractive and interesting model. regards Malcolm
  20. Good process, paint job looks very tidy and stern construction looks excellent. regards Malcolm
  21. I agree. I struggled with non Chris Watton designed kits. Have now nearly finished 3 C W designed kits. And now I am very much enjoying the hobby, and I guess that's really what's its all about. I'm sure there is other excellent kit manufactures out there, I think Syren look magnificent, there rope and blocks sure are. I'm very pleased I persevered with the hobby. regards Malcolm
  22. Excellent ratlines, very tidy. Looking really good. Malcolm
  23. The Indefatible might have to be my 2022 Christmas present (if available in that time frame)?? Fantastic news and looking forward to following James and Chris on this one. Happy New year Malcolm
  24. Fantastic, I guess the sky is the limit now you have nailed the 3d printer. I struggle to get my ink printer synced to my computer!! I'm not suggesting for a minute that you consider a Sovereign of the Seas type model, but would 3d printer technology make such an undertaking possible (or practical)? Looking forward to the release of the two new fishing boats. They both look particularly attractive. regards Malcolm
  25. Mark Thanks for sharing your build. Plenty to learn here. Planking sure is a challenge and a bit of a struggle. I'm enjoying your build. regards Malcolm
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